Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1115 Men Understand Everything

"how do you"

Shangguan Xiaoxian couldn't understand, could it be that the poison in the wine was gone?

Otherwise, how could Tang Qingfeng, who knew the truth, let Lin Pingzhi continue to drink?

Or does he have an antidote?


Shangguan Xiaoxian firmly disagrees, the antidote can only be found in himself, and the quantity is limited.

The hidden place is also very hidden, and it is impossible to find it.

Seeing the puzzled expression on the little girl's face, Lin Pingzhi thought it was funny.

That's right.

It's been a bit boring recently, so I came up with such a trick.

The matter of Hulong Villa was basically settled, and Lin Pingzhi had limited things to do when he returned to the Escort Bureau.

Most of it is handed over to other people.

As long as it is not a particularly important matter, he will basically not participate.

Recently, it has been like throwing away the shopkeeper, and only needs to eat, drink and have fun every day.

At the beginning, I still feel enjoying and relaxing.

As time goes by, it naturally becomes quite boring.

Just about to deal with Shangguan Xiaoxian, they teamed up with Tang Qingfeng to come up with such a play to relieve their fatigue.

Don't say it.

Really refreshing.


Shangguan Xiaoxian seemed to understand something, and looked at Tang Qingfeng with a different look.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi again, he gloated and said, "Young Master Mingyue, I'm afraid you won't be the one who has the last laugh today."


Lin Pingzhi listened to him talk.

Based on the information he possessed, Shangguan Xiaoxian deduced the following content naturally.

She said: "I never thought that Tang Qingfeng had already told you everything.


But I didn't tell you everything.

There is poison in wine, you know that? "


Lin Pingzhi was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed drastically.

He looked at Tang Qingfeng with a look of surprise and doubt.

Tang Qingfeng was a little confused, but quickly sneered and put on a sinister face: "Brother-in-law, if you don't die, how can I have a bright future!"


Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth.

Shangguan Xiaoxian is now laughing happily instead: "Hahaha, Mr. Mingyue, I just said that you are not the one who laughs at the end.

You brother-in-law is still a little bit capable and a little bit ambitious.

First use you to deal with me, and then frame you.

Now that you drank the poisoned wine, I'm afraid you can only confess. "

After finishing speaking, he stared at Tang Qingfeng with Pei Fu's eyes: "You are quite cruel, and you actually thought of dealing with your brother-in-law like this.

What, want to replace it? "

"is it not OK?"

Tang Qingfeng's face was gloomy.


at this time.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly clutched his chest and let out a scream, curled up in a ball, and suddenly fell to the ground.

He twitched a few more times on the ground, and then stopped moving, making his face unclear.

I don't know if it's dead or alive.

Shangguan Xiaoxian just wanted to go up to check the situation.

If he died, he still had a chance.

As a result, when she leaned over to look, Lin Pingzhi suddenly raised her head, which startled her and almost fell backwards.


Lin Pingzhi laughed wildly, and immediately put away the painful face just now: "Leader Shangguan, you really don't have a long memory.

We just said we were playing tricks on you, you really don't take it seriously. "


At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoxian came back to his senses.

It turned out that everything just now was acting again.

Those two guys just acted out a story of brothers killing each other according to their own content.

Just to make fun of myself.


Shangguan Xiaoxian gritted her teeth, being teased to such an extent made everyone furious.

"I can not make it."

Tang Qingfeng, who was laughing loudly, collapsed on the chair, "I really can't do it anymore, this silly girl is so cute."

"You are courting death!"

Shangguan Xiaoxian was furious, narrowing her eyes and staring at Lin Pingzhi: "Since you know you have been poisoned, how dare you drink it?

I don't believe he can really get the antidote for you.

What, Tang Qingfeng, could it be that you split the antidote I gave you into two, and you two swallowed half of it?

Hahaha, let me tell you, then both of you will surely die. "


Lin Pingzhi sneered: "Silly girls, are we that stupid?

To tell you the truth, this young master is still invulnerable to all poisons without an antidote. "


Shangguan Xiaoxian naturally didn't believe it, he didn't know that some people have a constitution that is invulnerable to all poisons.

Although less.

also exist.

Because of this, when he practiced these poisons, there were no such lucks, and he vowed to eliminate those who had a very small probability of being invulnerable to all poisons.

So you have practiced the current poison, even if you have that kind of physique, you will still be poisoned and die.

"My poisons are specially refined, so don't try to isolate them!"



Pulling out the sword, he was about to strike, and at the same time said: "After being poisoned, you will be completely weak and lose your internal strength.

If it is true as you said, then show me a hard one. "



He stabbed at Lin Pingzhi with a sword.

The oncoming cold light did not disturb Lin Pingzhi's sense of proportion.

He shook his head and smiled, obviously not paying attention.

Then stretched out two fingers and pinched it lightly, breaking Shangguan Xiaoxian's stab with ease.

The sword was also caught between two fingers, Ren Shangguan Xiaoxian couldn't pull it out no matter how hard he tried.


At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoxian turned pale with shock.

She never thought it would end like this.

"Why aren't you poisoned?"

She was surprised.

"Didn't I tell you, my son is invulnerable to all poisons."

Lin Pingzhi continued to smile, and then Ling Bo approached slightly with a move, and hammered Shangguan Xiaoxian with the other hand.

Under the powerful internal force, Shangguan Xiaoxian collapsed and just passed out.

"Silly girl."

Tang Qingfeng shook his head, put his hands on his back and left, and at the same time said to Lin Pingzhi: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't tell my sister."

"What do you mean by that?"

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes: "You mean I want to attack her?"


Tang Qingfeng smirked: "They're all men, I understand.

Besides, is there anything to worry about when dealing with this kind of woman?

Anyway, you just throw it away when you're done using it, and you're not sorry for my sister. "


Lin Pingzhi gave him a thumbs up: "Your brother is really affectionate!"

"Let's go."

Tang Qingfeng left without looking back.

But Lin Pingzhi looked at Shangguan Xiaoxian who was lying on the table, and was a little uncertain for a while.


As Tang Qingfeng said, there are advantages, and if you don't take advantage of them, you don't take advantage of them.

He could tell that Shangguan Xiaoxian was still a virgin, and if he broke her body by himself, he would still be rewarded by the system.

why not?

"Girl, girl, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for being a sheep."

Lin Pingzhi put Shangguan Xiaoxian on his back, walked towards the room, and at the same time murmured: "But don't worry, I am a gentleman, and if I play with you, I will naturally benefit you."

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