"It's me!"

As soon as Guan Yutian's voice fell, his hands began to change, as if they were changing from defense to offense.

At this time.

I saw the attacks that Helian Ba ​​sent out, after hitting the innate stellar energy, they turned back the same way and flew towards Helian Ba's body.


Such a miraculous scene frightened Helian Ba ​​into stupidity.

He quickly came back to his senses and caught them with his own moves, thinking to cancel each other out.

But he didn't expect that he himself suffered a disadvantage, and was beaten back again and again by those tricks that bounced back.

He even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Helian Ba ​​fell backwards, and it took a lot of effort to stabilize his body, with a shocked expression on his face.

He trembled with his hands, stared at Guan Yutian in disbelief, and said: "The internal force I sent out has doubled back?!"

"Not bad!"

Guan Yutian sneered: "This is another unique skill of the innate qi, Helian Ba, being able to die under my trick is the greatest respect for you."


Helian Ba ​​didn't know why he laughed, and he looked a little bleak when he laughed.


He himself knew that it would be difficult to get out today.

The previous scenery compared with the current vicissitudes gave him a desolate look, and the conflicts before and after were too great.

He thought he would be invincible in the world, but he was slapped in the face after half a stick of incense.

How arrogant it was before, how miserable it is now.

"I really didn't expect that Lao Fu has always been a clown."

Helian Ba ​​laughed at himself: "Guan Yutian, give this old man a good time!"

He slowly closed his eyes, his hands drooped weakly, and he had given up resisting.

None of the people present thought that such an unruly Helian Ba ​​would choose such a humiliating way of death.

How tough is the other party, so that he can't even develop the courage to resist?

"Helen Ba!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted, "You coward, do you want to run away now?"


Facing Lin Pingzhi's ridicule, Helianba just smiled lightly, and said in a somewhat indifferent tone:

"You can insult me ​​however you want, Lin Pingzhi. After I die, you will follow closely behind."

"Don't compare me to you."

Lin Pingzhi could see that the other party was completely heartbroken, and said, "At least I died standing up."

"Is there a difference?"

When it came to this kind of life-and-death juncture, Helian Ba ​​looked more openly and smiled lightly.

"Standing to die and kneeling to die are both deaths. Perhaps, when future generations talk about this matter, they will respect you and despise me.

so what?

I'm already dead, do I still care about this?Can you still hear those voices? "


Lin Pingzhi chuckled: "I didn't expect you to have an epiphany at this time. Why did you go earlier?"


Helian Ba ​​sighed, and indeed regretted it.

If I saw it earlier, I wouldn't be trapped in a cocoon and be submerged in this secular sludge.

It's a pity that everything is too late.

He looked up at the sky, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, completely inconsistent with his previous vicious image.

Everyone knew that at this moment, Helian Ba ​​had indeed realized his epiphany and had let go of everything.


Guan Yutian laughed wildly again, seeing Helian Ba's pretentious appearance, he couldn't help ridiculing.

"Helian Ba, I still have some respect for you in vain, now it seems that you are not worthy!

Do you give up on yourself when you think you are going to lose?

Forget it, you don't even have the qualifications to die at the hands of this leader! "


Looking at Ren Qianxing next to him, he said, "Qianxing, kill that old guy, now he's gone, now he won't resist anymore."


Ren Qianxing nodded, drew out the sword in his hand and was about to strike.

He leaped to the front of Helian Ba, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he was about to stab him with a sword.

But who knows.

A sword swung over, blocking Ren Tianxing's sword.

It turned out to be Bai Yuer.

After all, he is his adoptive father, and he still feels a little distressed, but Bai Yuer said duplicity:

"Helian Ba, if you want to die, you can only die by my hands, do you understand?

Now that you've seen it all, why not atone for your sins.

What you can do now is not to die for the time being, but to die in my hands later, can you do it? "

Looking at the adopted daughter whom he had grown up with since he was a child, his words were duplicity.

Helen Ba smiled slightly, thinking how could you, a girl, escape my eyes?

No matter how good you are at disguising, you can't hide the truth in front of your adoptive father.

He said: "Yu'er, when a person is about to die, his words are good. I didn't kill your father."


Bai Yu'er stared blankly at the dying man in front of her, and she already had some confidence.


A man's words are good when he is about to die, there is no need for him to continue to deceive himself.


He turned his head to look at Lian Chixue next to him.

Lian Chixue felt guilty and didn't know what to do.

Lin Pingzhi stood up to help out, and said, "Yu'er, we'll think about this matter later, let him join hands with me."


Bai Yu'er knew the importance of this matter, and said: "Now only you and Mr. Mingyue join forces to have a chance."


Guan Yutian sneered, completely ignoring it.

He said to Bai Yue'er and the others: "You don't even look at what tricks he has."

"It happened!"

Only then did everyone react, and their faces changed drastically.

Only then did he understand why Helian Ba ​​did not resist.

It turned out that he couldn't resist.

Just now, Guan Yutian used his innate qi to bounce back Helian Ba's moves.

That is the palm of distraction. After being hit, even if you don't die, you will slowly lose your life.

What's more, it is the distracting palm with doubled skill, its power can be imagined.


at last.

Helian Ba ​​showed his true colors, couldn't bear it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, his face was as pale as paper, and he couldn't continue to stand where he was, so he knelt down on one knee.


Bai Yu'er felt distressed, after all, she was the benefactor who raised her, so she rushed forward and stood in front of Ren Qianxing.

"Step aside!"

Ren Qianxing pointed at Bai Yu'er with his sword, and said, "I don't know what's good and what's wrong, shall I take you on the road together?"


When he said these words, Lin Ping's one move, Ling Bo, approached slightly, and with a wave of his right hand, he hit the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon.

There was the sound of dragon chant in the air.


That Ren Qianxing was not a vegetarian, he quickly sensed the danger, and at the same time flipped his left palm, brewing the sound of a dragon chant, and slapped it out with the same palm.

This is the Powerful Dragon Palm he learned from Guan Yutian.

The two powerful palms collided with each other, and the gap was quite obvious.

After all, Lin Pingzhi's skills were profound, and Ren Qianxing was sent flying in an instant, suffering serious internal injuries.


Ren Qianxing spat out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth extremely unwillingly, and said, "Damn, why is this guy so powerful?"

"Qianxing, you have to accept this fact."

Guan Yutian taught by the side.

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