Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1127 Beginning to Solve the Game

"Where did the third brother speak, this is Dali, how could I not be here?"

Duan Yu laughed.

Lin Pingzhi patted his head: "That's right, look at me, when you see beautiful women, you get confused."

Wang Yuyan blushed instantly, and quickly stepped back.

"Okay, is it enough for you to flirt?"

At this time.

Zhang Wuji, who was full of jealousy, suddenly interrupted them, saying: "This is a public place, not your private domain.

To develop love between children, you need to clarify your triangular relationship, go home, do you want everyone to watch a bloody drama? "

Sudden loud noises.

It's really a broken atmosphere.

"Hey, I thought who it was, it turned out to be Zhang Wuji and Zhang Shaoxia, why didn't he stand with your uncle?"

Immediately someone made a sarcastic statement.

This person is naturally different.

The irony in the words is very obvious.

Why didn't you stand with Wudang Mountain?



Because you have betrayed Wudang.

Hear this.

Zhang Wuji frowned.

And the other people around are also regarded as watching the show.

Everyone naturally despised Zhang Wuji's behavior.

It's just that it is Wudang Mountain's family matter after all, and they can't get too involved. Losing Wudang doesn't mean losing them.

"Everyone, let's not talk about the grievances between us personally.

Today is Mr. Su who wants to choose a qualified heir.

It should be his home game, so why should we overwhelm the host? "

Lin Pingzhi immediately returned to the topic and said: "I think everyone is here for the chess game.

Now that everyone is almost here, it is natural to get down to business. "

"Master Mingyue is right."

It is a bit embarrassing to see everything related to Wudang.

Of course, Song Yuanqiao was the first to agree: "Let's put aside the private information he gave, and we should get down to business first."

"Master Mingyue is right."

"That's right, today is Mr. Su's home game, how can you forget about him?"


Everyone spoke up.

Su Xinghe brushed his beard and smiled: "Thanks to everyone's love, the chess game I set up on the wall.

Anyone is eligible to step forward to break the game, but anyone who can break the game is naturally qualified. "

The crowd looked up.

There is a huge chessboard on the cliff.

It looks so domineering.

"Master Mingyue please!"

Suddenly someone recommended it.

Everyone was expecting Lin Pingzhi to make a move.

"It's not good."

Lin Pingzhi didn't want to make a move so soon, and wanted to wait and see for a while.


Su Xinghe smiled again: "It seems that Mr. Mingyue is very humble, he is really a role model for young people."

"It's just fishing for fame."

Zhang Wuji complained.

Everyone rolled their eyes.


at this time.

He suddenly heard a burst of ventriloquist laughter, which sounded so weird and made one's scalp tingle.

Duan Yanqing, who was leaning on an iron crutch, walked out from the crowd, the scar on his face was very scary.

He said: "Since Mr. Mingyue is humble, then Duan will go first, so as to open the way for everyone."

"Tch, Duan Yanqing, you really don't know what's good or bad."

Miejue Shitai has always been very contemptuous of these villains, and also very tit for tat.

She said domineeringly: "Old Mr. Su said just now that if you want to inherit his mantle, you must be handsome.

Don't go if you look like a dog. "


Duan Yanqing was not angry, and said: "Master Jue Jue is really righteous, we and other villains can never escape your verbal criticism.

But Mr. Su also said just now that anyone can solve the situation.

Even if he doesn't get Mr. Su's approval in the end, he can at least prove himself.

Isn't it? "


Su Xinghe said: "Since Mr. Duan wants Tao to ask for advice, he can naturally ask for advice.

Su also said just now that anyone can solve it.

But the final choice is mine, and I will choose the most qualified heir. "

"it is good!"

Duan Yanqing sneered twice, raised his iron crutches, shot out a burst of internal force, and instantly wrapped around a chess piece.

Then hit the chess piece on the wall and stick it.

It's his first step.


Su Xinghe smiled: "Mr. Duan's move is really a bit mediocre."

Duan Yanqing said: "Mr. Su, don't be in a hurry to evaluate and talk about it later."


He looked at the whole situation again, trying to distinguish the situation clearly and determine his next step.


When he carefully watched the chess game in front of him.

Suddenly, I felt a trance, and felt that my consciousness seemed to have come to another world.


There are black and white parties fighting there.

It's like the evolution of a chess game.

And the danger and variety in it opened Duan Yanqing's eyes even more, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He found himself flustered and remembered that he was playing chess and wanted to join his side.


In an instant, he became confused, shaking his head non-stop, and seemed to have lost his mind.


Just when everyone was a little confused about the situation, a sudden burst of laughter came.

An old man with long hair and a feather fan jumped out, naturally it was Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Chunqiu came in front of the chess board and in front of everyone.

"Ding Chunqiu, you are indeed here."

Su Xinghe's face immediately darkened.

"Senior brother, since it's your chess game, of course the younger brother will come to give advice. We haven't seen each other for a long time, why are you still so indifferent?"


Su Xinghe will not argue with him for now.

Lin Pingzhi took a step forward and said, "It's normal for Mr. Su to ignore you.

Wasn't your master pushed off the cliff by you back then?

Don't think that no one has known for so many years.

Unless people don't know, unless you don't do it yourself. "


Although Ding Chunqiu is afraid of Lin Pingzhi's strength.

But I still have to refute this kind of words, saying: "Young Master Mingyue, don't pour dirty water on people.

Say it as if you saw it with your own eyes.

When my master disappeared, you probably hadn't been born yet, why did you say so with certainty? "


Lin Pingzhi continued: "It's all said, if it's not that people don't know it, unless it's something you can't do."

"I can't beat Mr. Mingyue, so let you say it, anyway, justice is at ease."

Ding Chunqiu made a look of helplessness, still insisting on his sanctity.

As if he had been wronged.

Su Xinghe stared at Lin Pingzhi, a little surprised by his speech just now.

How did this Young Master Mingyue know?

"Hey, someone has already started to solve it beyond their limits."

Ding Chunqiu bypassed Lin Pingzhi and the others, looked at Duan Yanqing who was disturbed by the chess game, and sneered twice.

Finally, he stepped forward and whispered in the other party's ear: "Mr. Duan is not tolerated by the Duan family in Dali, and even made himself a ghost, why live in this world?"

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