
The spear in Ying Tianfu's cavalry general danced vigorously, and it could be seen that he was indeed quite good.

After all, you are training every day.


In the eyes of Lin Pingzhi, who was performing Lingbo Weibu, the speed was too slow, almost like an ant crawling.

Lin Pingzhi was able to dodge easily. While dodging, he was observing the tricks of those guys.

He is clever and clever, and it didn't take long for him to find out the pattern of the other party.

"Why, does the well-known Young Master Mingyue only know how to escape?"

Tang Dazong began to attack his heart, wanting to use the aggressive method to make Lin Pingzhi take action, and confront them head-on.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi, who had just seen through everything, yelled, "Since you are so conceited, I will smash your self-confidence today!"

Say it.

He took out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, took advantage of the weakness he had discovered just now, and slashed at it one by one. Every attack aimed at the weak point of those guys.

Tang Dazong, who thought he had trained flawlessly, frowned immediately when he saw it.


He could see that the team he was training gradually became a little loose and gradually lost the rules.

Obviously, it was because someone found the law and destroyed it.


He gritted his teeth and scolded: "Calm down, maybe hundreds of people can't deal with him alone?"

"It really is."

What Lin Pingzhi was waiting for was this opportunity, as the saying goes, the king should be captured first.

He jumped up, aimed at Tang Dazong who had just diverted his attention, and quickly came to his horse's head.

Lin Ping put one foot on the horse's head, put the knife on Tang Dazong's neck, and successfully captured him.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.


Tang Dazong was so strong that it was impossible for him to frown halfway. He was still very calm and calm.

Because he knew that the other party would not attack.

Unless you want to fight against Ying Tianfu's army.

That's pretty much a dead end.

In this dynasty, the Yingtianfu army is the strongest army, who in the world would dare to provoke it?

Even the royal family has to weigh one or two, let alone this simple people in the world.


The people around were in an uproar, worried in their hearts.

Tang Dazong didn't take it seriously, and stuck his long spear into the ground, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Why panic? Do you think he really dared to kill me?"

He was very calm, looked at Lin Pingzhi again, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, you really deserve your reputation. Today, I, Mr. Chen, have learned a lesson."

"Why, what about your arrogance just now?"

Lin Pingzhi wanted to make him ashamed.

Wasn't it very arrogant just now?Don't you want to catch yourself and break your bones?Why are you saying compliments now?


Tang Dazong's face darkened, and said: "Lin Pingzhi, don't be shameless, do you think you really dare to touch me?"

"Don't dare."

This matter really needs to be weighed, Lin Pingzhi is not so reckless.


He wouldn't just let the other party go, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "General Tang, although I dare not touch you, it doesn't mean that I will let you be safe and sound."


Tang Dazong didn't believe it, and said: "Then I want to see what you can do to me?"


His voice just fell.

Got hit on the head.

Lin Pingzhi struck Tang Dazong off his horse with the blade of his sword on his helmet, making a powerful clanging sound.

of course.

Lin Pingzhi's shot was still measured, and he didn't hurt him, but simply knocked him off the horse.

It's really humiliating for the general to be beaten down by a man in the rivers and lakes.


When Tang Dazong landed on the ground, everyone around him looked stupid, and he was even more angry and furious.

How dare they be so presumptuous to their general.


As for Tang Dazong, he was so angry that he grinned his teeth and fell a dog to eat shit, which was even more uncomfortable than losing the enemy in battle.

He has the backbone of a soldier, a soldier can be killed but not humiliated!

Tang Dazong stood up and patted off the dust on his body. His eyes were as red as rabbit eyes, and flames flew from his chest.

"you wanna die!"

He growled.

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered: "Then you kill me, unfortunately, you can't do it.

Why, do you want Ying Tianfu Army to help?It was really fun to watch.

The number one general under the command of the dignified General Yingtianfu was knocked down by a man from the rivers and lakes, and he needs to bring more troops to take revenge.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't know what kind of expression people in the world will have when they find out.

I really don't know if Ling Luoshi will feel ashamed when he finds out.

Anyway, I was quite ashamed for him. "


Tang Dazong was speechless and had to admit all this.

If he really went back and led people to defeat the Fuwei Escort and killed Lin Pingzhi, then he would be truly ashamed.

Not only was he ashamed, but Ying Tianfu's army was also disgraced!


Seeing the other party's helpless and angry face, Lin Pingzhi felt very happy.

"Tang Dazong, come to revenge if you have the ability, and my son will accompany you at any time.

Of course, if Ling Luoshi wants to take revenge, I will accompany you at any time, it depends on whether you have the ability! "

Say it.

Ling Bo performed it with small steps, and immediately distanced himself from those Yingtianfu cavalry, standing on the top of a tree, looking down on everyone.

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Tang Dazong gritted his teeth in hatred, wishing to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

At this time.

A lieutenant next to him said quietly: "General, the master asked us to take him back, and also bring back the peerless sword.

Now the first task may not be completed, so the second..."

Only then did Tang Dazong remember that there was another task, so he asked in a deep voice, "Lin Pingzhi, is this a peerless sword?"

"None of your business!"

Lin Pingzhi deliberately angered him: "The peerless sword, I have already given it away, so why don't you wait for you to grab it?"


Tang Dazong said: "After you came to the villa, you have no contact with outsiders at all. The peerless sword must still be on your body!"


Lin Pingzhi spread his hands and wandered around, saying, "Where do you think I can hide a sword?"

"Didn't you just pull out the current weapon without warning?"

Looking at the ominous Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, Tang Dazong thought to himself that there are indeed some special storage spaces in this world, so he became more firm in his guess:

"I advise you to hand it over obediently. Offending Ying Tianfu is not a good thing."

"Am I going to offend you?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered, and said, "First come, first served, why, if I don't give it to you, it's an offense? It's a robbery.

The dignified general of Yingtianfu really knows how to reason.

Sure enough, he was just as arrogant and unreasonable as the rumors said, and he was a kind of flesh-and-blood common people. "


Tang Dazong was furious, but he was helpless because of the opponent's strength, and he had nothing to do with him.

Can only sulk in place.

"Don't give it, just don't give it, what can you do to me?"

Lin Pingzhi was flustered there, and made a lot of provocative little moves, which almost pissed people off.

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