river or lake

Chapter 422

What I saw along the way, Qinghe City did not lose the tranquility of the past because of the disappearance of the Hongyan Gate, and the city did not give people a sense of danger, which made Chen Feifan confused. He couldn't guess what the Darkwind League was fighting What's the idea.If it is said that the Dark Wind League is cruel, it is true. He can see clearly the matter of Zhengtian Gang and Hongyanmen, but for ordinary people, they don't seem to kill innocent people indiscriminately, otherwise the Dark Wind Escorts would not have been there. They are still there.

In the middle of the night, Chen Feifei thought about it, but still had no clue, and was about to slowly close his eyes and prepare to rest.Suddenly hearing someone stepping on tiles on the roof outside, Chen Feifei quickly got up, pulled out the Phantom Spirit Sword, and listened again with his ears erect.

It's late at night now, I can walk on the roof, and there are so many people here, I don't need to guess, they must be here to kill people.

Chen Feifan was a little curious, but he gave up the urge to go outside. He put on his shoes, sat on the bed, placed the Phantom Spirit Sword in front of him, and listened quietly, guessing the masters of these footsteps. where to go.Unexpectedly, after a while, these footsteps stopped around his roof.

Before Chen Feifei could think too much, he saw someone break through the window and enter. Although the room was pitch black, but by the moonlight outside, there should be two people coming in. As soon as these two people landed, everyone behind them followed suit.Chen Feifei glanced at the door, and was about to start to rush out, when he saw the door quietly opened a crack, and then the door was slowly pushed open by someone outside.

Chen Feifei felt very strange why someone would come to kill him. The fact that they chose to come and kill him in the middle of the night meant that someone knew he was here; however, there was another possibility, that is, they found the wrong person.But in any case, this battle is unavoidable.

A total of five people came in from the window, each with a big knife, and a total of five people came in from the door, each with an iron claw on his right hand.Chen Feifan still sat upright on the bed without moving, but the phantom spirit sword in his hand had already been unsheathed.Someone used iron claws, which reminded him of the Blood Wolf Gang of the Dark Wind Alliance.

The five people by the window and the five people by the door quietly joined together in the house, and two of them even whispered to each other, and even pointed fingers, obviously they were discussing how to act.

Seeing this, Chen Feifei was sure. There were so many people here, but none of them took the lead. In his opinion, they must be a bunch of mediocre people.He considers himself a master, so why should he panic when dealing with these people.Thinking of this, he asked slowly, "I don't know what is the purpose of coming here?"

The ten people were walking slowly just now, but when they heard this, they suddenly paused; then, without saying a word, they picked up the weapons in their hands and rushed towards Chen Feifei.

Since the opponent is so eager to fight, Chen Feifan will not sit still and stand up straight forward. At this time, the phantom spirit sword in his hand is also swung out, and the big knife in front of him and the phantom spirit sword collide very quickly. .Although there is no light in the house, but with the moonlight shining into the house, it is still possible to see things clearly.

Chen Feifei didn't worry about anything. He was alone, so he wasn't afraid of accidentally hurting others. He had no scruples about killing anyone he saw.After a few rounds of fighting between the two sides, the opponent also realized the situation, and one of them said: "Light up the lamp."

After a while, the room became much brighter. The ten people were all dressed in night clothes, and Chen Feifan couldn't tell whether they were members of the Dark Wind Alliance or not.

"A few friends, did you recognize the wrong person?" Chen Feifei asked again. He was not afraid of them, but just didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

The ten people still did not answer, and continued to kill. Chen Feifei could only sigh softly, and the killing intent was already in his heart.

One rushed to the front with a big knife in his hand, the other came from the right with a knife, and one on the left stretched out his iron claws.Facing three enemies at once, Chen Feifan remained calm and unhurried. He saw his footsteps move, and he dodged slightly to the left. go.

This sword was mixed with sword energy, and the opponent naturally couldn't stop it. With a crisp "Dang", the big knife actually split a crack, but the phantom spirit sword was still intact; looking at the one on the left, it was unexpected. When Chen Feifan met with his palm, the strong wind of this palm passed, forcing him to retreat a few steps; while the one on the right threw his knife into the air, when he was still hesitating whether to advance or retreat, He was kicked on the left knee by Chen Feifei, and he couldn't move for a while due to the pain.

Seeing that the three people in front had nothing to do with Chen Feifei, the seven people behind them swarmed up. Chen Feifei was also unambiguous, and directly flew across with a purple-red Linggang sword energy.This is indeed a group of mediocre people. No one can stop the sword energy wherever it goes. This sword energy injured three people in a row, and one of them was cut off in the middle and died on the spot.

The enemy didn't seem to have expected that Chen Feifei would be so powerful. After only a few rounds of fighting, three people were injured and one person died; they hesitated and took a few steps back, but Chen Feifan didn't move forward, but asked again: "Are you People from the Dark Wind Alliance?"

Upon hearing this, the remaining nine people attacked at the same time, and Chen Feifei also had an answer in his heart when he saw this.One against nine, facing such an enemy, Chen Feifei's self-confidence was already full, without any flinching.

At this moment, a woman from outside the door rushed in, raised a sword in her hand, and pierced the back heart of a person in front of her with a sword; that person did not expect to be stabbed behind him abruptly, and the great pain made him feel sick. He threw himself forward on the ground, blood gushed from the back of his chest, and he died after a while.

The woman who pierced the heart with the sword was Ling Yani, the eldest lady of the Ling family who was sleeping next door. At this moment, she appeared outside the door with disheveled hair, wearing a thin coat, and holding the Suying sword in her hand.

"Leave one alive." Chen Feifei stabbed at the person in front of him while speaking.

The opponent's strength was really not satisfactory, Chen Feifei moved forward, although he was blocked, but then turned his right hand around, turned around the opponent's iron claws, and stabbed the man's right arm with his sword.The rest of the people came to encircle him one after another, and he resolved them one by one without any injuries. The gap between the two sides was really obvious.

Looking at Ling Yani's side, everyone's thoughts seemed to be on Chen Feifei, except for the two who were dead on the ground, only one person was fighting with Ling Yani with a big knife.Let's say that Ling Yani's Xuantian swordsmanship is not from a famous school, but it is not an ordinary swordsmanship either. After a few rounds, the person with the big sword obviously fell into the disadvantaged.

With the help of the weak light, the crowd fought extremely fiercely, and Chen Feifei didn't show mercy. Although he used the powerful swordsmanship of wide opening and closing, four people were injured after a few rounds; The mysterious Yunlong swordsmanship caused the three of them to fall to the ground without breath.

This group of enemies were obviously not Chen Feifan's opponents, but they didn't intend to run away, but instead attacked desperately; the more the opponents were like this, the more Chen Feifan wanted to leave a life alive and ask for clarification.


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