"The scenery on the mountainside is not bad, why are those people so anxious?"

Lin Pingzhi embraced the mountain breeze on the mountainside.

The person who blows is cool.

This feeling is really good.

Several women also closed their eyes and enjoyed it.


at this time.

A few friendly laughter came from behind.

Look back.

It turned out to be Master Fangyuan from Shaolin Temple, with several Shaolin disciples behind him, rushing up the mountain at the moment.

"Master Mingyue has such a state of mind, it is not surprising that he has achieved today.

It is really admirable that he is so calm at such a young age.

It's not like other people who desperately want to go up the mountain, but you must know that sometimes you must have something in your life, and there is no time in your life, so don't force it!

As long as the fate does not come, it is useless for them to go early. "

Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists in salute: "Master Fangyuan, it's a pleasure to meet you. It was a ridiculous compliment just now. I'm just too lazy to move."


Fang Yuan laughed: "Young Master Mingyue, please feel free, we will go ahead."

As he spoke, he took his Shaolin disciples up.


Lin Pingzhi looked at their backs and muttered in a low voice: "I said Shaolin Temple will also come. How can there be people who don't care about fame and fortune at all?"


Li Mochou nodded, now she wanted to make it concrete: "Those guys are just pretending to be lofty.

So I don't like these so-called decent people.

All of them only know how to put on airs. "

"Senior sister, please keep your voice down, it will be bad if someone hears you."

Xiao Longnv reminded and looked up the mountain.

They didn't notice any changes from those monks, and it seemed that they didn't hear them.

"If you hear it, you can hear it. With Lin Lang here, what else can they do?"


Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes, thinking about it, you will cause trouble for me, won't you?

Several people walked slowly up the mountain, and soon came to the top of the mountain.

Here, it is already crowded with people.

Lin Pingzhi did not expect so many people to come.

Take a closer look.

Shaolin Temple, Kongtong School, Diancang School, Xingxiu School, Wudang School, Emei School, this school and that school.

Almost all are here.

It was even more lively than when the six sects besieged Guangmingding.

Is it that fun?


There is a rumor circulating in the rivers and lakes.

An unknown beggar who just solved a game of chess, soared into the sky.

How could everyone miss such a good opportunity, so naturally they wanted to come and find out.

Lin Pingzhi and the others did not go there first, but waited and watched from a nearby high place.

All those sects surrounded a cliff, and the chess game was drawn on that cliff.

Very big.

Everyone can see clearly.

Sitting in front of the chessboard was a skinny old man.


Although the old man is very old, and there are age spots everywhere.

But it looks like he is twice as young, especially when the breeze blows, his chic appearance jumps out on the field.

As expected of a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Sure enough, it's chic enough.

That old man is Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe looked up at the people who came in front of him, and said: "Thank you for your recognition.

Thank you all for coming all the way to this place.

It's everyone who gave me face. "

"What did Mr. Su say?"

Fang Yuan said: "Old Mr. Su's chess game is naturally incomparably mysterious, we all want to come and see the truth.

Everyone knows Mr. Su's abilities, so of course he wants to challenge and gain experience.

It’s just that old Mr. Su is not to blame, so many of us came, it seems that we are bullying the few with the more. "


Su Xinghe smiled: "Everyone can come here to save my face, and they are not talking about bullying or not bullying.

Besides, my purpose is already obvious.

Just want to find an heir.

The more people there are, the better, and I can pick someone with higher qualifications.

It's just that I didn't expect even Master Fangyuan to come, I'm afraid Su is not qualified to teach you, and he will make a fool of himself in front of the master. "

"Mr. Su really knows how to joke."

Fangyuan made a bow and said something about Amitabha.

"All right."

At this time.

There was a commotion from the crowd.

It turned out to be the South Sea Crocodile God.

South Sea Crocodile God said impatiently: "I don't like you bastards.

Is it interesting to blow over and blow over?It's all bullshit.

Let me tell you, everyone should start now, they are all here for the inheritance of martial arts, so why put on a show.

I think everyone here can't wait, I guess many people already want to grab it! "

Hear what he has to say.

The crowd laughed.

I didn't take it seriously, I just felt that this person was straightforward.

Although he is one of the four villains, he actually counts what he says, and being outspoken is not an advantage.

"God Crocodile of the South China Sea, I think you are the one who can't wait to snatch it, right?"

Someone in the crowd joked: "It's a pity that with your little ability, you can't even touch Mr. Su."

"His grandma, who said it, stand up!"

The South China Sea crocodile did not strike a single point: "Stand up and eat me with a pair of scissors, and you will know whether your grandpa and I are worthy!"


Su Xinghe also laughed, and said: "This hero, you are not suitable.

As far as your appearance is concerned, you are no longer suitable to be my disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Forgive me for speaking bluntly, this is indeed a hindrance, the appearance of your Excellency is really hard for me to compliment. "


Lin Pingzhi, who was watching from a high place, couldn't help laughing.

The women next to her also covered their mouths and laughed.

"Lin Lang, Mr. Su really doesn't give you any face."

Xiao Longnu teased.

Lin Pingzhi nodded: "It's just telling the truth.


Speaking in front of so many people, the South Sea Crocodile might be a little anxious. "

"His grandma's!"


The South Sea Crocodile was furious, jumped up and down on the scene a few times, and drew out his weapon to point at Su Xinghe: "Mr. Su, my third brother Yue has always respected you, but Mr. Su humiliated my third son Yue like this.

I am really angry.

It seems that Mr. Su doesn't know that people can't be judged by their appearance, and Yue Laosan asked for advice first! "

Say it.

With a kick, he stepped directly towards Su Xinghe.

The opening and closing of the scissors in his hand will lock someone's life.

Those present were not nervous at all.

After all, everyone knows who is strong and who is weak!

He, Yue Laosan, didn't have the ability to defeat Su Xinghe of the Xiaoyao Sect, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to be a villain and have to listen to others.

Just as the third son of South Sea Crocodile God Yue approached Su Xinghe, Su Xinghe slowly raised his head.

A faint smile appeared on the old face, and he pushed forward with one palm, and a powerful internal force flew out instantly, directly enveloping Yue Laosan.

Yue Laosan felt being held by an invisible force, and was suspended in mid-air, and slowly began to spin.

People were amazed.

This internal force is so strong that it can hold a person in midair.

The Xiaoyao faction really lived up to its reputation.

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