Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1229 There is such a good thing

"Palace Master."

Lian Chixue responded in the room, and said in an uncertain voice: "I really feel like someone was peeping just now.

But it feels like an illusion. "

"Will not."

Helian said aggressively: "When you feel this way, don't doubt it, stick to your own opinion."


Lian Chixue was taught.

Lin Pingzhi complained in his heart: "You old guy wants to teach your apprentice, can you think about the occasion?

People are still taking a bath inside.

Don't delay my appreciation... Ahem, just kidding, don't embarrass the girls. "

Da da da.

While he was making complaints, a group of monks suddenly came over, holding sticks in their hands, and they turned out to be patrolling.

"Sir, what happened here?"

asked the leader.

Helian Ba ​​had a questioning tone: "My disciple was taking a bath inside, and someone was peeping just now.

Say, did the people in your temple do it! "

"Young monk is wronged."

The person who took the lead, Amitabha, said: "Almsgiver, please don't spray people with blood.

We are all disciples of Buddhism, so we cannot do such a thing. "

"Then who else will there be?"

Helen Ba continued to question.

The man said again: "The gangster must not have gone far, let's search first, maybe we can still find it."


Helen Bahad agreed.

But Lin Pingzhi disagreed. He thought to himself that he just peeked at someone else taking a bath, so why did he make such a big commotion?

What a cry.

Da da da.

A group of monks began to search, first of all, to check around the room.

After all, this is the most basic.

And Lin Pingzhi took advantage of the blink of an eye to reach the roof with light work, and was careful from the beginning to the end.

He felt too aggrieved.

I am a dignified son of Mingyue, but now I am like a mouse crossing the street, afraid of being discovered.

It was extremely aggrieved, he didn't know how he could have fallen to this point.

I don't know why things have developed to this extent.

"There seems to be none around."

After checking it again, the monk who took the lead just now said, "Almsgiver, let's look elsewhere first."

"and many more."

As a result, Helian Ba ​​stopped immediately, and his tone seemed to be very sure, saying: "Up!"

Of course he was talking about the house.

Lin Pingzhi's heart skipped a beat.

If it was just some monks, he would naturally be able to escape quickly.

Even if it is discovered, it will not let the opponent realize its true colors.


With Helian Ba ​​present, the situation is slightly different, the opponent is a martial arts master after all.

It is too difficult to cross the sea with him.

Lin Pingzhi frowned, he didn't know what to do, it would be really bad if he was found out, wouldn't his image of being wise and mighty be toppled?

He clenched his fists and sweated unknowingly.

Just when he was at a loss, he suddenly heard a clear and beautiful voice from below.

"Master Mingyue, come and hide in the room."

It turned out that it was Lian Chixue who discovered Lin Pingzhi, and then used lightness kung fu to go up to the beams of the house, and whispered to Lin Pingzhi through a layer of tiles.

Lin Pingzhi was so surprised at that time that he could imagine such words.

After speaking, Lian Chixue returned to the bathtub.

And Lin Pingzhi was unambiguous, and quickly turned to one side, and when several monks were not paying attention, he rushed into the room through the window.

Those monks checked it just now, so they are a little careless now.

Coupled with the hazy night, Lin Pingzhi's speed was extremely fast, and he did not reveal his whereabouts.

It's just that one of the monks felt that something was wrong, but he didn't point it out. It was just his own illusion.

Come to the room.

The scent was extremely strong and tangy.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Lian Chixue who was curled up in the bathtub in front of him, with an apologetic smile on the corner of his mouth.

Finally found a corner to hide.

As for Helian Ba ​​outside, he jumped onto the roof and looked around.

No suspicious person was found.

He jumped down, frowned, and said with concern again: "Xue'er, the old man suspects that person sneaked into your house."

I rely on!

Lin Pingzhi's face darkened at that moment, and he thought, are you pretending to be a surveillance camera?Can you guess this?

Depend on!

He felt very uncomfortable, but he thought to himself, if a man and a woman can't get close, that old fellow Helian Ba ​​would not dare to barge in directly.

Just when Lin Pingzhi was secretly happy, he thought that he could escape the catastrophe.

Suddenly, I heard the footsteps of several people outside.

And quite light.

Then came the woman's voice.

"Palace Master, I heard that something happened to Miss Xue'er."

It was the four guards led by Lian Chixue.

Lin Pingzhi's face darkened again, he was really afraid of something, did he make a mistake tonight?

Depend on.

He really wanted to swear, but he didn't know what to do.

As a result, when she raised her head, she saw Lian Chixue looking at her shyly, hesitatingly.

It seemed very tangled.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the other person's eyes, then stared at himself, then at the bathtub, and suddenly realized.

She wanted to hide herself in the bathtub.


Is there such a good thing?

Lin Pingzhi froze in place at the time, and even suspected that something was wrong with his understanding.

As a result, Lian Chixue urged, and said in a low voice: "If you don't hide, it will be too late."

Lin Pingzhi came back to his senses and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Naturally, what he wanted was what he wanted, and he ran to the bathtub in a hurry.

Seeing that the other party only poked out a head, he was still inexplicably restless, and whispered: "I'm sorry Miss Xue'er, Lin is very grateful."


Cautiously entered the bathtub, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water.

At this moment.

The door of the room creaked open, and several female guards came in and searched the room.

Lian Chixue remained silent, pretending that she didn't know anything.

Lin Pingzhi closed his eyes, the world around him was dark.


I was so excited.


The bathtub is only that big, and if two people are submerged in the water, there will inevitably be some friction.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't put it down and was addicted to sticking to the other's smooth skin.

Lian Chixue held back her shyness and stayed still, lest Lin Pingzhi be discovered.

But after Lin Pingzhi entered Feifei, he seemed to have forgotten his situation, and even reached out his hand to caress Lian Chixue's skin.

He could feel it, it was the leg.

It was so slippery that Lin Pingzhi didn't even need to use his strength to slide it, his hand just started to slide.

Lin Pingzhi thought, he can't blame himself for this.


As a result, it was because of this operation that Lian Chixue couldn't help screaming, which was not very strange.

It's just that it seems very strange in the environment at this time.

"Sister Xueer?"

Several female guards looked over and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"


Lian Chixue whispered: "I accidentally sprained my foot just now, it's a bit uncomfortable to squat here all the time."


A few female guards seemed to be able to measure their size, and went out after searching around and finding no one.

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