"Oh shit!"

When Dugumeng fell ill, the person who was most upset was definitely Duguming.

Originally, he could enjoy the joy of fish and water that night, and he could occupy Mingyue's body.

As a result, because of his sister's illness, the wedding date was postponed, so he could only stay in the vacant room alone that night, and in the end he could only find a few maids to relieve his boredom.

"All right!"

Dugu Fang was a little angry: "After all, she is your sister, can't you bear with me?"


Duguming didn't dare to talk back, he could only sulk.

During this period, Lin Pingzhi only hoped that the members of the Tianxiahui would come, otherwise the old trick would be repeated.

He would visit Dugu Meng every day.

The latter is also very happy.

Back and forth.

Both of them had each other in their eyes, and it seemed that some feelings really had secretly arisen.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little scared, it seemed that this time the matter had to be designed seamlessly.

Dugu Meng must be kept in the dark.


I don't know what kind of things that girl will do. It should be very difficult to choose between love and family affection on the one hand.

Tick ​​tock.

Time passed quietly.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi's preparations were not in vain.

A few days later.

The people from Tianxiahui arrived outside Wushuang City, and they all ambushed around, ready to attack at any time.

Wushuang City naturally also got the news, and Dugu heard that it was only Nie Feng who came this time, so he didn't take it too seriously.

"The old man thought that Xiong Ba would come in person, but he didn't expect to look down on him so much."

Dugu Fang sneered: "The old man admits that his apprentices are very good, but if they want to catch up with our generation, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go."

Lin Pingzhi smiled after hearing the news.

It's finally here.

He immediately suggested: "Future father-in-law, let's not act rashly and kill him by surprise."

"Well, the old man thinks so too."

Dugu rubbed his beard and said, "Nie Feng is a cautious person, I think he should send someone to investigate the situation in advance.

At that time, we will have a lot of articles to do.

Maybe you can invite Jun into the urn and wipe out all the people who split Nie Feng. "

"Well, the future father-in-law is really brilliant."

Lin Pingzhi flattered, but he was complaining in his heart.

He thinks this bad old man takes too much for granted.

Forget it.

Everything is irrelevant.


In the middle of the night, Lin Pingzhi first took a look at Dugu Meng as usual.

Then put on the night clothes and start this operation.

One thing Dugu Fang said was right.

Nie Feng will definitely send someone in to investigate the situation, he is not as reckless and arrogant as Bu Jingyun, he knows the truth of knowing yourself and the enemy and winning every battle.

of course.

It is possible that he sent his own subordinates, or it was possible that he came here in person.

If Nie Feng came here in person, things would be much easier.

The location where the opponent camped had already been determined in advance, so Lin Pingzhi lay in ambush around, expecting the opponent to show up.


He was lying in ambush in a forest, with the city wall outside.


Finally, I heard a swishing sound, which should be the movement caused by someone quickly shuttling.


Lin Pingzhi quickly locked on two targets.

One of them has light footsteps and extremely fast speed, and it can be seen that his legs are quite good.

It should be that Nie Feng is right.

The other person next to him was slightly less impressive.

Probably the vice hall master.

At last they did something.

Lin Pingzhi followed immediately, and stopped the two of them in a relatively quiet place, preparing to brainwash them.


The person behind Nie Feng sneered.

He didn't seem to be bothered by his discovery.

He said: "I thought there were people in Wushuang City who only knew how to eat, but now it seems that there are still some talents."

"The deputy hall master is really proud."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, then took off the mask on his face, and said, "I have shown my true colors to others, so there is no need for you two to keep hiding your identities.

And it's clear who you are. "

The other party froze for a while.

Then he took off his mask.

under the moonlight.

The man standing in front has a special affinity, chic and gentle, just like the sunshine in spring.

Especially the curvature of the corner of the mouth is really comfortable.

Don't guess.

It was Nie Feng.

The man behind him was much more vicious, with a long scar on his face, which looked extremely scary.

"I don't know if you are"

Nie Feng held a fan in his hand and asked with clasped fists.

Lin Pingzhi saluted, and said: "Lin Pingzhi in the Fuwei Escort Bureau, I have seen Hall Master Nie and the Deputy Hall Master."


As soon as I heard this.

Nie Feng and the deputy hall master were slightly surprised, but they knew that Mr. Mingyue was here before, so they were not too surprised.

Nie Feng laughed and said, "No wonder Your Excellency looks like Jiyue Qingfeng, but it turns out he is really Mr. Mingyue.

I have been admiring for a long time. "

"You're welcome, Hall Master Nie is Yushu Linfeng."

The two flattered each other and said hello.

Only then did the topic begin.

Nie Feng asked: "I heard that Mr. Mingyue is going to marry Miss Dugu soon. I wonder if Mr. Nie can come to have a cup of wedding wine."

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Pingzhi smiled faintly, and said: "Master Nie, let's get straight to the point, we already know your purpose.

I'm afraid it's not for the wedding this time, right? "


Nie Feng smiled softly.

At this time.

The deputy hall master behind him couldn't sit still, he had a bad temper, and couldn't understand Lin Pingzhi's gentle appearance even more.

of course.

Nie Feng is also gentle, but he can't beat him, so he can only obey. Moreover, he is also a person who admires Nie Feng from the bottom of his heart.

So be faithful.

Now that he met another person whom he disliked in his bones, the restlessness broke out again.

He stepped forward: "Hall master, why are you here to quarrel with him?

Since he was going to marry Dugu Meng, it meant that he was on the side with Wu Shuangcheng. If so, he must be the enemy. "


Casting his eyes on Lin Pingzhi, he said proudly: "I have long heard that Mr. Mingyue is extremely powerful, and he has achieved great feats at a young age.

Today, someone from me, Song, would like to learn about it. Mr. Mingyue probably won't mind, right? "


Without waiting for Lin Pingzhi's consent, his whole body was full of breath.

He should be of the brute force school, and his physique has grown a lot under the promotion of internal force.

It looks like a hill.

He stepped forward.

The ground beneath his feet sank deeply.

Da da da.

that's it.

Deputy Hall Master Song rushed towards Lin Pingzhi, his eyes full of killing intent, and when he got a little closer, he raised his fist and wanted to smash it.

"Iron Sand Fist!"

He was still chanting the name of the trick.

Lin Pingzhi didn't even bother to look at him. He had brute force but no skills. He was really a reckless man, and he didn't pose any threat to him at all.

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