
Shangguan Xiaoxian can't get off the tiger now.

And the feeling of the rest of her life made her feel that she could let go of everything.

Just getting rid of his own suspicion, this fresh feeling made Shangguan Xiaoxian a little bit flustered, and felt that he could make any sacrifices.

Not to mention just two guards.

It was just nonsense just now.

It's just two accompanying guards, who can't be regarded as confidantes.


She coughed twice and said, "Come in, I have something to discuss with you."

Say it.

Just heard the sound of the door opening.

The two guards walked in immediately, not knowing that they were in a catastrophe, thinking that there was something that needed to be dealt with by themselves.

"Recruit everyone who should be recruited."

Shangguan Xiaoxian didn't turn her head back, her tone was even more commanding.


The two were immediately confused, completely unaware of what happened.

At the same time, my heart sank.

Could it be that the matter of two people playing a rich woman together was discovered?

Damn it, that fat woman really didn't keep a secret.

The two were quite embarrassed.

"We have solid evidence, what else do you want to say?"

Lin Pingzhi pretended to be majestic, and said: "What kind of benefits did those guys do to you? They actually betrayed the country and sought glory."


Suddenly such a big charge was charged, the two guards were taken aback immediately, and naturally wanted to refute.

"What did Mr. Lin say?"

One of them said: "We just committed some crimes of adultery, how can we count as treason for glory?"


Shangguan Xiaoxian waved his hand and slapped the table.

After finally finding something to attract firepower, of course they must continue to take the blame, and this fire cannot be burned on themselves.

She taught her a lesson: "My girl raised you for nothing, but she was bought by those Japanese pirates.

If I tell the truth now, I can leave you with a whole body. "

The two guards were stunned, they came so suddenly.

Why did he suddenly become a traitor who colluded with Japanese pirates?

This is not a small crime, the two have to refute and explain anyway.

However, Shangguan Xiaoxian couldn't let them explain at all, and quickly drew out her sword.

There was only a swishing sound, and the bodies of the two guards were instantly riddled with holes.

The blood flowed down, dyeing the whole room red, and the smell of blood came to the nostrils.

The two guards were also miserable. They didn't know what happened, so they just died in Huangquan.

clap clap.

Lin Pingzhi and Tang Qingfeng clapped their hands together: "Shangguan's leader really killed relatives righteously.

It's impressive how merciless it is with its enemies. "


Shangguan Xiaoxian wiped off the blood on the sword and put it away, but sighed: "It's because I am not strict in discipline.

No matter what, these guys are also guards under my nose, and they actually collude with Japanese pirates in private.

I didn't notice it at all, it was a dereliction of duty. "

Lin Pingzhi and Tang Qingfeng were even more admirable: "Shangguan leader has such a thought and can reflect on himself, which is really admirable."

next second.

The style of the two suddenly changed.

"It's a pity that IQ is too low, hahaha"

This sudden change made Shangguan Xiaoxian a little confused.

Lin Pingzhi and Tang Qingfeng suddenly burst into laughter, it was a blatant ridicule without restraint.

Shangguan Xiaoxian was at a loss, not knowing what happened.

"Shangguan Xiaoxian, you are really cute and silly, don't you realize that you have been discovered?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered: "You idiot, your identity has already been revealed, what else is there to hide?"


When Shangguan Xiaoxian came back to his senses, he realized that he had been tricked.


Tang Qingfeng, who was also smiling happily over there, probably lied to himself too.

Her eyes were resentful, and she stared at the two of them.


Lin Pingzhi and Tang Qingfeng slapped the table frantically, making crazy jokes.

If you want to say why, it's probably a little boring.

Looking for something to entertain.

It happened to be on Shangguan Xiaoxian's head.

"No, I can't laugh anymore."

Lin Pingzhi covered his stomach and explained: "Stupid woman, in fact, you have already revealed your secrets, and we were just trying to scare you.

Those two of your guards aren't spies either.

We just lied to you.

How, do you feel like you escaped a disaster?Do you feel like you still have hope? "

Looking at the two corpses lying on the ground.

Shangguan Xiaoxian frowned.

Just angry at being played on.

There is really no sympathy and guilt for those two people.

The weak eat the strong.

Where is there so much compassion?


Shangguan Xiaoxian sneered, and said: "It turns out that Mr. Mingyue is also this kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

Why do my two guards have any grudges against you? "

"There is no grudge, no resentment."

Lin Pingzhi thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was really nothing to do with each other, and said: "It's just talking casually, who knows that you really take it seriously.

By the way, before those two guys died, Zhaogong himself seemed guilty of adultery.

I don't look like a good person, who deserves to die. "

"It turns out that Mr. Mingyue harmed others without asking why, just to make fun of it?"

Shangguan Xiaoxian wants to attack people from the moral level.

It's a pity that I chose the wrong object.

Lin Pingzhi may have morality, but he will never use it to motivate himself.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Lin Pingzhi even looked at her with disgust, and said, "Leader Shangguan, it's ridiculous that you want to use this trick against me.

Now that I have come to this point, I certainly understand that the strong prey on the weak.

Do you think I feel guilty?

Let’s be honest, the two of us are just a little bored, so I’m going to play tricks on you.

Who would have thought that you would show no mercy at all, just to cover up your identity from being exposed, you would kill the two of them regardless of the reason.

Who is more hateful? "


Shangguan Xiaoxian was so angry that his teeth itch, how could he know that Lin Pingzhi was such a rascal.

I really underestimated him before, where there is no sage, he is simply a shameless person.


But even so, Shangguan Xiaoxian was not in a mess.

After all, he has chips.

She sneered, and took a sip of wine in front of Lin Pingzhi and Tang Qingfeng.

The movements were exaggerated, as if to remind her.

"Do you two think you have won? I dare to come here, so I am fully prepared."

She sneered, her movements were light and unhurried.

There was no sign of panic at all, as steady as an old dog.

Lin Pingzhi and Tang Qingfeng looked at each other and smiled, and took a sip of wine imitatively, not paying attention at all.


Shangguan Xiaoxian couldn't understand it, and looked at Tang Qingfeng suspiciously.

She thought this guy was still an ally before, so she told him about the poison in the wine.

Moreover, he was given the antidote in advance, and Tang Qingfeng was asked to drink alcohol on his own initiative, so as to relieve Lin Pingzhi's defense.

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