After returning from the bamboo forest, Lin Pingzhi became a little absent-minded.

He is still worried about whether Mingyue is sad because of him, whether he is distraught because of him.

That kind of big beauty.

Because the injury he was about to suffer was really a sin.

Saw this.

Jellyfish Yin Ji came over and said, "What's the matter, Lin Lang, have you hooked up with another young lady?"

"You are really amazing."

Lin Pingzhi smiled wryly at Yin Ji the jellyfish, and said, "That's true, you won't pinch me again, will you?"

Jellyfish Yin Ji said arrogantly: "I've long been used to your flirtatiousness. Of course, I don't think I can have you alone."


Lin Pingzhi smiled cheekily: "It seems that I am still quite good, and you will feel ashamed."


Jellyfish Yin Ji rolled her eyes, and then asked, "What happened?"


Lin Pingzhi sighed, and then told the other party what happened just now.

After listening.

Jellyfish Yin Ji had no choice but to say, "Since everything has already happened, we can only explain it later."

"Why don't you help me explain?"

Lin Pingzhi asked tentatively.

Even though it is indeed a bit shameless to do so, Lin Pingzhi really has no other choice.

Do you want to let your old man go?

Actually it's the same.



After hearing this, Jellyfish Yin Ji sneered, squinting at Lin Pingzhi: "Have you considered my feelings?"

"Go, go, go."

Lin Pingzhi withdrew his orders again and again, and said: "Forget it, it seems that the only thing to do is to wrong that girl for a while.

I'll explain it to her after it's over. "


Jellyfish Yin Ji sneered again.

Then he got up and left, not knowing where he was going.

Lin Pingzhi asked, "Where are you going?"

"Of course, go and explain to the lover of your dream, lest he hang himself."

Jellyfish Yin Ji said this with a somewhat emotional tone.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a while after hearing this, and then showed a happy smile.

I thought it was nice to have you all.

He said: "Then it's hard work for you."

Jellyfish Yinji didn't speak, just about to go to see Mingyue.


Dugu Ming walked in with a smug look on his face.

And he was also wearing a red suit, which seemed to be a suit that Lin Pingzhi had tried, but it didn't fit him.

Dugu Ming's behavior made people feel incomprehensible.

Could it be that it was stimulated?

Lin Pingzhi said: "Young Master Dugu eats too much dog food?"

"What a mess."

Dugu Ming said: "I'll try it too, Mingyue has agreed to marry me just now, we will get married on the same day."

what! ?

Hear this.

Everyone in the room was a little surprised.

Of course Dugu Ming came here on purpose, just to stimulate Lin Pingzhi and relieve the jealousy in his heart.

"Why, does Master Mingyue have any objections?"

Dugu Ming laughed and said: "Or, do you think we will steal your limelight if we get married on the same day?"


Lin Pingzhi sneered, and just about to use force to force him, he asked Duguming if he had done anything to coerce others.


Mingyue appeared at the door of the room.

The expression on that face looked unusually indifferent.

Completely different from before.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were even more surprised, because Mingyue was also wearing a red dress, and she was just like Duguming.

Could it be that

Lin Pingzhi couldn't believe it.

Mingyue said: "Indeed, Mr. Dugu and I are getting married soon, and we squeezed because of time constraints.

Master Mingyue shouldn't mind, right? "


Lin Pingzhi wanted to say that he minded very much.

As a result, Mingyue didn't give him the chance: "Then thank you, Mr. Mingyue, I hope we can live in harmony in the future."


Turn around and go.

Lin Pingshang stepped forward and asked, "Mingyue, are you acting angry?"


Mingyue said: "No way, as the guardian of Wushuang City, it is my duty to become the wife of the future city lord of Wushuang City, and it is a responsibility I should fulfill.

How can I be angry when I do what I should do? "

As soon as these words came out, Lin Pingzhi had no way to reply.

But he was very sure that the other party was just angry with him.


This misunderstanding is huge.

"Master Mingyue."

Dugu Ming stepped forward to show off again: "I know that there is somewhat inexplicable relationship between you and Ming Yue.

Hope to get it right in the future.

after all.

If you marry my sister, you can also be regarded as my brother-in-law. "

Lin Pingzhi didn't answer, or he didn't take him seriously at all, and didn't take him seriously.

He just recalled the scene of meeting Mingyue in his mind.

Although few, but, indeed touching.

It is endless.

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Lu Guoming also left very sensibly, and went forward to chase Mingyue.


After a long time, Lin Pingzhi came back to his senses with a sneer.

just now.

His determination to destroy Wushuang City became even firmer.

Just kill it here.

Then Mingyue's responsibility is naturally gone.


You have to add up and see how you can do the best.

"Lin Lang."

Yinji the jellyfish was afraid that Lin Pingzhi would suffer too much, so she stepped forward to comfort him.

It's a pity that I think too much.

How could such a cheeky Lin Pingzhi be disappointed? He sneered: "Don't worry, I will make Wushuang City disappear from the world all the more."

That look.

It's frighteningly cold.

Wash your face with cold water to calm yourself down.

Lin Pingzhi began to plan what would happen next.

First of all.

He wants to use the time of Tianxiahui to destroy Wushuang City.

In this way, he will not cause trouble to his upper body, and it will not damage his reputation.

So the most important thing now is to delay time.

The people from the Tianxiahui haven't come yet, so I absolutely can't act rashly.

Even less able to get married.

If the bridal chamber is done, wouldn't it be cheaper for that brat Dugu Ming?

How can that bastard He De enjoy the first night of the bright moon?

Absolutely impossible.

Think about it.

In the end, Lin Pingzhi went to the city to buy some poison, the kind that makes people tired, but it won't kill people.

He put these medicinal materials into the water of Dugu Meng.

After Dugumeng drank it, she immediately felt dizzy and almost fell down. Fortunately, there was a maid by her side.

Unexpected events disrupted the original plan.

Dugu Fang and the others immediately asked people to investigate the reason, feeling anxious like ants on a hot pot.


In the end, the doctor said that there was nothing serious about it, and he could recover after a few days of peace of mind.

The doctor said: "I think it's because Miss Dugu accidentally took some medicines that restrained each other, which caused this kind of shallow poisoning.

But don't worry.

There is no serious problem, and it can be cured after a short rest without leaving the root of the disease. "

The Dugu family finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, there were no accidents.

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