Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1128 The Prestige of the Chess Game

The delirious Duan Yanqing was in a trance, at this moment, Ding Chunqiu suddenly appeared beside him.

And said such extreme words in an extremely indifferent and disgusting tone.

His gloomy face is really chilling.


And the next scene surprised everyone even more.

Duan Yanqing, who had already been famous for a long time, was extremely firm mentally, but suddenly became vacillating.

I saw him flustered, like a kid who made a mistake, not like an old fox at all.

At this moment, everyone felt that he seemed to be a different person, as if that person was not Duan Yanqing at all.

In terms of temperament, it is completely two people.


Everyone was stunned and didn't know what happened.

They all speculated that it should be related to the chess game, otherwise Duan Yanqing wouldn't be able to shake his mind with these two words.

"Yeah, why am I still living in this world?

Why don't I die, I'm already so ashamed, why do I have to linger? "

Duan Yanqing hesitated, feeling as if he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, and seemed at a loss.

Ding Chunqiu prodded at the side again: "Duan Yanqing, so you still know that you are a waste.

If I were you, I would have killed myself already.

What else can a person like you do in this world?

What else but wasting air?

You look at your dog-like appearance, you will be scary when you walk on the road, why don't you think about it for everyone?

When everyone sees you, their eyes are sharper. Why don't you just go to see the King of Hell, and it will be a pleasure for everyone. "

"Yeah, why do I still live in this world like this?

I should have died long ago! "

The more Duan Yanqing spoke, the more excited he became, as if he was starting to criticize himself, and suddenly he mobilized his inner strength and raised his iron crutch.

I saw that he held the crutch backwards and aimed the pointed end at his chest.

Everyone was shocked, did he really want to kill himself?

Could it be just because of Ding Chunqiu's few words?

Seeing the situation, Su Xinghe couldn't control it.

Just wanted to stop.

But Lin Pingzhi stepped forward and interrupted.

Lin Pingzhi sneered, and said: "Duan Yanqing, you can be considered an old fox in the Jianghu, how could it be so simple?

Why, a small chess game, have you lost your mind? "


I don't know what happened.

Duan Yanqing suddenly recovered, struggling out of the confusion just now, his eyes immediately became firm.

Ding ChunQiu gritted his teeth, hating Lin PingZhi for meddling in his own business.

It was about to succeed, why did this bastard come to get in?


Duan Yanqing came back to his senses, and stared at Ding Chunqiu with vicious eyes, as if he wanted to eat people.

Ding Chunqiu put away the hateful face just now, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, as if he didn't take Duan Yanqing seriously.

He just mocked: "Mr. Duan, it's such a pity, it almost saved you."

"Ding Chunqiu, you really have sinister intentions."

Duan Yanqing turned around to look at Ding Chunqiu, and said: "If Master Mingyue hadn't made a move, maybe I would really have committed suicide."


He put on a half-smile and said: "Young Master Mingyue, I really thanked you just now.


That doesn't mean I have to thank you. "


Lin Pingzhi didn't ask him to thank him either, he smiled lightly and said, "If you really thank me, then it's not Duan Yanqing."

"it is good."

Duan Yanqing smiled slightly: "Master Mingyue is Mr. Mingyue, and his style of conduct is really extraordinary.

All right, for this kind of behavior towards you, I, Duan Yanqing, owe you a favor.

But it may not be repaid, and it depends on your requirements later. If it is simple, it can help. "

"No need."

Lin Pingzhi was not uncommon, and said: "I said that I don't need you to thank me.

This young master just hates Ding Chunqiu's behavior and doesn't want him to succeed in his schemes.

I don't know why he wanted to harm you, but he must have no good intentions. "


Ding Chunqiu laughed, and said: "Young Master Mingyue really knows how to behave."

When he said this, he was still a little guilty.

I was afraid that Lin Pingzhi would strike suddenly.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

"His grandma's!"

Yue Laosan couldn't stand it anymore, after all, his boss was almost killed.

He jumped out again, pointing at Ding Chunqiu's nose and cursing: "I, as the Four Great Evils, never imagined that they would be far worse than you, an old monster.

When it comes to evil, I'm afraid you, Ding Chunqiu, are ranked second, and no one dares to rank first.

How dare he say that Mr. Yue is a decent man.

Why do not you go to hell? "

Yue Laosan was emotional.

Although since ancient times there is no balance between good and evil, he has no intention of targeting Lin Pingzhi, let alone appreciate Ding Chunqiu.

On this matter, he chose to stand on Lin Pingzhi's side instead.


Duan Yu also stood up to speak out for his buddies: "Ding Chunqiu, you are too insidious and cunning."


Facing the accusations of everyone, Ding Chunqiu didn't take it seriously.

He continued to shake his fan, and said, "Everyone, are we here today for a criticism meeting?

Everyone is here to solve the chess game, why continue wasting your tongue on other things? "

Although everyone was a little uncomfortable listening, that guy clearly wanted to divert attention.

It can be said that it is somewhat reasonable.

I don't want to waste Mr. Su's time any longer.

He is valued as the host, but he is kept aside.

It's not moral.

So he reluctantly closed his mouth, intending to draw back his attention.

But Yue Laosan was not happy, so he couldn't control so much, and he did things according to his own preferences.

He frivolously said: "Bah! His grandma, Ding Chunqiu, do you mean to forget what happened just now?"

"Why, Mr. Yue is not convinced?"

Facing Yue Laosan.

Ding Chunqiu still had confidence, so he took the initiative to provoke.

Yue Laosan was so angry that his face was red and his neck was crooked. He pulled out his weapon and said, "His grandma, I will teach you a lesson today!"

Ding Chunqiu is naturally not afraid.

Seeing that the two sides are going to fight.

Duan Yanqing grabbed him and said: "Third brother, I will settle my debt with him, and I will definitely not let him go when the time comes.

Let's get down to business first.

Mr. Su is here, how dare he be presumptuous?He Ding Chunqiu doesn't understand the rules, he's disgraced the Xingxiu faction, what does it have to do with us? "

"it is good!"

Yue Laosan stopped immediately, but in fact he was still a little guilty.

Fortunately, my boss gave me a hand.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to be beaten to the ground in front of everyone?


Ding Chunqiu looked up to the sky and smiled, "Duan Yanqing, when did you learn to be so hypocritical?"

"It's funny."

Duan Yu mocked again: "Mr. Ding thinks that other people are hypocritical, he really has no self-knowledge."

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