When he woke up the next morning, Lin Pingzhi felt very refreshed. Looking at the beautiful woman in his arms, he felt that his life had reached its peak.

At this time, Jianxiong was still sound asleep, the madness of last night made her exhausted.

According to past habits, Lin Pingzhi didn't bother, just kissed his forehead lightly and left.

Who knows outside the room.

Jian Zun and the old city lord were already waiting there, and looked at Lin Pingzhi with a smirk on their faces.


Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised.

Or a little speechless.

Seeing the disrespectful smiles of these two old guys, he felt that there was a bit of drama.

It seems that Jianxiong is not their own flesh and blood, such a cheap self, it's fine if you don't feel bad, and even look happy?


It can only be said that their positions are different.


The old city lord laughed, and said along his beard, "Young people are full of vigor.

What, can't wait for a day? "

"Cough cough."

Lin Pingzhi coughed twice to maintain his image and relieve the current embarrassing situation.

He immediately changed the topic, looked at the red dresses they were wearing, and asked, "Are you ready for the wedding?"

"of course."

Jian Zun nodded and said: "Everything is ready, just waiting for the bride and groom to appear."


The old city lord explained: "Because the preparations were adequate this time, we didn't entertain the heroes of the world.

I hope you don't mind, Mr. Mingyue. "

"It's better to be low-key. I like low-key."

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand to express that it didn't matter, anyway, it wasn't for them to show their marriage, so if they didn't invite them, they wouldn't invite them.

"That's good."

Sword Master breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Lin Pingzhi would be dissatisfied.

after all.

In his eyes, all heroes care about their reputation, and even more their face.

How can such a major event in life be witnessed without other people?

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi didn't mind.

Looking back at the room, Lin Pingzhi smiled awkwardly and said, "Ma'am, he is still fast asleep, I'm afraid the wedding will be postponed a bit.

How about night? "

"it is good."

The old city lord and Jian Zun had no choice but to follow Lin Pingzhi's will.


Going to check it out right away.

And Lin Pingzhi went to see the other wives.


Everyone is jealous.

Dugu Meng is fine, after all, she has already married Lin Pingzhi, so naturally she doesn't mind.

The other women clearly had the word jealous written on their faces.

Especially Bai Yu'er, who was at odds with Jianxiong in the first place, and also got Lin Pingzhi first.

Instead, the other party got married first.

Still in front of her.

This made Bai Yuer feel very uncomfortable.

Lin Pingzhi had no choice but to go forward to comfort him, saying: "Yu'er, my family's Yu'er is the most sensible.

You also know about the crisis in Sword Forging City this time. The reason why they want to hold a wedding so quickly is to marry.

As long as Fuwei has a relationship with the Escort Bureau, people from the Supreme League will not dare to move Jiancheng easily. "

"I know."

Bai Yu'er pouted and said, "Of course this girl knows this, but she's still angry."


Lin Pingzhi sighed helplessly.

At this time.

Lian Chixue next to him said: "Sister Yu'er, Lin Lang also has unavoidable difficulties, don't worry, he won't treat you badly, and he won't treat us badly either."

"Xue'er is really sensible."

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Lian Chixue with great satisfaction, full of joy.

It is really a great blessing in life to have such a good wife who can understand me.

Who knew that just such a compliment made Bai Yuer unhappy, and said, "Oh? Are you implying that I am not as sensible as her?"

Depend on.

Lin Pingzhi's face turned black at that time, he didn't think of this.

Darling, sure enough, it's a bit difficult when there are too many wives. It's hard to level a bowl of water, and there's no way to satisfy everyone.


Lin Pingzhi sighed, didn't know how to explain it, and frantically gave Lian Chixue winks, asking her to help persuade him.

And Lin Pingzhi.

This is to focus on Liu Yiyi who has been silent by the side.

This girl hasn't complained since just now.

Instead, Lin Pingzhi felt a little worried, walked over, hugged her gently from behind, and said, "Yiyi, why don't you make trouble at all?"

"Why am I making trouble?"

Liu Yiyi duplicity: "What does your marriage to another woman have to do with me?"

have to.

Still sulking.

It's hard to do.

Lin Pingzhi could only comfort him earnestly, kept saying good things and drawing big cakes.


They were all newlyweds, and the passion and freshness were still there, which saved Lin Pingzhi a lot of effort.

After most of the day, all the wives were finally satisfied, leading to a unified harmony.


Liu Yiyi cooks in person and cooks a delicious meal for everyone.

During the meal, I enjoyed it happily, as if I had forgotten those personal grievances and grievances before.

There is no such barrier between Liu Yiyi and Bai Yuer.

I used to be a rival in love, but now I work with a man, so I don't want to fight over these things.

All grievances are turned over.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Lin Pingzhi smiled gratifiedly. If his harem were more harmonious, he could lose a few hairs.

blink of an eye.

It was dusk again.

Jianxiong has woken up, and all the procedures are going on as usual.

The wedding was held lively and the city was full of joy. Everyone was congratulating the couple.

Jianxiong was very happy from the beginning to the end, with a joyful smile on his face.

It wasn't until they were sent to the bridal chamber that the whole city became a little quieter, as if deliberately not to disturb the couple's business.

In fact, it has already been done.

in the room.

Lin Pingzhi stared at Jianxiong affectionately, the corner of his mouth was curved like a full moon, and his eyes were doting.

Because of what happened last night, Jianxiong was no longer so shy, and stared straight at Lin Pingzhi.

The so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Both sides were a little reluctant to take their eyes away.

at this time.

The sound of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for conquering Jianxiong, rewarding skill for 10 years."

I go.

Your reaction is too slow, it has been delayed for a full day.

My son had already done his business last night, don't you know?

Forget it, leave that alone.

Lin Pingzhi complained in his heart, but he was not led astray.

There are more important things to do right now, who will take care of those?

Just when Lin Pingzhi closed his eyes and wanted to kiss him, suddenly the window next to him opened.

Then a person came in.

It's Bai Yuer.


Lin Pingzhi was a little dumbfounded, his eyes widened, and he wondered if he was here to fight and be jealous?


Jianxiong was a little embarrassed when he saw Bai Yuer coming in.

It was even more embarrassing after calling out that title.

"Go ahead, I'm just here to take a look."

Bai Yuer said something insincere.

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