Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1219 Invitation from the Terrifying General

"Ying Tianfu?"

Lin Pingzhi muttered in his heart, in his memory, there seemed to be a Yingtian Mansion, and there was a General of the Yingtian Mansion—the Great General of Fear.

At the same time, he is also the king of Wang Yingtianfu with a different surname.

It seems.

The story of the four famous young arresters also begins.

He looked at the cavalry in front of him with a slight smile, and scanned around, there were about two hundred people.

I have to say, I despise myself too much.

With so few people here, do you think you can complete the task?

Inviting myself to Yingtian Mansion for a gathering, I'm afraid it's not because I really want to invite, otherwise I wouldn't have called these soldiers over.

At least.

It would be more appropriate to have a housekeeper or a maid in Yingtian Mansion.

Letting these experienced soldiers come here always gives people a feeling of being threatened.

Lin Pingzhi felt uncomfortable.

So he didn't give face, looked at the person in front of him arrogantly, and said, "Who are you?"

"My master is here to invite Mr. Mingyue to come to Yingtian Mansion for a gathering."

The person in front of him repeated what he said just now, and also raised his head, unwilling to be inferior to others.

I don't want to explain too much, I am very proud.


Seeing his extremely proud appearance, he thought he had a certain status in the army, Lin Pingzhi thought about it carefully, and said:

"I heard that the terrifying general has six generals, which one are you?"

As soon as the words fell, the man in front of him raised his spear and pointed it directly at Lin Pingzhi's forehead.

He said in a cold tone: "The name of King Ying Tianfu is taboo, can you say it directly?


It was the master's request just now, so I treated each other with courtesy, don't be ignorant!Come with me now, it can be a little easier.

Otherwise, you can't eat and walk around!I'm afraid I'm going to suffer some flesh and blood! "

"You have such a temper, shouldn't it be Tang Dazong?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously and ignored it.

His expression already said everything, as if to say, I look down on you guys at all.

"court death!"

The person in front of him was indeed Tang Dazong, the number one general under Ling Luoshi, he was unsmiling, and really looked down on people in the world.

I think those guys have time to practice martial arts and pursue fame and fortune, so they might as well join the army and serve the country.

Just a bunch of cowards.

Therefore, he didn't give Lin Pingzhi a good look, and now seeing that the other party was extremely arrogant, it was difficult to suppress the anger in his heart.


As soon as the spear moved, he stabbed straight at Lin Pingzhi. He must have cultivated himself, after all, his status in the army is not low.

And it takes a certain amount of strength to go into battle and kill the enemy.


Lin Pingzhi was protected by Beiming Zhenqi, and even if it was broken, he still had the indestructible power of Vajra, and he didn't take Tang Dazong seriously at all.

He stood still, which can be said to be extremely humiliating.

Tang Dazong suddenly felt as if he had been stabbed into a wall, and he could no longer move forward.

He forged ahead with all his strength and used all his strength, but he couldn't hurt Lin Ping at all.

His face darkened, feeling insulted.

Obviously, the tip of his spear was still a certain distance away from the opponent's body, but he couldn't get close.

He also knew that the opponent's strength was extraordinary, otherwise he would not be appreciated by his master.

Since you can't pierce it, then stop, Tang Dazong retracted his long spear and sneered.

"Sure enough, you have some tricks, and you don't live up to your reputation in the world."

After a pause, the tone was still disdainful: "But, a warrior is a warrior after all.

Mr. Mingyue, don't you want to communicate with our Yingtianfu iron cavalry? "

Da da da.

As soon as he said this, the cavalrymen around immediately started to move, only to hear the continuous sound of horseshoes.

This is to give a certain warning, if you continue to be obsessed with it, then you will really make a move.


Lin Pingzhi still ignored him, looked at Tang Dazong indifferently and said: "General Tang just said that he treated me with more courtesy, why didn't I see it?

You spoke to me in an orderly tone from the very beginning, how could it be considered as a favor? "


Tang Dazong didn't explain, after all, it was the truth.


He pleaded not guilty, and said coldly: "Lin Pingzhi, I will give you one last chance, you have to find out who invited you.

Ying Tianfu's frightening general, the king of a different surname in our dynasty, are you sure you want to refuse?

I know that you have a peerless miraculous skill, but compared with the real army, it is far behind. "

"Threatening again."

Lin Pingzhi was still indifferent. If the other party had a better attitude, maybe he would really accept it.


This Tang Dazong has always looked down on others, talking to himself condescendingly.

If it were another man of martial arts with backbone, I believe he would have the same temper as Lin Pingzhi.

He was indifferent, straightened his waist, and said: "I want my son to go to Yingtian Mansion, and let Ling Luoshi come and invite him in person!"

"court death!"

Hearing such arrogant words, Tang Dazong couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and his eyes glared.

"Boy, don't be ashamed of your face! Then don't blame us for being unreasonable!"

Tang Dazong was furious and shouted: "Do it!"

The voice just fell.

I saw those iron cavalry around him move instantly, and immediately surrounded Lin Pingzhi in a circle, walking back and forth around Lin Pingzhi non-stop.

Those men wore armor and iron helmets.

Even the war horses were covered with heavy armor, and under the moonlight, the pitch-black equipment looked extraordinarily cold.

Everyone went into battle with guns and pointed at Lin Pingzhi one after another. It can be said that the crowd was so tight that not even a fly could fly out.

They are very confident. After all, the advantages in numbers and equipment are there.

Even the top masters of the rivers and lakes have to kneel down and beg for mercy in front of them.


There is an essential difference between the people in the rivers and lakes and those who fight like them.

All the people in Jianghu pay attention to the point, and there are not many scenes of real fighting.

And what about their soldiers?He licks his blood with the tip of a knife almost every day to deal with Lord Hades.

Who is stronger and who is weaker has actually already decided the outcome.


Lin Pingzhi still stood there without moving, and even smiled provocatively, not paying attention to the other party.

"Is this how Ying Tianfu treats guests?"

There was sarcasm in his tone.

Tang Dazong said: "It's because you don't know what is good or bad, we invite you again and again, but you insult us with words.

Lin Pingzhi, it seems that you really take yourself seriously.


Today I will tear down your bones and tie them back! "

Say it.


A group of people attack very well. After all, they have been trained, and the cooperation between them is very good.

Even Lin Pingzhi had some surprises for a while.

But also acceptable.

After all, he has received orthodox training, and he is different from the people in the world.

If it is true that they fight alone, I am afraid that these soldiers will not be able to muster up the courage to fight Lin Pingzhi.


They are a team that pays attention to coordination, tactics, soldiers' willingness to cheat, and skillful control of the enemy.

Under the siege, he naturally appeared extremely confident.

As Ying Tianfu's iron cavalry attacked one after another, Lin Pingzhi had no choice but to perform Lingbo Weibu.

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