"What a bright moon!"

Guan Yutian was extremely excited, and he no longer hid his strength, and quickly flipped his palms, using all his skills.

He smiled sullenly: "Young Master Mingyue, if you can really hold my palm and survive, it means that your strength is no less than that of Helian Ba!

Let me see if you are really that good! "

Say it.

I used both hands to work hard.

Obviously, he has already taken it seriously, and he doesn't want to be looked down upon by Lin Pingzhi, he wants to give himself a prestige.

I saw that he condensed all his skills on his palms, and the powerful internal force seemed to blur his palms, making people unable to see the real appearance.

After the brewing was completed, it was pushed forward again fiercely, and the sound of dragon chant resounded through the night, the power was no longer comparable to the previous two palms.

Feel the power contained in the tricks in front of you.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to neglect.

Mobilized his Beiming True Qi again, and at the same time, clasped his palms together to use Fengshen Lu.

The powerful internal force quickly condensed into a huge statue.

The statue spread its palms and stood in front of Lin Pingzhi like a guard door.

of course.

These are not enough.

Lin Pingzhi activated all the magical powers in his body, and at the same time displayed the magical power of indestructibility of the Vajra.

When his skin turned golden and copper, it announced that all the defenses were in place, and it depended on whether he could withstand the next attack.


The mighty dragon palm quickly hit the statue of Fengshennu.

In just a moment, Fengshen's anger was disintegrated.


Once again, it collided with the Beiming Zhenqi on Lin Pingzhi's body.

As a result, Beiming Shengsheng was quickly disintegrated without any surprise.

Lin Pingzhi's brows were tightly furrowed, and the strong wind was blowing on his face, as if cutting with a knife.

He couldn't help feeling a little worried.


next moment.

The Weilong Divine Palm finally hit Lin Pingzhi.

It only took a moment for Lin Pingzhi to be sent flying, crashing into the collapsed ruins beside him.

Smoke is everywhere.

"Master Mingyue..."

It was unbelievable to chase after life, thinking that even a normal person would not be able to survive if he bumped into the stone pier in this situation.

Isn't this dead?


Ren Qianxing looked at the scene in front of him very satisfied.

She was already jealous of Lin Pingzhi's talent, and tried every means to get rid of him.

I didn't expect it to be so easy, but the other party took the initiative to deliver it to my door.

Simply comfortable.

He felt a big stone in his heart fall, and also felt a demonic obsession in his mind being untied.

The expressions on everyone's faces were wonderful, except Guan Yutian who made the shot stood there with no expression on his face.

Suddenly the corner of the right mouth raised an indecipherable arc, and he already had the answer in his heart.

"As expected of you."

he opened his mouth to speak.

When everyone didn't understand, they suddenly heard an explosion from the ruins, and huge boulders were shaken flying and falling everywhere.

And in the huge smoke and dust, as soon as the figure slowly walked out, it was actually Lin Pingzhi who flew upside down before.

Don't look at him in ragged clothes now, like a beggar.


With a rosy face and a mighty posture, he doesn't look like a wounded person at all.


After Lin Pingzhi came out, he smiled slightly, and took some time to pat off the dust on his body.

Then he looked up at Guan Yutian and said, "It looks like I won."


Guan Yutiangui was the leader of the alliance, of course he kept his word, and said: "You have accepted my three palms, you can leave now."


Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists in both hands and didn't stay long, he jumped to Zhuiming's side, winked at him and then quickly slipped away.

Zhui Ming followed closely behind, even though he was full of surprises in his heart, this was not the time to talk.

Seeing the figures of the two go away, Ren Qianxing was very puzzled, and said, "Master, why is that guy okay?"

"Didn't you see that it is the indestructible magic of Vajra?"

Guan Yutian explained: "That guy has already practiced to the third level, it is really unimaginable.


Even the third-level Vajra Indestructible Magical Art cannot be safe and sound.

Don't look at him looking like he's fine, he's actually suffered internal injuries, and he's just holding on. "

That being said.

Ren Qianxing was still unhappy.

It's right to hold on, but you also need to have enough confidence and strength.

Being able to hold on to three palms already made him feel beyond reach.

Originally, he thought that the inner demon in his heart had been eliminated, but who knew it shocked him even more.

Ren Qianxing clenched his fists tightly, feeling more and more unhappy in his heart, planning to find an opportunity to get rid of Lin Pingzhi as soon as possible, otherwise it would definitely affect his future practice.


the other side.

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly left the Supreme League with his life.

When I was on the road, I looked back from time to time to see if there was anyone following me.

Fortunately not.

After running for a while, Zhui Ming felt safe, so he couldn't hide his admiration, and said while running:

"Young Master Mingyue, you are really amazing! I never thought you would be so powerful. Today is an eye-opener for my best friend."


Who knew that at this moment Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and immediately landed on the ground, holding onto a tree.

Surprised by Zhuiming, he hurriedly went to Guan and asked, "Young Master Mingyue, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Pingzhi wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Do you really think I'm safe and sound? At least it was Guan Yutian's full blow.

Don't say it's me, even if your master came, you wouldn't dare to say that you are safe and sound. "


Only then did Zhui Ming realize that it was true.

Even people of the same realm, it is impossible to forcibly resist the opponent's full blow and be fine.

He continued: "But Mr. Mingyue, you are already very remarkable. If you can not die, you are strong."


Lin Pingzhi waved his hand to signal him to stop flattering, and said, "Fortunately, I have the magical power of invulnerability, otherwise I would definitely die on the spot. Let's go back first, I need quiet healing."


Zhuiming nodded, originally wanted to go up to help, but seeing Lin Pingzhi flew away first, he felt relieved.

It can also act on its own, indicating that there is no major problem.


The two returned to the inn, and it was already midnight.

They tiptoed without waking up the others. After returning to the room, Lin Pingzhi immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to use the Yi Jin Jing to restore his injuries, and at the same time he used the innate skills to assist.

Who knows.

As soon as he started, the door of the room was pushed open, and it turned out to be Zhuge Qingqing.

"Little Junior Sister, why haven't you slept yet?"

Ask for your life.

Zhuge Qingqing didn't answer, she looked at Lin Pingzhi who was weak on the bed, her heart ached, her eyes were moist and she asked:

"Brother Zhuiming, what happened? Why is Master Mingyue injured so badly?"

Zhui Ming replied truthfully: "When we were leaving, Guan Yutian found out, and he insisted on Mr. Mingyue picking him up three times before letting him go.


It's hard for Mr. Mingyue, it's really admirable to be able to carry it. "

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