
Nie Feng reported: "I went to Wushuang City this time, and fulfilled my mission and wiped out the entire Wushuang City.

Come back and report. "


Xiongba nodded in satisfaction, but was actually very puzzled.

He sent Nie Feng to Wushuang City.

I want him to die there.

after all.

Dugu's side can lead Wushuang City and his own world to fight against each other. Naturally, they have some means and some strength.

He also knew that the old man was hiding his strength, but in fact his strength was already that of a great master of transformation.

Nie Feng is by no means his opponent.


Why did such an accident happen?

Now the rumors are spreading outside.

Today's Wushuang City has become a dead city.

The fire that spread all over the sky burned for three days and three nights, not to mention the city, even the surrounding area was reduced to ashes.


This is a big win.

Xiongba didn't understand that Nie Feng couldn't have such strength.

"Could it be that the crazy blood in his body has recovered?"

He wondered in his heart that the blood in the body of the Nie family is all crazy blood. Once they have an attack, they will lose their sanity and their skills can be increased several times.


Dugu's party was defeated by this kind of blood.

"it is good!"

Xiong Ba superficially praised: "Feng'er, you did a great job this time, greatly exceeding your expectations as a teacher.

I originally thought that you would not be able to return to your life in a short time, but who knew, you would come back so soon. "

"Thank you, master, for your compliment."

Nie Feng clasped his fists, he didn't intend to tell Lin Pingzhi's matter, but wanted to hide it.

next to.

Both Qin Shuang and Bu Jingyun were happy for Nie Feng and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

"it is good!"

Xiongba saw it and knew that the three brothers had a very good relationship, so he made a plan.

These three brothers have a very good relationship, but there is also a coincidence.

That is, I miss Kong Ci in my heart.

Since this is the case, Xiongba is ready to make a fuss, and immediately announced: "Feng'er, this time you have really made great contributions to the Tianxiahui.

Being a teacher certainly rewards your best. "

Nie Feng was absent-minded, and casually said: "Thank you, Master, I don't need rewards.

Sharing worries for the world is the duty that should be done. "


Xiongba laughed: "You, it's too real, but it's impossible for a teacher not to reward.

Otherwise, what would the people in the league say about being a teacher?

Feng'er, you can be regarded as the one I grew up watching, you know what you think as a teacher.

Looking at your absent-minded appearance just now, who are you thinking about? "

When Nie Feng heard this, he was startled.

Naturally, I was thinking about what Lin Pingzhi said just now, and thought, did the other party guess it?

Xiongba continued: "Hahaha, the so-called male college should be married and the female college should be married, Feng'er, this time you have made extraordinary achievements, the old man will give you Kong Ci, what do you think?"


Nie Feng was taken aback immediately, a little dumbfounded.

This is especially true for Qin Shuang and Bu Jingyun next to them.


Nie Feng was a little hesitant, wondering if he could accept it.

After all, his Senior Brother Yun was thinking of Kong Ci wholeheartedly, and everyone saw it.

and many more.

Nie Feng was taken aback, and thought of a sentence.

Everyone is watching.

Just because everyone is watching, it is impossible for Xiong Ba not to know that he did this on purpose, isn't it just to provoke the feelings between the seniors and brothers?

Thinking about this point clearly, Nie Feng felt that what Lin Pingzhi said was almost inseparable.

He is still dazed.

Xiong Ba said: "Okay, this matter is settled like this, you two get married as soon as possible.

A marriage bestowed by the teacher, let's see who dares to say no! "

Domineering tone.

Obviously it was for Bu Jingyun to listen to.

"Yes, thank you, master."

Nie Feng had no choice but to accept it.

It is true that the three brothers and Xiongba are both masters and fathers, but there is still a difference of superiority and inferiority.

Sometimes no one can disobey Xiongba's orders, and no one dares to disobey.

Nie Feng had no choice but to agree and find an opportunity to explain to Bu Jingyun.

"Okay, go back and rest, you should be tired these days."

Xiongba ordered.

Nie Feng stepped back.

And Bu Jingyun also retreated angrily, without even saying hello to Xiongba.

Obviously very angry.

Nie Feng saw it, and Qin Shuang saw it.

at this time.

There was some silence between the three of them.

It seems that some gaps have really appeared.

Look at this scene.

Xiongba sneered secretly, admiring his own cleverness, but it was just an inferior method, which made them feel alienated.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

Wen Chouchou next to him saw everything, and complimented: "Master Xiong, it really is that you are always strong.

Those little chicks, where are your opponents? "


Xiongba smiled: "The old man wants to go against the sky!"

the other end.

Bu Jingyun, who had suddenly received bad news, came under the waterfall and vented his emotions.

He growled loudly, feeling very painful in his heart.

My best brother and the person I love the most are about to enter the palace of marriage.

How to face it?


Can't let this happen, he wants to snatch the marriage.

So, he soon arrived outside Kong Ci's room.

at this time.

Kong Ci was full of joy, when he learned about Xiongba's gift of marriage, he was very excited.

I'm packing my outfit and planning to present my best face to the wedding.

Even humming a little song, not to mention how cheerful it is.

And all this fell into Bu Jingyun's eyes.

He was very unwilling and complained very much. Seeing the woman he loved was so happy, he felt quite uncomfortable.

In desperation, he went straight to Nie Feng and said, "Junior Brother Feng, how does Senior Brother Yun usually treat you?

You clearly know that I like Kong Ci, but you don't refuse Master's offer of marriage, what is your intention? "

Nie Feng knew that he would find him. He has been a senior brother for so many years, and he is very aware of Senior Brother Yun's temper.

He closed the door and told Bu Jingyun what Lin Pingzhi had told him.

After Bu Jingyun heard this, he was shocked.

Xiongba treats them like his own father, and he never thought that Nie Feng would have such rebellious thoughts just after he went to Wushuang City.

Bu Jingyun was puzzled and very difficult to understand.

Nie Feng knew that all of this was hard to say, so he didn't make it public, but wanted to prove it.

One of them is the clay bodhisattva. As long as this so-called clay bodhisattva can be found, the credibility will increase.

The other person was Yan Ying. If that woman was really Nie Feng's mother, then everything would make sense.


The two acted quickly, and they actually bumped into the mud bodhisattva. Coincidentally, the mud bodhisattva is currently meeting in the world.

Hearing from a few minions leaked that it was Xiongba who asked him to count his fate, sideways fate.

"It turns out that the two are Fengyun."

The Ni Bodhisattva smiled wryly, knowing that he couldn't get away, and said: "It really is a dragon that changes the situation.

Unfortunately, Xiongba will eventually be defeated by the two of you. "

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