Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1122 Su Xinghe's Chess Game


Song Yuanqiao refused, "Wuji, how dare you be so rude?"


Zhang Wuji didn't say anything more.

He still didn't dare to talk back to his uncle.

Don't dare to fall out.


Lin Pingzhi didn't speak just now, but now he just sneered.

in his heart.

Zhang Wuji was already a corpse.

That guy dares to hit his woman's idea, he must not be able to forgive him.

Although he also knew that the other party might have said that on purpose just now, it was not allowed.

At least there are plenty of people around to watch.

If this matter spreads out, if you don't settle the score afterwards.

Doesn't everyone in the world know that their harem is easy to bully?

Absolutely not allowed.

"Zhang Shaoxia, when the time comes, we will see the real chapter on the fist."

Lin Pingzhi gulped down a mouthful of tea, his tone indifferent.

The eyes are full of cold air, making people afraid to look directly.

"Young Master Mingyue, don't blame me."

Song Yuanqiao hurriedly smoothed things over: "My nephew is not old or young. If I offend you, I will apologize to you."

"Need not."

Lin Pingzhi said: "One person does something and one person does it.

This incident was provoked by him, so naturally he should be allowed to extinguish it.

It has nothing to do with the rest of you.


Zhang Shaoxia came all the way this time, probably not just for the chess game.

I saw your eyes as if you were going to eat me, and you probably came for me too. "


Seeing being seen through by the other party, Zhang Wuji snorted coldly, didn't hide much, and slapped his teacup to pieces.

The momentum is quite good.

He pointed at Lin Pingzhi again: "That's right, although you are a little bit self-aware.

I just want to take care of you this time.

You made me lose face at the beginning, how can I continue to read this breath? "


Lin Pingzhi was not angry, but said indifferently: "You were responsible for everything back then, so what has it to do with me?

You are the one who is jealous of the virtuous and capable, so why is it my fault instead? "


Zhang Wuji didn't hit a single point of anger: "It's you, a pious fellow, who provoked my relationship with Wudang.

Wasn't it the same just now?

Forget it, anyway, the strength of the people above the rivers and lakes speaks for itself.

After a while, everyone will know who is right and who is wrong. "


Lin Pingzhi sneered.

Does this guy think that he can compete with himself after learning the Xuanming Divine Palm?

Just a joke.

What a frog at the bottom of a well, the mere Xuanming God's Palm thought he could do it, and he really thought he was invincible.

If so.

It is impossible for the Taoist Baishui to hide for so many years.

When it comes to attainments in the palm of Xuanming God, who can compare to this great man?

In the end, the one who was beaten could only hide.

"No worries."

Seeing Zhang Wuji like this, Song Yuanqiao felt more and more chilled.

It seems that among the second generation disciples of Wudang.

It is true that there is no such a good character, which really makes people feel a little helpless.

Zhang Wuji didn't say much.

Anyway, I will find a chance to take revenge later.

At that time, it was time to fight.

Even his uncle couldn't stop him.

And heard what Zhang Wuji said.

The people around were a little surprised.

"That guy's hair hasn't even grown yet, yet he dares to challenge Mr. Mingyue.

Where did he get the courage? "

"That is, no matter how hard he tries during this time, he still cannot surpass Young Master Mingyue.

It is estimated that even a finger of others can't compare. "

"Hey, the son of Zhang Wuxia, it's really a pity, it really insults the name of a hero!"

"It can't be helped, Zhang Wuji has always been favored by the Wudang faction, so it's not surprising that he looks like this today."


There was a lot of discussion.

They all thought Zhang Wuji was crazy, and dared to challenge Lin Pingzhi.

I guess I don't know how to write the word dead.

And Zhang Wuji himself who heard these words.

Naturally, he was out of breath.

Everyone took it for granted that Mr. Mingyue was invincible and that he was the leader of the younger generation.

It really drove him mad.


Think carefully.

This might be a good plot.

Only then can I defeat it in front of myself as a hero in the world.

Then their current incomprehension will become quite serious.

Naturally, it also represents one's own strength and status.

in contrast.

Lin Pingzhi's sense of gap is even greater, and it will be even more embarrassing at that time.

"Ha ha."

thought here.

Zhang Wuji couldn't help sneering, impatiently waiting for the next scene, wanting to humiliate Lin Pingzhi.

How could Lin Pingzhi fail to see what that guy was thinking.

I'm afraid that it will be him who lifts a rock and shoots himself in the foot.

The small tea stand was quiet for a while.

Immediately after that, wave after wave of people came.

There are more and more news.

"Have you heard? This time it is Su Xinghe who sets the chess game."

"Yes, a disciple of the Free and Unfettered Sect.

He is not too young, he probably wants to find an heir.

It is only natural to set up a chess game. "

"It is said that everyone in the Xiaoyao School is virtuous and proficient in all aspects of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. No wonder he came up with such a method to find an heir."

"That is, if it is not extremely clever, there must be no way to break the chess game."

"Speaking of which, the Xiaoyao Sect has really high requirements for selecting disciples.

Not only is it required to be good-looking, but also to be talented and intelligent, and even more so to be a chic person. "

"If you really want to talk about it, I am afraid that only Mr. Mingyue is qualified in Jianghu."


Everyone unknowingly bounced on Lin Pingzhi again.

Lin Pingzhi has gotten used to it.

Zhang Wuji next to him was full of jealousy, and unconsciously clenched his fists.

He swears.

In the future, people in the world must be the first to think of themselves.

When talking about romantic figures through the ages, everyone's first impression must be themselves.

and no one else.

Zhang Wuji gritted his teeth secretly, he must make himself famous and make everyone surrender to him.

"Lin Lang, now you can be said to be the one everyone expects."

Xiao Longnv looked at Lin Pingzhi with admiration.

It was the look up of a little girl.

Only in front of Lin Pingzhi would she show this expression.


Lin Pingzhi also smiled triumphantly, and said, "I can't help it, you men are too good."


Song Yuanqiao answered.

Zhang Wuji next to him said jealously again: "Proud and complacent, one day you will be defeated by your own arrogance."

"Wuji, he has the capital to be arrogant."

Song Yuanqiao taught a lesson: "Why be so narrow-minded."

Zhang Wuji didn't speak again.

The big guys sat in the teahouse for a while.

After that, they went on the road one after another.

Seeing that it was about noon, everyone was rushing up the mountain.

Everyone wants to quickly see the true content of the chess game.

It can benefit everyone, and I don't know what is the mystery of this chess game.

Everyone couldn't wait to see her sooner, so the wind was blowing under their feet, and they climbed up the mountain more quickly.

On the contrary, Lin Pingzhi took the women with him in a leisurely manner, not in a hurry at all.

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