river or lake

Chapter 421

At this moment, Chen Feifei was a little drunk. Hearing Ling Yani's words, he didn't think too much. He quickly took out the blueprint on his body and presented the landscape painting on the back of the map in front of her.

"I didn't expect there to be a painting here." Ling Yani looked at it carefully with the help of the light.

"I don't know if there are any clues here." Although Chen Feifan couldn't see why this painting was drawn here, he vaguely felt that this painting was still inextricably linked to the map on the front.

"Is this the old man you're looking for?" Ling Yani asked, pointing at the old man in the painting.

Chen Feifan didn't pay attention at first, but when Ling Yani said this, he took a closer look and found that there was indeed a resemblance; although he only met the old man once, he could still vaguely remember his appearance.So, he quickly nodded and replied, "It seems to be him."

Ling Yani pointed to the mountain on the painting and asked: "Brother Fanfan, do you know what kind of mountain this is?"

"I don't know. Do you recognize it?" Chen Feifei thought it was just a painting at first, since the old man in the painting was the old man he was looking for, then it was not just a simple painting.

"This is Yizi Mountain." Ling Yani pointed to the mountain road on the painting with her slender index finger.

"Yizishan." Chen Feifei took a breath.

Among the four forbidden areas in Longding Kingdom, there is Yizi Mountain to the south, which connects to the horizon in the east and the extremely evil desert in the west. It is possible to climb over this mountain to go further south.Once an emperor asked a general to go in one by one with an army of [-], but only a thousand escaped, and all of them were unconscious.

"Maybe..." Ling Yani moved her index finger to the wooden house and continued, "This painting tells us that the old man is there."

"You said that old man is in the cabin next to Yizi Mountain?" Chen Feifan didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to find someone this time.

Ling Yani withdrew her index finger, looked at the painting quietly, and replied after a while, "Maybe it's there."

Yizi Mountain is a long way away, not to mention hearing that it is dangerous and unknown, Chen Feifei inevitably retreated a little in his heart; and even if he got there, he might not be able to find the wooden house, even if he found the wooden house, the old man would not be able to find it. Not necessarily right there.Now I just look at the pictures and talk about things, no one knows if it is true or not.

Thinking of this, Chen Feifei was half sober, and suddenly remembered that he still had a letter from Zuo Tian in his arms, but he could never open this letter, he had to hand it over to the old man himself hands.If you don't go to Yizi Mountain, then looking for Lu Ran is actually searching in the vast sea of ​​people, and there is no clue.

After thinking about it, Chen Feifei felt that it would be better to go to Yizishan first, maybe he could meet Lu Ran on the way, and if there was no news of the old man in Yizishan, then he would find another way.

Having made up his mind, Chen Feifei drank the wine in his glass and said, "Okay. Let's go to Yizishan."

Ling Yani obediently filled his glass with wine, and said, "Brother Fanfan, I'll go with you."

"No." Chen Feifei hurriedly waved his hands and said, he originally wanted to go alone for this matter; although Ling Yani sent horses and swords, she was an outsider to him after all.

"Why, are you afraid that something bad will happen to me?" Ling Yani raised her eyebrows, pretending to be angry.

Seeing Ling Yani getting angry, Chen Feifei felt a little soft-hearted, and apologized with a smile: "Yani, I didn't mean that. It's just that the purpose of going here is Yizishan, your daughter's family, and I'm thinking of you."

"What's wrong with my daughter's house?" Ling Yani seemed a little dissatisfied, "I know martial arts, and I will never drag Fan Fei, let alone I have been to Yizi Mountain."

"What! Have you been to Yizi Mountain?" Chen Feifei couldn't believe his ears.

Ling Yani took a sip of the wine in the glass, smiled lightly and said, "Didn't expect that?"

Chen Feifan really didn't expect it, but now that he thinks about it carefully, if Ling Yani leads the way, maybe he can really get twice the result with half the effort.Thinking of this, Chen Feifei had a new plan in his heart, and hurriedly replied to Ling Yani: "I really didn't expect it. If that's the case, then let's go to Yizishan to look for it together."

"When are we leaving?" Ling Yani was a little impatient.

"Tomorrow morning. Yani, what do you think?" There was nothing else going on here, and Chen Feifei of course wanted the sooner the better.

"Tomorrow morning." Ling Yani thought for a while, nodded and replied, "Okay, we will meet at the south gate."

Going back to the inn, lying on the bed, Chen Feifan, who was half drunk, regretted the agreement just now; this time to go to the old man entrusted by Zuo Tian, ​​it is unknown whether it is a blessing or a disaster, and he does not know whether the old man is an enemy or a friend What's more, it is unknown whether the Ling family is an enemy or a friend; good wine and beautiful women really confuse him a lot;

After sleeping until dawn, Chen Feifei packed his luggage and rode Night Breeze to the south gate to wait.

It didn't take long before I saw a woman with long hair tied back, dressed in white clothes, and a long sword hanging on her waist, riding a white horse, slowly approaching Chen Feifan.

This woman was exactly the one Chen Feifei was waiting for. When they met at the south gate, they only exchanged a few words, and then they set off immediately and headed straight for Yizi Mountain.

Accompanied by a beautiful woman like Ling Yani along the way, Chen Feifei did not forget himself, so the purpose of this trip has also changed. Concentrating on finding the old man entrusted by Zuo Tian has become the only purpose of this trip, and looking for Lu Ran. It's just a matter of fate.

The two went south all the way to Qinghe City. As soon as they arrived here, Chen Feifei thought of Hongyanmen. What happened in those few days seemed to happen yesterday.

Seeing that Chen Feifan was in a daze, Ling Yani hurriedly asked, "Brother Feifan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered some old people." Chen Feifei replied with a smile. Since Ling Yani didn't know about it, it was inconvenient for him to say so.


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