Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1131 Vinegar Jar Zhang Wuji

Duan Yu came to the front of the chessboard, and Mr. Pianpian looked at it there, always smiling slightly.

As expected of a son of the royal family.

Everyone was waiting for his answer.


Not long after, Duan Yu turned around, smiled and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know how to crack it.

He said frankly: "I'm sorry, Duan really doesn't know how to crack it, so it seems that he can only give up."


Everyone was confused.

It seems too strange.

Mr. Duan is elegant, so he must be proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

How could it be possible not to understand?

And giving up lightly is a bit out of his style.


Duan Yu smiled and said: "I simulated it dozens of times in my mind, but I really didn't find a suitable solution.

So I can only admit defeat. "

Hearing what he said, everyone can accept it.

The effort of the half cup of tea just now can be simulated dozens of times in my mind.

It can be regarded as very human.

Everyone thought he was giving in to Lin Pingzhi, so they were unwilling to make a move.


Master Fang Yuan smiled, and said: "Hahaha, Mr. Duan is also a transparent person, knowing that he can't do anything, he naturally wants to retreat.

It's rare to be as open-minded as you. "

Turning around, he said to Lin Pingzhi, "Young Master Mingyue, it's your turn."

Lin Pingzhi didn't refuse, and planned to step forward to break the situation.

Only this time.

Zhang Wuji next to him was full of jealousy again, and he was full of jealousy.

He could tell that the old monk wanted to test Lin Pingzhi.

But why can't it be myself?

Why did everyone only see Mr. Mingyue in their eyes.

Is Master Mingyue really so bright?

Zhang Wuji was very angry.

He clenched his fist without any trace, but he still wanted to take care of his image, so he stood up and said, "Wait a minute, Mr. Mingyue."


Seeing that the boy who got in the way was blocking the front again.

Lin Pingzhi said impatiently, "What do you want to do?"


Zhang Wuji was already very confident in his kung fu.

He said provocatively: "Young Master Mingyue, I think you must be the candidate this time, but you still need someone to set it off."


It sounds like a compliment.

in fact.

Not at all.

Lin Pingzhi sneered: "Just tell me what you have, why beat around the bush."

"Good to say."

Zhang Wuji didn't hold back, and said, "Young Master Mingyue, I think the old man hasn't seen your abilities yet.

If the old man saw it, his eyes would shine brightly.

Since they are all here to fight for fame and fortune, how about letting me help you?

Let's learn from each other.

At that time, Mr. Su will naturally be able to see how extraordinary you are, Mr. Mingyue, and it will be a benefit to you.

of course.

I also want to take the opportunity to express myself. "


Lin Pingzhi knew that Zhang Wuji didn't have any good plans.

So beautifully said.

In fact, I just want to do it with myself.

He said disapprovingly: "Zhang Wuji, as I said just now, you can do whatever you want, why beat around the bush.

If I refuse, I'm afraid you will have other reasons for me to fight you, right?


to be honest.

You just want to teach me a lesson. "


Naturally Zhang Wuji would not admit it, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, don't treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

What I said just now is very obvious, I just want to show our abilities.


Mr. Su has been living in seclusion all along, so he naturally doesn't know about some things.

Let's learn from each other, and he can have a general understanding, can't he? "

That being said.

But what is his intention, everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart.

Someone has already sighed.

How heroic Zhang Wuxia is, how can he give birth to a son so unbearable, it can't be called chivalrous.


Song Yuanqiao immediately stood up and taught him a lesson: "Don't mess around!"

"It's okay."

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand, saying that it was okay: "Since Zhang Shaoxia wants to ask for advice, I naturally want to accompany him.

Besides, I think what he said makes sense. "


Song Yuanqiao said awkwardly: "I'm afraid you'll beat him to death."


There was laughter at the scene.

And such a smile is undoubtedly the greatest insult and irony to Zhang Wuji.

He gritted his teeth, the anger in his heart was already overwhelming.

I can hardly hold back my murderous emotions.


He asked himself again in his heart.

Why does everyone think that Lin Pingzhi must be the best one, why not himself?

"Young Master Mingyue, be careful."

Zhang Wuji gritted his teeth and tried his best to control his emotions. After saying a word, he immediately bullied him.

He casually picked up a branch on the ground.

Exercising Wudang swordsmanship in a dignified manner, he turned out to be proficient in it.

Thinking that when he just left, he was not so proficient.

It seems that after leaving, there is still work.

Everyone could see clearly and carefully, and somewhat admired Zhang Wuji.


Lin Pingzhi is now dealing with it empty-handed, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Others can't see it, but he is very clear.

In this case, the bystanders are confused, and the authorities are clear.

Although Zhang Wuji was fighting with himself with a wooden stick.


The trick is fierce.

It looks harmless to humans and animals, but it is actually sharp.

The internal force wrapped on the stick was extremely sharp.

Once he stabbed himself, blood would be spattered on the spot.

Hello Zhang Wuji.

To be a bitch, you have to set up a memorial archway, right?

Lin Pingzhi was not used to him anymore, he immediately drew out Xiao Zhongjian, wanting to fight him.

Also perform Wudang swordsmanship.

Retaliate with an eye for an eye.

He wants to use Zhang Wuji's Wudang swordsmanship to defeat him.

That's refreshing.

The two moved extremely fast, but in just a short moment, they dismantled dozens of moves from each other, and their movements were dazzling.

The people around were all admiring and thought, is this really a contest between two young juniors?

Many people have begun to doubt themselves now.

Even though they are seniors, they have to look up to them.

of course.

Naturally, they would not be surprised by Lin Pingzhi's strength, and it was only natural to have such an operation.

Zhang Wuji is different.

I didn't expect to be able to keep up with Lin Pingzhi's rhythm.

It is indeed surprising.

Seeing this scene, Song Yuanqiao and Yin Liting were very relieved, and they smiled unconsciously.

Now that Zhang Wuji has this kind of ability, they are of course happy to see that at least he has the ability to protect himself when walking in the rivers and lakes, so they won't be too worried.

"Master Mingyue, are you kidding me?"

The two exchanged their moves, and Zhang Wuji suddenly questioned in the process: "You have so many magical skills that you don't use, but you use the same tricks as me.

What, is humiliating people your greatest joy? "


Lin Pingzhi imitated Bao's different tone: "No, I just use it smoothly."

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