Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1223 Call Me Lei Hong

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"

A laser-like sword energy shot out from Lin Pingzhi's finger, it was the six-veined sword of martial arts.

The power of his move is quite great, and with the continuous supply of his own internal force, he can continue to use it.

It looked as if he was also holding a sword in his left hand, and he was able to confront Yang Jian, and they were on par for a while.


Yang Jian, who watched this scene, couldn't help but praise.

Among the younger generation, no one can compete with his two knives.

The young man in front of him was really the first one.

There was an expression of appreciation in his eyes, which was a kind of encouragement to the younger generations.

It had to be said that he really admired Lin Pingzhi very much.

If it wasn't for his own teaching rules, he really wanted to take this person in front of him as his apprentice.

Yang Jian sighed slightly, and immediately concentrated on the battle, giving Lin Pingzhi enough respect.

The two continued to confront each other, but although Lin Pingzhi was able to persevere, he was unable to follow up.

The realm and experience of both parties are not at the same level.

To be able to compete to this extent with someone who is a level higher than himself, in fact Lin Pingzhi's performance is perfect enough.

Yang Jian also thinks so.

Before he came, he had already stated that he only needed to make one blow to make the opponent surrender.

Who knew that he had already made two strikes, but he still couldn't suppress his opponent.

It's been a shame.


On the contrary, he smiled, feeling that there will be another super strong man in the martial arts world in the future.

I am looking forward to it in my heart, wanting to compete with the grown-up Lin Pingyi, what an exciting thing it is.

"Master Mingyue, you are already strong enough, but don't die!"

"Senior, what does this mean?"

Lin Pingzhi responded to Yang Jian's words while coping with it.

Yang Jian said with a smile: "I am looking forward to fighting against you in the future, so, during this period of time, can you die.

In the rivers and lakes.

There are many masters who are stronger than you. If you want to grow, you must fight against them.

Always be careful. "



In the end, he even put his two knives back into the wooden box, and he also quickly retreated to distance himself from Lin Pingzhi.

At the same time, put away your inner strength.

It is obvious that they do not intend to continue fighting.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

Tang Dazong next to him was a little unhappy. He was not a fool, and he saw some clues.

I think Yang Jian admires his opponent, so he doesn't want to kill him.

Those eyes were full of appreciation.

Tang Dazong quit, and immediately urged: "Don't forget the mission you came here this time.

The master gave the order to die. If we fail to complete the task, we will definitely be punished when we go back. "

"rest assured."

However, Yang Jian is not worried at all, relying on his relationship with Ling Luoshi, he will be able to save the day.

So he promised: "Don't worry, I will find a good reason, and I won't implicate you.

At that time, you can just tell the truth, just say that I made my own claims. "

"Yang traitor!"

Tang Dazong was angry, and there was some order and dissatisfaction in his tone.


Yang Jian is not something he can handle casually, with a look at him, the huge oppressive force is like the sky is falling.

Tang Dazong's face turned ugly instantly, and he knew that he could not influence the thoughts of this expert.

With a gloomy face, he said: "Yang Jian, don't forget what you said, when the time comes, the higher-ups will blame you, and you have to bear it for me."

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised to see the two people talking there.

I thought I would be in a tough fight.

who knows.

Just let yourself go?

It's really inexplicable.

But of course he was very happy, he picked up a big deal for nothing, why not happy?

Taking back his weapon, Lin Pingzhi cupped his fists and said, "Then I would like to thank Senior for your mercy.

I will abide by the agreement between the two of us.

When I come to your realm, I will challenge you. "

"it is good!"

Yang Jian was so happy that he stroked his stubble, looking forward to that battle.


He took off the wine gourd from his waist, took a sip, wiped his mouth, and threw the gourd over with a smile.

Lin Pingzhi understood what the other party meant, and also took a sip.

This is a promise between men.


Yang Jian smiled, then disappeared into the night, quickly erasing his traces.

Can't even catch the breath.

One can imagine how powerful and perverted it is.


Tang Dazong saw that his greatest reliance was gone, so he naturally didn't have the confidence to continue to complete the task here.

He snorted coldly, glanced at Lin Pingzhi meaningfully, turned around and was about to leave.

Who would have thought that the look just now had made Lin Pingzhi hate him.

Lin Pingzhi moved his body quickly, and blocked the front of Yingtianfu's army with one move.

"General Tang, do you want to leave now?"

"Why, do you still want to kill us?"

Tang Dazong said, no fear.

He has his own strength of character, and at this moment he knows that he is not an opponent, and he still holds his head high, without any fear.

"Of course not."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, naturally he didn't dare to do anything to the military unless he had confidence.


I don't have that confidence now.


Not afraid to do anything.


He pulled out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade again, smiled sideways, obviously with malicious intentions, and said: "You guys just left like this, it's really a bit embarrassing."

"and also."

He continued: "In order to let General Tang not be responsible for the punishment, in order to make it look like you have really worked hard.

Of course I have to help. "


Without waiting for the other party to speak, he immediately used Huashan swordsmanship and shuttled among the iron cavalry.

Using his superb swordsmanship, he chopped directly at the legs of those horses, cutting off all the legs of the horses.

Suddenly there was a sound of horse honking, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling heavily on the ground.

Those Yingtianfu troops in armor collapsed on the ground, looking so embarrassed.


Especially Tang Dazong, who was the most embarrassed, stood up angrily, feeling that he had been greatly humiliated.

"That's what it sounds like."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, and said: "If you go back in such a mess, Ling Luoshi will definitely think that you have worked hard.

It's just that I'm not capable enough to take me back.

Come back, don't thank me, please call me Lei Hong. "

"Boom your sister!"

Tang Dazong couldn't understand, so he burst out with foul language, the veins on his forehead jumped violently, and his chest was burning with anger.

It's a pity that he has nothing to do with the opponent.

And this time.

Yang Jian, who was hiding in the dark, witnessed all this, smiled and didn't intend to help.

He was sure to bring Lin Pingzhi back, but he didn't have that idea.

To get rid of Ling Luoshi's control, he needs the help of others.

Lin Pingzhi was his choice, so naturally he couldn't let it fall into Ling Luoshi's hands.

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