Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1287 Cold-Blooded Jealousy

"Hello, Young Master Mingyue?"

Zhuge Qingqing called out tentatively from behind, trying to get Lin Pingzhi's attention.

Of course Lin Pingzhi gave face.

After all, she was a beautiful woman, Lin Pingzhi never refuted the face of a beautiful woman, turned around and said with a smile: "So it's Miss Zhuge Qingqing, did you come with me?"

Seeing the other party's enthusiasm, Zhuge let go of it lightly, and said, "Yes, Grandpa asked me to come along."

"That's really an honor."

Lin Pingzhi immediately started flirting with Dafa, smiling: "With Ms. Zhuge looking at me, I believe I can't do anything illegal."


Zhuge Qingqing only thought it was for fun, anyway, hearing the joy in her heart, she smiled a little happily.

Looking at this scene, Leng Xue frowned, a little unhappy.

People in unrequited love are always quite sensitive, and they don't want to see too beautiful pictures of the girl they like with other opposite sexes.

He immediately wanted to stop all this, because of his withdrawn personality, he didn't think about it, he just walked up and grabbed Zhuge Qingqing's hand and left.

It was simply to keep Zhuge Qingqing away from Lin Pingzhi.

It can be said that there is no emotional intelligence.

"what happened to you?"

Zhuge Qingqing found that the other party was exerting extra force and felt a little pain, so she was slowly trying to break free.

"Go, don't get too close to him, he is a suspect."

Cold-blooded reminder.


After all, it is better to get closer to the cold-blooded senior brother. It was Lin Pingzhi just now, so of course he knows which is more important.

She agreed, but she felt a little bit of dissatisfaction in her heart, thinking that senior brother, you are too lenient.

But he didn't say anything.

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, knowing that Zhuge Qingxin was getting bored at this moment.

It's just that it hasn't reached the threshold of tearing the skin, let's see the next development.

But Lin Pingzhi is confident that he will be able to break the relationship between those two people.

It is very easy for a person like Leng-Blood who is conceited and has extremely low EQ to manipulate his emotions, and it can even be said to be easy.


Zhui Ming next to him chuckled, shook his head and said, "That guy always protects Junior Sister like this, I suspect they are brothers and sisters."

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Zhui Ming speechlessly, and laughed at him as an idiot who couldn't even see this kind of relationship?

He said: "Chasing life and arresting the head, can't you see that cold-blooded likes your little junior sister?"


Being caught by Lin Pingzhi, the pursuit of life was quite unexpected, and he suddenly realized, recalling all the things before, and only then did he understand the reason.

It turned out that it was because of liking, not the care between siblings.

Zhui Ming slapped his head: "That's how it is, that's how it is, no wonder Leng Xue has been taking care of little junior sister like this.


Suddenly, as if thinking of something again, Zhui Ming frowned, looking a little troubled.

Lin Pingzhi called the names immediately: "But your senior brother seems to like junior junior sister too, right?


Zhuge Zheng, I also want to marry my junior sister to my senior brother, right? "


Zhui Ming looked at Lin Pingzhi in disbelief: "How do you know everything? You arranged an undercover agent beside us?"

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes, he really didn't know how this guy became a head arrester.

Perhaps, it was only because of his outstanding lightness skills that he was selected into this group of four.

A group of people hurried forward, and Lin Pingzhi headed towards his destination.

Along the way, Zhuge Qingqing was very curious, asking Lin Pingzhi what school he was from, and why he was martial arts.

After a while, he asked his wives if they were really beautiful.

After a while, I asked Lin Pingzhi why he had the ability to make so many women follow him willingly.

It is simply a hundred thousand whys of walking.

Lin Pingzhi didn't feel bothered either.

It just happened to relieve the boredom along the way, and it was quite humorous to answer the girl in front of me jokingly.

Make the little girl laugh and have fun, and instantly increase her favorability.

However, all of this made Leng Xue beside him quite jealous, clenched his fists tightly, and wanted to hit someone.

If it wasn't for his own mission, if it wasn't for someone who specifically reminded him to keep Lin Pingzhi safe, he really wanted to stab him with a knife to relieve the hatred in his heart.


Cold-blooded along the way can only be tolerated.

Zhui Ming saw it, but he didn't understand these things, and he didn't want to care about them, so he smiled and said, "Leng Xue, don't keep a straight face all day long, you won't be able to please girls like this."


Leng Xue laughed and said, "We are the same, you are not qualified to educate me."

"Where are you going?"

Zhuge Qingqing was a little tired, seeing the sun was about to set, she leaned on a tree and rubbed her thighs.

After walking for a day and not knowing where the destination is, it is inevitable to be bored.

Lin Pingzhi naturally took care of him, seeing that the other party was a bit tired, so he said: "Let's rest in this forest today, and continue on our way tomorrow."

Zhuge Qingqing realized that the other party was considering her own feelings, so she couldn't help but feel happy, with an inexplicable feeling.


The girl who was in love for the first time didn't know what it was, she just felt very happy in her heart.

Lin Pingzhi replied: "Next, I want to go to the Supreme League to find out some things."


Zhuge Qingqing answered casually, sat on the ground and rested.

At this time.

Lengxue came out from the nearby woods, carrying a few prey, which seemed to have just been caught.

He threw it in front of Zhuge Qingqing and said, "Junior Sister, are you hungry?"

"Thank you, brother!"

Zhuge Qingqing's eyes were shining brightly, she was already so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back.

At this time.

Zhui Ming brought another pile of dry firewood, and after they lit the fire, they began to grill the meat.

As a result, when it was cooked, there was no Lin Pingzhi's portion alone.

This was deliberately arranged by Leng Xue, deliberately not giving Lin Pingzhi his share, with the intention of warning and repelling.


Zhuge Qingqing, who saw this scene, was obviously a little displeased, and didn't quite understand why his senior brother treated Young Master Mingyue like this.

Although he is a suspect, so far it is basically certain that he did not do it.

Why is it still so tit for tat?

Of course the silly girl Zhuge Qingqing didn't understand the reason, nor did she see that Leng Xue liked her.

She said: "How can you do this?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Lentouqing's cold-bloodedness didn't understand why Zhuge Qingqing questioned himself like this. Isn't everything he did for the other party?

"This guy is a suspect and we have to keep our distance.

Officers and soldiers are officers and soldiers, thieves are thieves, the two are not the same. "

The cold-blooded words obviously surprised Zhuge Qingqing, and the senior brother in front of him seemed a little strange.

Lin Pingzhi looked at everything with a sneer, laughing at the cold-blooded stupidity, who didn't even know how to speak.

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