Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1173 Appearance

"The bride has arrived."

Just when everyone is buzzing.

A call came from outside.

It turned out that the bride had arrived.

Everyone looked towards the door.

Two beautifully dressed women came slowly, although they couldn't see their faces clearly.


Looking at this figure, one can tell that she is a great beauty.

Lin Pingzhi and Dugu Ming were almost drooling.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

Everyone is congratulating again.

Under everyone's gaze, the two brides walked slowly to the center of the hall.

Then each held hands with their wishful husbands.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Husband and wife pay their respects and send them to the bridal chamber!"

With the end of worship, Dugumeng and Miss Mingyue were sent to their new house.

Each has his own thoughts.

Dugu Meng very much hoped that Lin Pingzhi could come back soon to relieve the loneliness in her heart.

And the moon.

I wish time would pass slowly, or stay at this moment forever.

She lifted the hijab herself, looking very sad.

I came to this step without knowing it, isn't it really a pity?

She doesn't understand.


In the end, I can only let out a long sigh. What else can I do if this is the end of the matter?

Besides, grandma is in the hands of the opponent, if they dare to defy, those guys will kill him.

in the lobby.

After seeing off the bride, a group of people began to raise their glasses to each other, and after a short while, everyone's faces were flushed from drinking.


Dugu Ming is still sober, although he also wants to drink to his heart's content, but when he thinks that there are other things to do tonight, he restrains his desire.

to him.

Taking the bright moon as your own is the most important thing.

Drinking or something is fine every day.

Dugu didn't think much about it, and basically drank with the jar in his arms.

But he has profound internal strength, it should be impossible to get drunk.


"If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home. You must be happy for the young city lord, happy for the young lady!"

"That's right, if anyone dares to run away today, I will be the first to refuse, and beat him to the ground!"


A group of old men were punching and yelling there, and they had to find their own excuses to drink and drink each other's wine.

It didn't take a while.

The whole venue smelled of alcohol.

Lin Pingzhi is not very familiar with these people, which is actually a good thing.

Those guys just asked him to drink a few sips in a procedural way, and then put Lin Pingzhi aside.

Instead, it made Lin Pingzhi feel very relaxed.

He winked at the well-dressed Nie Feng in the crowd, expressing that he would cooperate tacitly and be ready to strike at any time.

Nie Feng understood what Lin Pingzhi meant, so he sneaked away and came outside Dugumeng's wedding room.

He injected some psychedelic smoke into it.


Dugu Meng sucked a little in and fell on the bed.

The main reason was that Lin Pingzhi was afraid that this girl would suddenly appear when he and Dugu were fighting.

Then it will be embarrassing.

and so.

Had to use some small tricks.

After finishing everything, Nie Feng returned to the lobby, and made a gesture that everything was done.

Lin Pingzhi nodded in return, planning to wait.

Wait for those guys to get drunk again.

Another incense stick of time passed.

The scene can be said to be a mess.

Except for Dugu Fang and the others, everyone seemed to be a little bit drunk, with colorful clouds on their faces.


Lin Pingzhi felt that it was time, so he took off his new clothes and prepared to do it.

Nie Feng stopped hiding and showed his true colors.

"Nie Feng!"

Dugu Fang naturally saw Nie Feng, and was immediately taken aback, slamming the table and getting up.

Everyone was awakened by his action.

Others in Wushuang City noticed something different.

"Nie Feng!"

Dugu Ming also saw this, staring at him with some vigilance.

Nie Feng said with a smile, "Why, today is the wedding day of the young lady of Wushuang City and the Young City Lord, can't I come to send my blessings?"


Dugu Fang laughed, laughing at the other party's stupidity.

He said: "Of course, but whether you can go back is another matter.

Nie Feng, it's true that if you don't go to heaven, there is no way to hell.

What, you think I dare not kill you?

You brought this to your door yourself, just treat it as my Peerless City picking up a big bargain. "


Nie Feng sneered, and said, "It's meaningless for City Lord Dugu to say that. Do you really think you can handle me easily?"


Dugu Yifang stood up and said: "This is Lao Tzu's territory, let's not say that you have no one with you.

Even if you bring your entourage in, there will be no return.

Nie Feng, you asked for all of this. "


The words fall.

He directly drew out his Wushuang sword, one black and one white.

The atmosphere on the scene was instantly wrong and became murderous.

The backbone of Wushuang City, who were still toasting and drinking just now, understood the importance of the matter.

They also got serious.

It's just that because I drank too much just now, I feel a little out of tune and wobbly.

"watch out!"

It was determined that the other party was only after a person came over.

Dugu did not ask Lin Pingzhi for help.

He wanted to solve it alone, so that he could play with power and prestige.

So he rushed towards Nie Feng in an instant, trying to quickly end the battle with the advantage of his own weapon.

But who knows.

Nie Feng suddenly pulled out the Xueyin Kuangdao, startling him.

"Snow Drinking Crazy Knife?!"

Dugu Yifang had seen this knife before, his brows furrowed tightly, and then his eyes lit up again.

He actually gave himself such an important gift.

Kill Nie Feng.

Doesn't that knife belong to him?

Dugu Fang sneered: "You are too polite, Master Nie Feng, come as soon as you come, what gift do you want?"

"Come and get it if you can!"

Nie Feng wasn't afraid at all, at this moment, it was a good time to test the true level of the old man Dugu.

The two quickly scuffled together.

Of course many people will be hurt by mistake.

After all, there are too many people here.

"Get out of the way!"

Dugu Ming yelled away those who were in the way, and at the same time ordered: "Call someone over immediately.

I don't believe that Nie Feng came here alone, so there must be some accomplices who haven't shown up.

Call someone over now! "

I have to say that Dugu Ming's operation is quite reasonable.


No use.

While Nie Feng was fighting, Vice Hall Master Song threw the fireworks in his arms into the sky.

Peng exploded with a bang, signaling.

The disciples of the Kamikaze Hall who were ambushing outside rushed into the city like crazy after receiving the assembly order.

There are not too many obstacles along the way.

Mainly because the other party drank too much.

Those who did not drink were basically people, and they were not threatening at all.

Hearing the movement outside, Dugu Ming narrowed his eyes: "Sure enough, as I expected, he brought a lot of people."

"It's a pity that today is destined to come and go."

He sneered.

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