Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1274 I Can't Take It Anymore


Lin Pingzhi was frightened by the sudden action of the old city lord, thinking to himself, why does this old man want his dignity so low?

It must be difficult to ask yourself.

Lin Pingzhi hurried up to help: "Old man, what's going on with you? I can't stand it."

The old city lord insisted on kneeling, instead of standing up, he said, "Master Mingyue, you are smart, you should know what I want."

"Senior, stand up and talk."

Lin Pingzhi was a little apprehensive, always feeling that it was very difficult for the other party to ask him to do so.

"No, Young Master Mingyue, I don't ask you to agree, but listen to me first."

The old city lord didn't stand up, and said to himself: "You also saw the face of Guan Yutian before you left.

It seems that I want to eat my sword city, the old man is really worried. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded, frowned and said: "That guy is ruthless and will never let you go.

Do you want me to help? "

The old city lord chuckled: "Indeed, Mr. Mingyue is really smart, and he really wanted to draw your attention to help."

"Don't worry, I will take care of you in the future."

Lin Pingzhi nodded in agreement.

But it seems that things are not so simple.

The old city lord was still kneeling there, unmoved, and said, "Master Mingyue, I don't doubt your promise.


If this is the case alone, the old man really has no way to feel relieved.

When you are always absent, it is impossible to keep guarding Sword Forging City all the time.

In case when you leave, Guan Yutian brings people to slaughter Jiancheng, how can they resist? "


Lin Pingzhi agreed with what was said in the painting.


It is impossible for him to stay here all the time, and Guan Yutian will always find a certain opportunity.


Lin Pingzhi didn't understand the old castellan's "they", isn't it "us"?

He seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was silent.

The old city lord chuckled, a little sadly: "Hey, I still slipped my tongue.

It took almost all my internal energy to heal my disappointing son this time.

I'm afraid that in another half a month or so, I'll be heading west, and I can't continue to guard Sword Forging City. "

Sure enough.

It was really a hero's end, Lin Pingzhi said with emotion: "The old city lord has really worked hard."


The old city lord laughed and said, "Master Mingyue should understand my worries now.

After I left, I really don't know what they can do, the only thing they can rely on is you.

I heard... my granddaughter has feelings for you. "

and many more.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes widened suddenly, seeing the other party's sudden disrespectful smile, he hugged himself subconsciously and made a movement to protect himself.

"Isn't the old city lord coveting my body?"

Lin Pingzhi spoke bluntly, "Could it be that you want me to marry Jianxiong?"

"Master Mingyue is really smart!"

The old city lord immediately flattered him, put his thumbs up and praised endlessly: "There has never been a young genius like you since ancient times.

Not only is she brilliant and gifted, but she is also quite meticulous and sensitive. She is really No. 1 in heaven and earth.

Presumably in the near future, the entire world will belong to you, Mr. Mingyue! "


Lin Pingzhi spoke a sentence in English and made a gesture to interrupt the conversation.

The old city owner was at a loss: "What spectrum?"

"It's nothing."

Lin Pingzhi stared at the other party speechlessly, and said, "There's no need to continue flattering.

Old city lord, I have seen your trick.

When Jianxiong and I get married, you can spread the word and claim that you are married to the Fuwei Escort.

In this way, if Guan Yutian wants to slaughter Zhujian City, he probably has to weigh it up, right?

And once I marry Jianxiong, I will definitely not ignore it, and will definitely put more effort into it. "


The old city lord chuckled, scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said, "It seems like I can't hide anything from you."

"Cough cough."

Sure enough.

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes and looked at the old guy.

It's really tricky, as long as it can make him think of it.


Lin Pingzhi didn't mean to refuse either, mainly because he wanted to accept Jianxiong.

It is said that he is romantic and unrestrained, who says he is not?

When you see a beautiful woman, you want to keep it for yourself.

Even if the old city lord can grasp this point, Lin Pingzhi admits it, and said: "Okay, Jianxiong and I have a deep relationship, so naturally we can't refuse this marriage."


The old city lord was inexplicably excited, and said: "That's really great, thank you, Young Master Mingyue.

It is really a blessing for me to build Jiancheng. "


This matter spread quickly in Forging Sword City, and everyone began to gather around and arrange a wedding between two people.

Jianxiong was a little nervous, because no one had discussed this matter with her beforehand.

of course.

She is willing to marry Young Master Mingyue, no matter from personal feelings or family interests.

They are all profitable transactions.


With a little bit of interest involved, she is always awkward, a little worried about whether the other party will accept her sincerely.

At this time.

Lin Pingzhi found Jianxiong, and said: "Lady, it seems that you are very nervous. Is there a lot of pressure to marry me?"

The tone of his speech was provocative and teasing.

Jianxiong frowned, he couldn't get used to it, and shyly resisted: "Young Master Mingyue, don't yell, we are not married yet, how can you call me a lady?"

"Hey, anyway, what's wrong with tomorrow's business?"

Lin Pingzhi walked up with a playful smile, seeing the festivities in the room, he couldn't help curling his mouth.

Then he licked his lips.

This action was seen by Jianxiong, and Jianxiong immediately blushed into a monkey's ass, feeling that he knew what the other party was doing, so he rushed to the bed and covered himself with the quilt.

"Miss, are you so impatient?"

Lin Pingzhi continued to tease, and deliberately enlarged his steps towards the bed, trying to scare the other party.


Stretching out his hand, he lifted the quilt, and saw a watery person lying there.


"Master Mingyue, you... what do you want to do?"

Jianxiong was nervous.

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, "What else can a lonely man and a widow do together in the same room?

Originally, I thought about doing this after I got married tomorrow, but I couldn't help it as a husband. Who told my wife to be so charming? "


Jianxiong is really ashamed and happy, the other party is so impatient, she naturally has more confidence.


I've never tried this kind of thing before, of course I'm very nervous, and of course I can't let go.

Lin Pingzhi was not in a hurry, he guided slowly, running is impossible, he just wanted to be gentle.


There was a heavy breathing sound in the room, and the spring light filled the whole room.

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