river or lake

Chapter 408 Double Eagles vs. Lu Jie

Lu Jie didn't expect the other party to have such abilities, but when the two flying swords disappeared, he pushed his left and right palms outward at the same time, one left and one right palm respectively, forcing the bone-evisculating eagle and the brain-gnawing eagle to be somewhat insufficient. At a loss, I can only step back.This attack still failed, and the two seemed a little helpless. In front of so many disciples of the Dark Wind Alliance, the two couldn't hold back their face.

Looking at Lu Jie again, he retracted his palms, and the two shattered flying swords condensed into shape again, continuing to surround him.

As a disciple of the Wuju Sect, a disciple of the Half Immortal Sect, it is indeed not something that ordinary Jianghu disciples can win.Now, the two of them have seen Lu Jie's ability, and they have long since thought of quitting. If they were to fight to the death, they also felt that it was not worth it.

At this moment, Lu Jie stood still at the same spot. He was no longer the Lu Jie who was fledgling at the Yingjie Conference back then. Just waiting for Taoist priest Tanya to pass the suspension bridge smoothly.

Seeing that the three masters did not move, the disciples of the Dark Wind Alliance did not dare to act rashly, and did not even dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing the three of them.

After a while, the Brain Gnawing Eagle couldn't stand it anymore, he had never been so aggrieved before, kicked his feet, and rushed over again.The man-eating hook in his hand can be retracted and stretched, but this time he didn't throw the scimitar, but directly stabbed it as if he was holding a scimitar.

When someone approached, the two flying swords naturally greeted them. This time, the Brain Eagle did not hesitate, and swiped the knife horizontally, and directly slashed at the two flying swords.There was a half-inch-long light on the scimitar, and the two flying swords were broken when the knife passed.At this moment, Eviscerate Eagle took the opportunity to move forward with a knife, trying to get around to Lu Jie's left side, ready to strike him.

Although Lu Jie was entangled with the two people in front of him, he still looked around and listened to all directions. At this time, seeing the other three deputy gang leaders slowly approaching, he hurriedly took two steps back, and said in his mouth: " There is a righteous way in the world, and freedom is in my heart, and if the world has no limits, there is no restriction in cultivating the way."

As soon as the words fell, the Jinghong Sword came out of its sheath behind it, and it did not fall into Lu Jie's right hand, but hung above his head.

"Get up." Lu Jie pointed forward to the void, and saw six flying swords condensed with emerald green sword energy appearing around him, protecting him in the middle, and the seventh largest flying sword was on top of his head. floating above.

Originally thought it was a great opportunity, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Brain-Eating Eagle had no time to sigh, kicked its feet, released the man-eating hook in its hand, and swept towards the six flying swords in front; The Eviscerated Eagle didn't stop, it moved forward and continued to rush forward.

Seeing that the two men attacked again, Lu Jie was not very worried, but turned his head to look at Taoist Master Dunmi again, and found that he was still on the bridge, but he was not far from the other side.

Once the Unrestricted Sword Formation was formed, Lu Jie didn't need to put much effort into it. He just stood there with his arms folded and let the opponent rush over.

Before the two of them arrived, the man-eating hook had already swept to one of the flying swords in front of them. This time it was different from just now; The two are evenly matched, and when a sword collides with each other, neither can do anything to the other.Just this one blow surprised Naognaying secretly. Although he didn't use all his strength, he still used nearly [-]% of his skill.

Of course, that was not the only thing that surprised the two of them. The six flying swords didn't seem to need Lu Jie's command. The two flying swords flew towards the Eviscerate Eagle on the other side, and the remaining two flying swords surrounded Lu Jie.

Although the other party only came with two flying swords, the Eviscerate Eagle didn't dare to be careless, and quickly stopped, swinging the Eviscerate knife in front of him, waiting for the arrival of the sword.

The two flying swords didn't play any tricks, and flew directly towards the Eviscerate Eagle from the front. The speed was extremely fast, and he couldn't help but hesitate at all.Arriving in front of him in the blink of an eye, he quickly raised his right hand, and the boning knife in his hand went towards the two flying swords. The two swords collided immediately, and suddenly felt a huge force from the knife. onto his right hand.

As the boss of the Nine Evil Eagles, Eviscerate Eagle certainly has the ability to be proud. I saw him clenched his right hand tightly, and he went forward with all his strength, and then knocked back the two flying swords.

On the other side, Brain Gnawing Eagle frowned facing a flying sword. It was too late to take back the man-eating hook in his hand.Facing the incoming sword, he didn't hide back, but ducked under the flying sword with a short body, and went straight to where Lu Jie was while retracting the man-eating hook.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would have such abilities, Lu Jie was a little surprised, but it was just a shock in his heart, on the surface he remained motionless, looking at the two of them coldly.

Naognaoying just got up straight, the flying sword behind him had turned his head, aiming at the back of Naognaoying.It was too late to say that, and then it was too late, the bone-evisculating eagle came behind the brain-gnawing eagle with a stride, and with a strong wave of the bone-evisculating knife in his hand, he blocked the flying sword.But at this moment, the two flying swords in front of Naognaying Eagle attacked again, and immediately after the two swords, there was another flying sword that also rushed over.

Facing the three swords flying together, the brain-gnawing eagle that had withdrawn the man-eating hook not only did not have the slightest fear, but was full of confidence.He stepped forward, and the man-eating hook in his hand no longer flung forward. The hook that didn't fly out was a machete.Others have always thought that the biggest threat of the man-eating hook in the brain-gnawing eagle's hand is that it can be thrown out inadvertently, killing people within a few steps, but they don't know that it is in its current form when it is most powerful.

Seeing that the two flying swords were about to reach his eyes, Niaonaoying raised his right hand at this moment and swung it out vigorously. The man-eating hook in his hand collided with the two flying swords suddenly.

The two were in a stalemate for only a blink of an eye, and saw that the two flying swords did not retreat, but were scattered in place, and instantly disappeared, and the brain-gnawing eagle took a step back involuntarily.

As soon as the two swords were extinguished, the third flying sword rushed over. At this moment, Eviscerate Eagle turned around and blocked the third flying sword again for Brain Cracking Eagle.

Looking at the two flying swords re-condensed beside him, Lu Jie had withdrawn his original attitude of belittling the two of them, but with the abilities shown by the two of them now, they still couldn't threaten him.

Seeing the three deputy gang leaders behind them getting closer, Lu Jie was still smiling at first, but when he looked from a distance, four people appeared behind the three.The appearance of these four people made Lu Jie's face change, and he actually reached out and took down the Jinghong Sword above his head.


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