Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1130 Brother Asylum

Other people around looked at such a scene of mutual love and affection, and cast admiration and envy in their eyes.

They all admire Lin Pingzhi's ability.

With so many excellent women gathered together, they were able to make them so harmonious.

It is really admirable and enviable.

Everyone envied Lin Pingzhi's ability to be able to enjoy this kind of blessing, it's really amazing.

Because of the exit of Little Dragon Girl and Li Mochou.

Only Grandmaster Fangyuan, Lin Pingzhi, Ding Chunqiu, Zhang Wuji, and Duan Yu were left on the scene.

I am afraid.

The ultimate lineage will be born among these people.

Su Xinghe glanced around at the people in front of him, and was quite satisfied.

Although the two people told by the master were not present.

But he felt that these people in front of him were not necessarily worse than them.

Not to mention a lot better.

For example, explaining Mr. Yue.

At this time.

His eyes fell on Zhang Wuji.

He looked up and down, and nodded in admiration.

He could see it.

Although this young man surnamed Zhang is not as good as Young Master Mingyue, he is indeed quite outstanding.

At least in their generation.

Such a young boy with such talent and achievements has never been encountered before.

I have to sigh with emotion, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Su Xinghe opened his mouth and said: "This young man Zhang is not an ordinary person either.

It seems that Su has become a little ignorant these years, and he didn't know that there was a young hero Zhang Wuji in the Jianghu. "

Hearing this kind of praise, Zhang Wuji raised his chin.

He looked very proud, very proud, very elated.

It was because of his action that Su Xinghe was slightly disappointed.

I always feel that this young man is too flamboyant and doesn't fit the style of the Happy School.

"Mr. Su's reputation is too high."

Zhang Wuji cupped his fists in return: "Since ancient times, heroes have been born in youth, and young knights in the Jianghu are not the only young masters of Mingyue."

What he said was very specific.

Lin Pingzhi just laughed at it and didn't respond at all.

Zhang Wuji still couldn't get into his eyes.


Hearing Zhang Wuji's words, Ding Chunqiu started to mock.

"Zhang Wuji, I really don't know where you have the face to say such things.

You, a guy who betrayed his master, dare to call himself a young hero?Oh, the skin is thick enough. "

Zhang Wuji was clearly out of breath.

If I want to inherit the skill of Xiaoyao Sect, I must leave a good impression on Su Xinghe.

Now that his own scandal is exposed, it will definitely affect his image.

But he also knows how to stabilize his emotions, and retorted with a sneer: "Speaking of betraying the teacher, I can't compare with Mr. Ding.

I just left Wudang but did not hurt Wudang.

Mr. Ding is different. I heard that he beat his master to death. "


Ding Chunqiu became anxious: "Nonsense, if you talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth off!"

"That's right."

Lin Pingzhi also mentioned this sentence.

He wasn't helping Zhang Wuji, he was just telling the truth.

Then he said impatiently: "If you two have any personal grievances, please settle them together.

Don't bother everyone here. "


The two snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Su Xinghe sneered again: "Ding Chunqiu, do you still have the face to stand here? Do you think I will choose you?"

"Why, brother, where is fairness?"

Ding Chunqiu shook his fan, with a gloomy face: "Just now you said it yourself, all heroes in the world are eligible to participate.

What, did I get excluded? "


Su Xinghe also swears: "You bastard who deceives teachers and destroys ancestors is just a wild dog that everyone shouts and beats. Can you have some face?"


Ding Chunqiu became anxious, and said: "Su Xinghe, why don't you say that senior brother is giving you face, don't give face to shame.

it is good.

It has been many years since I have received the miraculous skills of my senior brother, so please enlighten me today! "

After speaking, he raised his fan and wanted to do it.

The inner strength has begun to gather.

The momentum between the two sides climbed to the extreme.


Lin Pingzhi interrupted.

He stared at Ding Chunqiu indifferently, and said: "Ding Chunqiu, do you really not care about us?

Mr. Su played a big chess game today, and to put it bluntly, he also wanted to benefit us.

You are in trouble with him.

It is difficult to follow us.

Don't talk about other people, if you dare to do something to Mr. Su, you have to pass my test first. "


The internal force in the body is also condensed.

An invisible pressure spread instantly.

Ding Chunqiu's complexion was livid, he was overwhelmed with anger, but he knew he couldn't beat him, so he had no choice but to give up, saying: "Okay, I'll give Master Mingyue a face."

After speaking, step aside.


Yue Laosan, who kept talking on the sidelines, laughed and taunted again: "Ding Chunqiu, you will really make yourself face to face.

What do you mean you give Mr. Mingyue face, do you dare not give it? "


Ding Chunqiu ignored it, after all, it was the truth.

"Young Master Lao Mingyue."

Su Xinghe nodded his thanks, and with a chic smile on his face again, he said: "Then, the remaining friends, please try to solve the chess game.

Not many people.

It's okay to take your time. "


Everyone is gearing up and eager to try.

Master Fangyuan didn't intend to inherit the Xiaoyao School's skills during this trip.

After all, he is a Shaolin disciple, and he happens to be learning other skills?

Come here this time.

I just want to pay attention to Lin Pingzhi.

So he took the initiative to bow and said: "Amitabha, if you don't mind, Mr. Mingyue, please give me a nod.

Speaking of which, I think that among those present, Mr. Mingyue may have the greatest hope. "

"Master's words are serious."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "It hasn't started yet, the outcome is unknown.

Besides, although I am the strongest, Mr. Su also said that everything depends on aptitude and fate.

If it was only based on strength, I am afraid that so many people would not come today, would they? "


Master Fangyuan laughed again: "Master Mingyue is really transparent, I admire it, but someone has to start."

"it is good"

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, although he didn't know what the old monk was planning, but he didn't mind starting it himself.

after all.

Playing chess is not about going into battle to kill the enemy, you can't get out of danger.

As a result, he was about to reply when he was interrupted by Duan Yu next to him.

Duan Yu probably felt that the old monk had some scheming intentions to embarrass his third brother.

Simply show your responsibility as a brother.

He put one hand on Lin Pingzhi's shoulder and said, "Third brother, since it's not convenient for you, let me come first.

Anyway, I'm here just for fun.

Just let me try it for you. "

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "Okay, then there will be Brother Lao."


Duan Yu nodded.

Such a handsome young man, so elegant.

It also captured the hearts of many women.

It's a pity that he seemed a little powerless in front of Lin Pingzhi.

I saw Duan Yu walking a few steps forward, and came to the chess board.

He closed the folding fan in his hand, and looked at the chessboard with a smile on his face.

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