When Helian Ba ​​stared at him, the other party still couldn't take his eyes off him.

Lian Chixue broke out in cold sweat, thinking that what she peeked at was discovered, and that she had moved Fanxin.

She quickly knelt down and said: "Palace Master, Xue'er will never dare to break the gang rules!"


Helen Ba laughed loudly, that's what he wanted.

He was so serious just now.

At this moment, he stood up very gently again, lifted the other party from the ground, and said with a smile: "Xue'er, what are you doing? I was just asking casually.

After all, Mr. Mingyue was born extremely handsome, and it is indeed difficult to calm women down. Even if you have such thoughts, I don't blame you.


Still have to hold back. "


Although the attitude of the other party is quite good, Lian Chixue dare not take it lightly.

She knew that Helian Ba ​​was definitely not such a reasonable person.


next moment.

Helian Ba's tone became cold: "Now there is something that needs to be done by you, and it is very important."

"Palace Master, if you have anything to do, just ask.

Cher will go through fire and water without hesitation. "

Lian Chixue's tone was firm and her eyes were bright.

"Don't you like Young Master Mingyue? Then go after him boldly and make sure to catch him."

Helen is domineering.


Lian Chixue didn't understand a little bit, and was stunned in place for a moment, at a loss.

Helen Ba explained: "Of course, I didn't want you to be really moved.

I want to let you use the beauty trick.

You can see that guy's talent too.

His strength is even more terrifying, even I am not sure to crush him, one can imagine how powerful he is.

Therefore, this time we want to seize Lingshuangjian and must have his help. "

Lian Chixue heaved a sigh of relief.

If the other party really let him pursue true love, things must be a little strange.

The other party let her use beauty tricks to control Lin Pingzhi, but she felt much more relaxed.

This is what Helian Ba ​​should do, and this is in line with his status as the lord of the Sea Shark Palace.

Lian Chixue hesitated a little, and frowned.

After all, he had a certain fondness for Lin Pingzhi in his heart.

Now that I want to deceive myself, it is somewhat unbearable.


Helen Ba immediately threatened with words.

Lian Chixue was discouraged, after all, his life was in the hands of the other party, and he had to accept it if he didn't accept it.

Save your life first.

So she nodded: "Palace Master, I will definitely try my best.

It's just that Mr. Mingyue already has too many beauties around him, Xue'er can't guarantee success. "

"Well, just do your best."

Helian Ba ​​frowned, but he didn't think of this, and then he could only resign himself to fate.


The rain continued until the evening when it stopped.

Lin Pingzhi slowly opened his eyes, moved his stiff joints, and made a rattling sound.

In half a day, he has almost studied the exercises of the Four Images of Heaven's Will.

of course.

It's just Fengshennu, and there are three more moves behind, he has to get it out of Baili Qu'e as soon as possible.

"It seems the rain has stopped."

Lin Pingzhi didn't hear the noise outside.

When I opened the window, I saw that it was already night.

Growling with hunger, he pushed open the door and found a bowl of vegetarian food in front of his door.

It seems that someone has already knocked on the door and let him have dinner.

It's just that he was too focused on practicing at that time, didn't notice it, and didn't give a response.

Without meat, Wu Zang Temple is indeed a bit wronged.


You can never go hungry.

Lin Pingzhi wolfed down his meal, and seeing how beautiful the moonlight was, he decided to go out for a walk.

If he could meet Baili Quxie, he would let the other party teach him all the exercises.

Regardless of whether it is soft or hard, you have to get it.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he suddenly smelled a strange fragrance, which felt like a woman's body fragrance.

It's not that Lin Pingzhi is abnormal, the main reason is that he has already smelled too much.

Women's body fragrance has great similarities with floral fragrance, but there are also essential differences.

Lin Pingzhi was able to distinguish it easily, and he was even more sure that it was a woman's body fragrance, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

"According to the old man's years of experience, she should be a beautiful woman."

Lin Pingzhi started to have a preconceived daydream, and the first thing that came to his mind was of course Lian Chixue.

During the day, that girl peeped at him several times, and he saw it all.

It's just that he pretended to be cold and didn't respond.

"I'll take a look."

With a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, Lin Pingzhi raised his nose and sniffed the air.

Follow the taste and touch it.

He came outside a room where the smell was getting stronger.

I don't know if it's because he has a particularly sensitive sense of smell, or because of other reasons, he always feels that the smell is surprisingly strong.

A bit unusual.

At this time.

He heard the sound of water dripping inside again, so he moved to the window curiously to have a look.

Good guy.

It's really practicing Chixue.


The girl is taking a bath inside now.

Through a layer of window paper, Lin Pingzhi could only vaguely see some pictures. This hazy feeling made his heart feel like being caught by a monkey.

It's so itchy.

Unknowingly, I saw some fascination.

I saw Lian Chixue taking a bath in the bathtub, and the water surface was covered with petals, no wonder it was so fragrant.

He looked a little daring, and Gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He hadn't vented for several days, and the evil fire in his stomach made him feel that he couldn't control it.

Unknowingly, he licked his finger and poked a hole in the window paper with his wet finger.

Can see more clearly.


He could only see Lian Chixue's back, and nothing else.

In normal terms, this kind of picture would only make Lin Pingzhi feel dull.


It is true that he has not tasted the taste of love for several days, and his heart is too itchy.


At this moment, suddenly, Lian Chixue in the room noticed it, hugged her body very vigilantly, and looked behind.

Lin Pingzhi was almost discovered.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he didn't get caught by the other party.

It would be embarrassing to be caught.

And wouldn't his image of a gentleman be shattered?


He gasped for breath and listened with his ears upright, but he didn't hear much movement from the other party.

Thinking to himself, Lian Chixue probably didn't intend to come out to check, so he immediately relaxed a lot.

But right now.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps not far away.

It was Helen Ba who came over.

Helian Ba ​​appeared in the courtyard and said: "Xue'er, did something happen? Could it be that someone was peeping?

The old man knew that the temples that went to evil in a hundred miles took in some of the three religions.

There must be someone coveting your body. "

Hu Hu Hu.

Almost got caught again.

At the critical moment, Lin Pingzhi used his lightness skills to quickly move behind a stone pillar.

It happened to block Helian Ba's line of sight.

He wants to use his own strength to hide his breath, so that the other party will not find out.

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