"Lin Pingzhi, just wait, one day I will tear you apart!"

Tang Dazong gritted his teeth and said that he was not afraid that the other party would attack him.

Lin Pingzhi just listened to a joke, and stared at him with disdain: "Okay, I'll wait for that day.

I really hope that day will come sooner. I will see if General Tang has the ability. "


Tang Dazong left, because he felt that he might be so angry that he would vomit blood if he stayed, so he had to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

After the group of people left, Lin Pingzhi didn't plan to stay in the villa any longer.

The smell of blood has filled the entire villa, and above the head, groups of crows are already circling.

This scene is really infiltrating.

The Sword Worship Villa, which was prosperous before, has now become a mass grave for the dead, and the culprit of all this is Lin Pingzhi.

"I don't know if Bu Jingyun has run away?"

Lin Pingzhi was still muttering.

I hope Bu Jingyun can run faster.

In case Yang Jian smelled his breath, he really couldn't escape.

After destroying the Sword Worship Villa, Lin Pingzhi's next plan is to take a look at Zhujian City and settle the matter there.

Of course it was to take the life of Sword Master.

Even though the other party can be regarded as a martial arts hero, who told him to know Lin Pingzhi's secret?

In order to maintain their reputation.

Lin Pingzhi had to do this.

That night he spent the night in the grove.

The next day.

After finding someone to inquire about the direction, he headed in the direction of Jianjian City, and there were no obstacles along the way.


When he passed by a temple, he clearly felt some unusual aura inside.

There are masters.

He approached quietly and found that this was Jue Chan Temple.

It instantly reminded him of the plot in the Devil Sword Chess of Life and Death, and he thought, he should be able to get a big deal.

Lin Pingzhi quietly followed, and in a back garden, he bumped into the two parties who were having a conflict.

One of them looked upright and awe-inspiring, and he had the image of a knight, which immediately reminded Lin Pingzhi of Yan Zangfeng.

If nothing else, it should be him.

And in front of him.

It was a middle-aged man with a ferocious appearance, surrounded by several female guards dressed in white snow.

The female guard at the front was obviously different, with an unmistakable temperament.

According to Lin Pingzhi's guess.

That middle-aged man with a ferocious appearance and darkened skin should be Helian Ba ​​of Sea Shark Palace.

As for the women beside him, they were Lian Chixue and others.

Yes, she is a beauty.

Lin Pingzhi became lustful in an instant, but it was better to get down to business.

"Yan Zangfeng, do you think you won't be found if you hide here?"

Lian Chixue stepped forward, raised the long sword in his hand, and was about to step forward to decide the winner.

Helian Ba ​​behind him didn't stop him, and indeed he didn't pay attention to Yan Zangfeng at this time.


After just a few moves, Lian Chixue was defeated.

After all, in Jue Chan Temple, Yan Zangfeng got the guidance of Baili Que, and his strength had a qualitative leap.


Lian Chixue flew backwards, but that Helian Ba ​​didn't seem to have the intention to go forward to catch it, only a face full of disgust.

It happened to be an opportunity for a hero to save the beauty.

Lin Ping stepped forward, and suddenly shot out from the corner, so that no one could guess.

He flew forward with one stride, and instantly caught Lian Chixue who was about to fall to the ground.

Then there are a few tactful turns around, to set off the atmosphere of the scene, and put on an expression that you are all right.

Make it seem like you're worried.

"Beauty, be careful next time."

Lin Pingzhi said in a gentle voice.

With his handsome appearance, he is really charming.

This is not.

Lian Chixue was dumbfounded, she had a certain liking for Ren Qianxing before, but now it's gone.

Because this girl felt that the man in front of her was more perfect.

For some reason, Lian Chixue was a little fascinated by just such a glance.


Helian Ba ​​saw the clue, immediately reprimanded him, and at the same time made a certain reminder.

Lian Chixue came back to her senses, quickly broke away from Lin Pingzhi's embrace, and said somewhat unnaturally:

"Thank you, sir, the little girl will be careful next time."

"That's good."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and acted very politely.


Helian Ba ​​smiled, looked Lin Pingzhi up and down, and said: "Little brother, I really thank you just now.

But you were able to hide there, so that I didn't even notice it, and I can see that you have some ability.

How about, do you want to continue saving the beauty as a hero?

My subordinate doesn't seem to be the opponent of that brother, why don't you come and help me, little brother?

If you can, maybe you can enter my Sea Shark Palace. "

Yan Zangfeng looked at Lin Pingzhi, but he didn't know that person.

But from his appearance, he felt that the person in front of him didn't look like a bad guy, so he naturally didn't want to be his enemy.

So he said: "Brother, I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no vengeance in the near future. This matter has nothing to do with you, so don't come to meddle."

"of course."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "I just acted just to help that beauty.

Other things have nothing to do with me.

I'm used to flirting, I love beauties and don't love Jiangshan, I can't bear to see beauties get hurt, you go ahead, just pretend that I didn't make a move just now. "

This made Lian Chixue blush.

Even a little shy.

"it is good."

Yan Zangfeng nodded, fortunately there was not one more enemy.


But Helian Ba ​​didn't intend to stop there, and smiled a little, making people a little confused.

But that gloomy expression already explained the problem.

He was originally a vicious person.

He couldn't see through the strength of the young man in front of him, so he naturally wanted to find out the details.

after all.

During this extraordinary period, no accidents can happen.

Suddenly a person stood up and said that he blatantly meddled in the grievances of the world just to prevent the woman from being hurt.

Who will believe it?

Helian Ba ​​didn't believe it, he didn't believe that there were such stupid people in this era.

Just right.

He wanted to take advantage of Lian Chixue, so he ordered coldly: "Xue'er, are you tempted?"


Lian Chixue was taken aback, but unexpectedly she was still seen through, her heart was beating wildly.

In the Sea Shark Palace, it is required to be unfeeling, and one cannot be tempted by any opposite sex, otherwise it is a violation of the bottom line.

There is no doubt that he will die.

No one is exempt.

Lian Chixue was very nervous, he could feel Helian Ba's scorching gaze, and he felt uneasy.

Helian Ba ​​looked at Lian Chixue, and said with a sneer: "Xue'er, kill him, kill this man, and I will let you go unpunished."


Lian Chixue was dumbfounded, perhaps she should have guessed that there would be such an ending, and the siblings were good for a while.


After all, it was the man who had just glanced at it. Lian Chixue dared not refuse, and raised his sword to point at Lin Pingzhi: "Sorry, I have to do this."

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