Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1188 Miao Renfeng Disappears

"It's nothing."

Lin Pingzhi didn't know how to explain it, and said, "It's just a reminder.

Why, you don't think I have thoughts about that woman, do you? "

"Who knows then."

Dugu Meng rolled her eyes, flirting there.

Mingyue next to her was a little embarrassed, feeling as if she had been chilled.

Lin Pingzhi hurried over to get warm, after all, there was such a misunderstanding before, so he had to take good care of it.

He said: "Mingyue, Meng, the two of you will be sisters in the future, don't bring the previous grievances into it."


Dugu Meng was arrogant, squinting at the bright moon.

Obviously don't want to shake hands on this yet.

Mingyue is naturally like this, but she has to be a little more sensible, smile coldly, and stop provoking.

The main reason is that I don't want to embarrass Lin Pingzhi, I just think about it in my heart and let it go, I am too lazy to have conflicts.

Little did he know that this made Lin Pingzhi feel more at ease.

Not long after, all the tung oil that he ordered people to search for was found, and everyone quickly sprinkled the entire Wushuang City.

With a little torch.

A raging fire quickly burned.

A mountain-like flame rose into the sky.

All the surrounding trees, flowers and plants were smoked and roasted into dry leaves, and all were reduced to ashes.

Even the temperature on the surrounding mountains has risen by several degrees.

The movement was so loud that it naturally spread quickly.

And this time.

Lin Pingzhi noticed that there seemed to be one person missing, and said in surprise, "Where is my father-in-law, Miao Renfeng?"

The jellyfish Yin Ji also realized that she came with Miao Renfeng when she came.

Why haven't I seen his old man in the past few days?

Could it be that it is also in Peerless City?

Everyone's hearts tense. If this is the case, it will be miserable. They must have been burned to ashes.

Just when everyone was worried, a dart was suddenly shot from a distance.

The dart didn't intend to hurt anyone, but landed on a bamboo and inserted it into the bamboo tube.

There was a piece of paper tied to the tail of the dart. It seemed that someone wanted to inform Lin Pingzhi and the others through this information.

Lin Pingzhi and others looked up the mountain, only to see a black shadow rushing out quickly, stepping on the bamboo forest and disappearing from everyone's field of vision.

The speed is so fast, it can be seen how amazing the lightness kung fu is.

Although you can't see the other person's face.

But according to the strength of this lightness kung fu, Lin Pingzhi also guessed about it.

in his perception.

This person is qualified to compare with Sikong Chaixingxing and Chu Liuxiang, who else can he be besides Nie Feng, the God of Wind?

"Who's qinggong is so good?"

next to.

Jellyfish Yin Ji and others couldn't help admiring.

It can be felt that this person's overall strength is not strong, but his lightness kung fu is much more obvious.

It's really unique.

Lin Pingzhi said indifferently: "Catch the wind and catch the shadow.

This is a move in Nie Fengfeng's legs. "

"Nie Feng?"

Everyone was a little surprised, why did that guy come back to deliver the letter?

But Dugu Meng was furious, clenched his fists tightly: "Chasing! Kill him and avenge my father!"

"Hold on."

Lin Pingzhi knew very well that he must not catch up, otherwise some things would not be hidden.

He said: "Nie Feng's Fengshen legs are unique in the world, and he is called the God of Wind by people in the martial arts.

He wants to run, who can catch him? "

After a pause, he continued: "And the one who destroyed Wushuang City was not him, but his master Xiongba."

Lin Pingzhi had carefully considered this point in his mind.

Nie Feng never appeared in front of Dugu Meng from the beginning to the end, so he should be able to deceive him.

He explained: "Meng, you also know what kind of strength your father has, and it is not something that Nie Feng can resist today."

"Even so, I will drive out all the people in the Tianxiahui!"

Who knew that Dugu Meng's hatred would not decrease but increase instead.

no way.

It is only natural for the murderer who had just died of his father to have such a violent mentality.

Lin Pingzhi didn't continue talking, but said that there was no need to catch up, and he couldn't catch up anyway.

Dugu Meng was excited in her heart, but she also knew the truth was the truth.

How can the nickname of the God of Wind bestowed on him by people in the martial arts be for nothing?

If he wants to leave, no one can catch him.

It can be seen from the scene just now.

That speed really dazzled the viewers, and it disappeared without a trace in just the blink of an eye.

It's really not sure to catch up.

So Dugumeng no longer pursued it.

Lin Pingzhi went to the bamboo, took out the dart, and opened the envelope on it.

one look.


It actually said that Miao Renfeng was invited to Tianxiahui as a guest.

Ha ha.

He said yes, but he was actually arrested.

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand.

Could it be that Nie Feng did it?After all, the only person in the world who will come is Kamikaze Hall.

But why did he do this?

Forget it.

Don't want that much.

Since it was captured, it is natural to rescue it.

Lin Pingzhi turned his head to look at Dugu Meng, and said, "You can't go to Tianxiahui yet."


Dugu Meng was very excited: "I'm going to take revenge, I'm going to kill Xiongba myself."


Lin Pingzhi sternly refused: "I can understand your feelings, Meng, but with our small number of people, it is impossible to kill everyone in Tianxiahui.

Moreover, Xiong Ba has been famous for a long time, and there are so many masters around him.

How could it be easily killed by us?

You first have to bear the heart of revenge, this time I go to the Tianxiahui, my goal is only to rescue Miao Renfeng.

Later, plan slowly.

So now you cannot go to Tianxiahui.

They just slaughtered Wushuang City, but you took the initiative to be a guest, which is obviously too weird.

I'm afraid those guys will be against you. "


Dugu Meng thought about it calmly, indeed.

She said, "Lin Lang, where can I go?"

"Why don't you go to Forge Sword City first."

Lin Pingzhi said: "Jianzun said just now that you are a guest there, so it's good to stay there."

"it is good."

Dugu Meng had this intention, and said: "Then come and pick me up after you rescue him. During this time, I will try my best to negotiate terms with Sword Master."

"Well, good."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, and kissed Dugu Meng's forehead.

Looks very doting.

But the two women next to him are greedy.

Dugumeng went to Jianjian City in this way.

And Lin Ping and his group immediately set off towards Tianxiahui.

The distance between the two parties was a bit far, and it took them half a month to arrive on horseback.

And the other side.

Nie Feng went back to Tianxiahui first to report the results of this battle.

In the main hall of Tianxiahui, Nie Feng knelt on one knee, looking at Yan Ying beside Xiongba, his eyes were a little unnatural.

Yan Ying is a smart woman, not to mention knowing her child better than her mother, she found that this child seemed to know something.

of course.

Xiongba is not an ordinary person, and Nie Feng's eyes are a little strange.

From the looks of it, this trip to Wushuang City should have yielded some real news.

He pretended not to notice on purpose.

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