Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1266 Innate Astral Qi

Helian Ba ​​continued to use big moves, but did not cause any damage to Guan Yutian.

I saw Guan Yutian standing on the spot, the layer of internal force shield on his body blocked all the damage he received.


Guan Yutian laughed, his eyes were full of disdain.

Laughing at the other party is too stupid, and they don't even have a little bit of self-knowledge.


Everyone present was very surprised, especially Helen Ba.

He has already demonstrated his unique skills, and, facing Guan Yutian, he dared not underestimate him, and went all out from the beginning.

Who knew that launching a full-strength attack would not be able to cause the slightest damage to the opponent.


What kind of martial arts is that kind of body protection magical skill?Why hadn't he seen it before?

Frowning tightly, Helian Ba ​​realized that the opponent had been hiding his strength.

Is it just for this moment?

Slowly withdraw your inner strength.

Helian Ba ​​looked at Guan Yutian solemnly, and said: "Guan Yutian, I really didn't expect you to have such a hand.

What kind of martial arts is that? "


Guan Yutian smiled smugly, and said with a pity for the other party: "For the sake of your dying, I will show you mercy.

This is the innate qi of the leader of the alliance, with absolute defense, it is comparable to the indestructible magic of King Kong! "


Helian Ba ​​frowned tightly, from the fight just now, he could know that that move was powerful.

With his skill, there is no way to break through the defense.

It seems that it is true that it is comparable to the indestructible magic of King Kong.

At least.

He was able to injure Lin Pingzhi who was performing the indestructible magic skill of Vajra, but he couldn't break through the protection of Guan Yutian's innate qi.

Something is not right.

Others also felt the matter was more serious.

Originally, there was only one Helian Ba ​​to deal with, but now there is another Guan Yutian, each one is stronger than the other.

"Young Master Mingyue, what should we do next?"

Jianxiong looked at Lin Pingzhi worriedly.

It's really one wave after another, and one wave after another.

Who would have thought that Guan Yutian would sneak into Jianjian City quietly, thinking of reaping the benefits of being a fisherman.

"Step by step."

Lin Pingzhi was unable to give a definite answer for the time being.

He could tell that Guan Yutian was already in the middle stage of martial arts, and it was quite troublesome to deal with.

As for Ren Qianxing next to him, he didn't even have a state of transformation, so he didn't think it was in the way.

Everyone frowned, realizing that today's situation is not good.

At this time.

Guan Yutian jumped up and came to the arena. That domineering figure put a lot of pressure on everyone.

Even though he was on the battlefield, he acted calmly, as if everything was in the palm of his hand.

That kind of composure is really stressful.

Guan Yutian scanned the surroundings, roughly understood their respective combat strengths, and finally looked at Helian Ba.

"Helian Ba, it seems that you are the only one who can fight against the lord of the alliance, or should we deal with you first?"

He spoke in a provocative tone, full of disdain and insult.

Of course Helian Ba ​​could tell that he was also in a high position, how could he tolerate such humiliation?

Grit your teeth.

His fists rattled, his feet began to strain, and the floor beneath them crumbled.

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

Helian Ba ​​was furious, as if his strength had increased a bit, and the internal force in his body was like a storm, pulling the surrounding space.

He suddenly jumped high, and when he reached the highest point, his palms stretched out like a pair of wings.

I saw phantoms scattered all over his body, and he was performing his special skill of clone phantom.

One after another shadows rushed towards Guan Yutian, their power and speed both increased.

I can tell.

Helen Ba wants to decide the outcome quickly.

However, even if he tried his best, he was still no match for Guan Yutian at this time.

Guan Yutian didn't raise his head, but just glanced up, full of contempt, and said: "I really don't know how your brain got to this day.

Haven't figured out the gap between us? "

Say it.

He put his hands on his chest, and once he raised and lowered, the internal force of his body began to solidify rapidly, gradually condensing into a hard spherical protective cover.

"Innate Astral Qi!"

Guan Yutian let out a loud roar, and quickly performed his magical skills.

That is at this time.

When Helen Ba's attack arrived, countless shadows collided with that layer of protective shield, making a crackling sound.


There was a lot of thunder and little rain, and countless attacks hit it, but there was no way to make a little bit of waves.

Guan Yutian stood motionless on the spot, the expression on his face was still calm and full of sarcasm.

He still didn't suffer the slightest injury, and his whole body was as stable as Mount Tai.

On the contrary, Helen Ba, who kept attacking, was a little out of breath.

After fighting for such a long time, he is an ordinary person after all, and he will be tired after all.


Seeing that his attack still had no effect, he was angry and anxious, unwilling to reconcile.

He has clearly reached the half-step Martial Saint, why can't he still defeat Guan Yutian?

God is not fair!


Lin Pingzhi could see that Helen Ba was in a hurry, so he scolded him in a low voice.

I have to say that the other party really deserves this scolding.

Just like what Guan Yutian said, haven't you seen clearly the difference in strength between you two?

"Master Mingyue, why don't you go up and help?"

The Sword Master lying on the ground spoke to Lin Pingzhi in a calm tone, obviously wanting him to join forces with Helian Ba.

Because in his opinion, this is the only way out at present.

Only the two of them teamed up can have a chance to defeat Guan Yutian. In terms of strength alone, Guan Yutian is invincible.

"He doesn't listen to me."

Lin Pingzhi replied lightly, thinking to himself, just look at Helian Ba's current appearance, his arrogance at the moment does not allow him to give in.

For Helian Ba, joining forces with others to deal with his own rival is the most humiliating compromise.

In addition, now that he has come to a half-step martial artist, he will not use this kind of action to prove his incompetence.


Jian Zun could also see it, and sighed, thinking that the old guy's temper was still so stubborn.


Guan Yutian, who was safe and sound under a series of attacks, laughed wildly, finally getting a little tired.

He taunted: "Helian Ba, open your dog eyes and see, what state is the leader of this alliance now!?"


The internal force of the whole body exploded even more, and an invisible pressure began to pervade.

"Wu Sheng?!"

Helian Ba ​​was taken aback, only then did he feel that the opponent's strength was actually in the realm of a true martial saint.

The clown turned out to be himself.

He was stunned for a moment, never expecting the other party to be so terrifying.

So when you fought against yourself before, did you deliberately hide your strength all the time?


Despair and humiliation welled up in Helian Ba's heart, and he trembled with anger.

"It's time for the ally leader!"

Seeing that the opponent's spirit has been attacked, Guan Yutian is ready to fight back.

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