
While Nie Feng was pondering, Lin Pingzhi said embarrassingly: "I hope Brother Nie will show mercy to Dugu Meng later.

To be honest.

I already have a relationship with her, and it is necessary to deal with Wushuang City this time, but I still don't want to destroy the connection with her. "


Nie Feng nodded casually.

He gave Lin Pingzhi a meaningful look.

I still don't understand.

Since you like a woman, of course you have to think about him everywhere.

Why did he attack his family and his family like now?

Nie Feng didn't understand.

He also didn't want to think about things that had nothing to do with him.

Now my life experience is still a mystery, and I can't wait to solve it.

How can I care about other people's housework?

He said: "Don't worry, I'll do acupuncture when I meet her, it won't hurt Miss Dugu."

"Then I thank you in advance."

Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists slightly, then roughly thought of a plan, and said: "I guess tomorrow is the time for our wedding.

When the bride is brought back to the room, we two will act, and you will also call your brothers in. "

"it is good."

Nie Feng nodded and said: "I guess everyone was drunk at that time.

Young Master Mingyue, you have to do your job well, it is best to give them more wine. "


This is indeed a benefit, which Lin Pingzhi hadn't thought of before.

This Nie Feng is really thoughtful.

The two sides confirmed the details of the cooperation again, and finally returned to their own camps.

After things are over.

Lin Pingzhi found Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

Wasn't this girl jealous before?

Make good compensation today.


Even if Yin Ji, the jellyfish, has fallen asleep now, he still wakes her up and turns the clouds upside down.

Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had a resentful expression on her face, and then happiness was written all over her face.

The next morning.

Lin Pingzhi put on his clothes and went to Dugumeng's room to check, and it was as expected.

At this time, Dugu Meng has completely healed, the effect of the medicine has completely passed, and it has returned to its previous state.

He hugged each other and said: "Meng, let's get married tonight, if we keep procrastinating, I'm afraid there will be long nights and more dreams."

"it is good."

Dugu Meng was naturally very happy, but she didn't know that the man in front of her would bring her great changes.

After tonight.

His family will cease to exist.

I got the news that my sister got better.

Dugu Ming also became excited in an instant, and immediately ordered someone to prepare for the wedding.

This is not.

Both sides are busy with their own.

But Lin Pingzhi and Miss Mingyue were both a little absent-minded.

Lin Pingzhi is fine, he will be able to explain clearly after tonight, so he won't be too anxious.

The burden in the heart will not be too heavy.

But Mingyue is different.

In her opinion, if she married someone else in the bridal chamber today, there would be no turning back.

I was upset for a while, not knowing what to do.


After getting on this thief ship, it was difficult to think about it. She had no choice, and now she was locked in the room, and she couldn't get out.

at this time.

Ming Jing came, opened the door and went in, and said with concern: "Ming Yue, it seems that you haven't let go yet.

Just listen to grandma, it is impossible between you, if you continue to indulge in it, you will only get deeper and deeper. "

"Yes, grandma."

Miss Mingyue showed a wry smile, ready to accept the arrangement of fate for her, feeling bitter in her heart.

Ming Jing said again: "Dugu Ming is serious this time, if you go back on your word, he might kill me."


Mingyue didn't expect the other party to be so cruel.

At the same time, I was a little disappointed with the arrival of my grandma.

I thought it was to comfort myself.

She didn't expect that it was just for her own safety, so she couldn't wait to come over to confirm.

Feeling sad for a while.

After noon.

The entire Wushuang City is decorated with lights and festoons.

Everyone yelled and raised their glasses to drink.

Dugu gave orders today.

Everyone has to celebrate, don't go home until drunk.

Everything today can be put aside, let's have a good day with him first!

For everyone, this is of course good news, so the whole city is filled with the smell of wine.

Such a situation is naturally what Lin Pingzhi is happy to see.

The more people get drunk the more satisfied he is.

It would be better for everyone to be drunk, and it would be as simple as slaughtering a cow, so as to save yourself a little effort.

All the preparatory work has been done.

Lin Pingzhi and the others had already changed their clothes.

Now just wait for the sun to go down and the moon to come up.

It was an auspicious day then.

It's also a good time to get your hands dirty.

Nie Feng had already blended into the crowd, and no one recognized him after he disguised himself.

He can hide his aura without being discovered.

The reason why Nie Feng came early was not only to check the spots in advance, but also to confirm whether Lin Pingzhi's statement was correct.

speak up.

Until now, he has not fully believed Lin Pingzhi's words.

The reason why I went alone without bringing my deputy hall master with me was because I was afraid that something would happen.

If Lin Pingzhi was lying, he was sure that he would be able to escape unscathed, so he did not bring any followers.

Observed all afternoon.

In the end, he still chose to believe, thinking that this is an excellent opportunity.

So he called the deputy head of the Song Dynasty, and when the time came, he ordered to go together.

Vice Hall Master Song has a firework pinned to his waist, as long as it is released into the sky, the brothers of the Kamikaze Hall will rush in.

blink of an eye.

It was already nightfall.

The weather today is fine without any clouds.

There was a bright white moon hanging in the sky, which looked extremely beautiful, as if it was embellishing tonight's happy event.


Not far away, there is a dark cloud with a dark heart, which seems to be ready to cover the moon at any time.

In Peerless City.

Finally, the final moment has come.

In the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion, it was extremely lively.

Dugu Yifang sat on the chair in front of him, the smile on his face almost couldn't be contained.

He cupped his hands, thanked everyone for their kindness, and kept responding to the other party's gestures.

Lin Pingzhi and Dugu Ming naturally did the same.

As a newcomer, of course I have to accept everyone's blessings and express my gratitude.

There were probably a hundred or so people in the lobby.

All of them are important backbones of Wushuang City, and their young lady and son-in-law are married, of course they have to come to support them.

"It's really double happiness today. The young lady has found her wishful husband, and the young city lord has also found her other half."

"That's right, you have to drink all night if you don't get drunk tonight!"

"That must be done. If anyone leaves first, if he doesn't give face to the Young City Lord, I will definitely deal with him!"


Everyone burst into laughter.

Everyone sits at the table.

There are piles of wine jars beside him.

It looks like he really wants to get drunk.


Everyone laughed from ear to ear.

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