"All right."

When the relationship between Zhuge Qingqing and Leng Xue was a little stiff, Lin Pingzhi came to perform what is called language art.

He showed Leng Xue a demonstration, saying: "Miss Zhuge, although what Leng Xue said makes me very uncomfortable, it does make sense.

I also don't want the relationship between the two of you to have some estrangement because of me, then I will be guilty.

After all, your task this time is just to monitor me, and you have no other responsibilities, and you don't have to take care of me.

Miss Zhuge, don't start a conflict with your senior brother, it will make your senior brother very difficult. "


Zhuge Qingqing hesitated, and listened to what Lin Pingzhi said.


While he has a good impression of Lin Pingzhi, he doesn't understand his senior brother even more.

From her point of view, comparing her senior brother with Young Master Mingyue, they are like one in the sky and the other in the sky.


Although Leng-Blood has a low EQ, his IQ is still acceptable, otherwise it would be impossible to secure his current position.

He heard Lin Pingzhi's intention to sow discord, but he still didn't realize his recklessness, so he directly pointed out: "Junior Sister, he is sowing discord!"


Zhuge Qingqing finally couldn't bear it anymore, interrupted Leng Xue very tirelessly, and said: "Senior Brother, I really don't know why you became what you are today.

I don't want to talk to you anymore. "


Staying away from the cold blood, sat next to Lin Pingzhi, and handed the food in his hand to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi still pretended to be terrified, and said: "Miss Zhuge, all this is my fault, please don't start a conflict."

"it's not your fault."

Zhuge Qingqing insisted on his opinion, shaking the food in his hand: "Don't do this, eat quickly, you will have the strength to go on the road when you are full."

Lin Pingzhi didn't say much, picked up the roast chicken and started to eat it, it looked very delicious.

The cold-blooded next to him couldn't understand why he ended up like this, and he still couldn't figure it out.

He could only put all his resentment on Lin Pingzhi, thinking that everything was his fault.

Zhui Ming next to him looked at these unmoved, just regarded it as a love triangle relationship and had no interest in participating.

That night.

After everyone fell asleep, Zhuge Qingqing suddenly woke up from hunger and turned over and over on the ground hugging her stomach.

Because she shared her food with Lin Pingzhi at night, she was not full.

The continuous rush during the day made her body a little overwhelmed.

She got up and found that Lin Pingzhi was not there. She was shocked at that time, thinking that the other party had escaped.

Just when I wanted to wake up everyone else.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly appeared from the distant woods, carrying some wild game in his hands, and walked in front of Zhuge Qingqing with a smile on his face.

He handed the things over and said, "Miss Zhuge, your stomach growling woke me up, so I went around and caught some game.

Although it is to thank you for the kindness of food and drink last night. "


Zhuge Qingqing was amused by the other party's humor, and felt that Lin Pingzhi was a very interesting person.

That's all.

Lin Pingzhi's status in Zhuge Qingqing's heart has become higher and higher.

The next day.

Everyone was on their way together, Zhuge Qingqing pestered Lin Pingzhi as usual, asking this and that.

But only ignored the cold-blooded.

He was so cold-blooded that he wanted face, and he didn't go forward to save it, but just stared at Lin Pingzhi viciously.


Zhui Ming next to him patted Leng Xue on the shoulder, and said mockingly, "Leng Xue, you should try to smile, don't always put on an expression of refusal."

"Step aside."

Leng Xue is in a bad mood now, and has no reason to pursue his life.

that's it.

The relationship between several people was very awkward and they came to the destination Supreme League.

The Supreme League occupies a vast area and has many disciples.

It can be regarded as one of the best sects in the world, and few organizations can compare with them.

Arriving at the gate of the Supreme League, Lin Pingzhi admired this magnificent martial art a little bit, it was really extraordinary.

That Guan Yutian is really powerful.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is?"

The guards at the door became vigilant, seeing Lin Pingzhi and the others staying for a long time, thinking that they wanted to make trouble.

Lin Pingzhi didn't pay any attention to him, thinking of giving him a blow.

So he wanted to force his way in, and swaggered forward.

Naturally, the guards couldn't let him in so easily. Seeing that the other party didn't know what to do, they swung their weapons and wanted to hit him.

But where were they Lin Pingzhi's opponents, they were knocked to the ground after three blows, five and two, and they all wailed endlessly.

Lin Pingzhi ridiculed: "Is this the same for the Supreme League? It's really disappointing to meet people rather than to be famous."

"Why are you like this?"

The cold-blooded jealousy sees that there is a targeted reason, and he will not let go of this opportunity: "Do you still have reason for trespassing on other people's territory? You actually hit people with your hands."

"Why, can't it? The world is like this. Leng Datou was born in Kyoto since he was a child, so he naturally doesn't understand our rules here."

Lin Pingzhi ridiculed a few more words, full of pride.

But Leng Xue was furious, and said loudly: "The responsibility of our six doors is to maintain law and order, although this is not the capital, we are still qualified to manage it.

Lin Pingzhi, don't be too rampant, otherwise I will have enough reasons to take you down in cold blood! "

"Brother Leng."

Zhuge Qingqing on the side naturally wanted to help Lin Pingzhi speak, saying: "Young Master Mingyue is right, there are rules for doing things in the Jianghu, those of us in the official circle don't understand, so we should study hard."

"Little Junior Sister..."

Cold-blooded as if in a lifetime, how could the relationship between me and my junior sister be so cold in just a few days.

She actually helped an outsider to teach herself a lesson? !

Cold blooded unbelievable.

Seeing this situation, Lin Pingzhi unobtrusively threw a frightened face at Lengxue, looking quite in need of a beating.


He just broke into the gate of the Supreme League directly, with a rather rampant posture.

"Lin Pingzhi!"

At this moment, Ren Qianxing's voice came from the square in front of him. He would not be used to Lin Pingzhi.

"You trespassed on my Supreme Alliance for no reason, are you really lawless?"

Ren Qianxing re-forged a precious sword, holding the weapon in his hand now, with the intention of striking out at any time.

Many disciples of the Supreme Alliance around him are also vicious.


It's already causing trouble at home, can you bear it?


Lin Pingzhi sneered disapprovingly, and did not put Ren Qianxing in his eyes, and said, "You are not qualified enough, you want me to bow your head and call out your leader, Guan Yutian, so he has the weight."


Ren Qianxing wanted to save face, and couldn't stand others looking down on him, so he flew into a rage, his eyes narrowed, showing a murderous intent.

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