river or lake

Chapter 407 Nine Fiend Eagle Vs Unrestricted Faction

Seeing that they were getting farther and farther away from Lu Jie and the others, and even Fan Tiangu, led by Xu Tian, ​​was a little far away from them. Chen Feifan and Hua Xiaotian saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts.So, desperately chasing forward, both of them knew that if they stopped at this moment, there might not be any good results.

The Eviscerate Eagle and the Brain-Eating Eagle, who were chasing after the two, chased with all their strength at first, but after chasing for a while, they slowly stopped and began to slaughter the disciples of other sects around them.To them, Chen Feifei and the two of them were just two escaped prey, and they could pursue them or not. As for the consequences of letting them go, it seemed none of their business.

There were no pursuers, and there were only ordinary Dark Wind Alliance disciples around. Chen Feifan and Hua Xiaotian soon arrived at Xu Tian's side. Seeing the two returned safely, Xu Tian was overjoyed. Fan Tiangu's disciple died three more times. One, only two disciples are still alive, but they are both wounded. They are responsible for taking care of Li Jun along the way, and they have no time to help Xu Tian fight a bloody way.

The return of the two of them undoubtedly gave him two more powerful helpers.Bringing Li Jun back to Fantian Valley alive is Xu Tian's only thought now.

All factions tried their best to follow Lu Jie forward desperately. Fortunately, there were not many masters in the surrounding enemies, but they only had the upper hand in numbers.When they ran to the suspension bridge, the number of people from each faction was only half of the number when they came, and most of the remaining survivors were injured.But what is gratifying is that everyone worked together to bring out all the people who were imprisoned in the dungeon, and no one was left behind.

"Hurry up, everyone hurry up to the suspension bridge." Lu Jie and Daoist Tanmi stood beside the suspension bridge, directing the crowd to go up the bridge. Judging by the posture, the two were ready to go to the rear.Lu Jie was the only person everyone could rest assured of. With him here, everyone ran up the suspension bridge without thinking too much.

Chen Feifan followed Hua Xiaotian and the others on the suspension bridge and returned the same way. I don't know if this method is right or wrong, but this is the only way right now.

The chasing soldiers came all the way, seeing Lu Jie standing guard in front of the suspension bridge, the disciples of the Dark Wind Alliance did not dare to step forward, just when they were hesitating, the Eviscerate Eagle and the Brain-Eating Eagle also rushed here.

They turned around and saw that they were members of the Nighthawk Gang. This gang was very cunning, and they retreated one after another, and they were the leader.The Eviscerate Eagle turned around and smiled, shook his head, and said nothing; while the Brain Eviscerate scolded the group of people behind him carelessly.

"May I ask that your Excellency is Lu Jie from the Unrestricted Sect?" Eviscerate Eagle asked Lu Jie while walking with a smile.

"Exactly." Lu Jie didn't lie, he nodded and admitted.Although the sword on his back was not out of its sheath, no one dared to despise him.

"I wonder if Lu Shaoxia has heard of the Eviscerate Eagle from the Nighthawk Gang?" Eviscerate Eagle continued to ask.

Lu Jie thought about it seriously, then shook his head and replied, "No."

At this moment, the two of them were only five steps away, and the Eviscerate Eagle did not back down because the other party was a member of the Unconstrained Sect. Instead, he smiled, thrust the long knife forward in his hand, and killed the other party. Seeing this, the Brain-Eating Eagle also rushed over.

Seeing that these two people not only did not have the slightest fear of the name of the Wuju faction, but also showed provocative expressions on their faces, Lu Jie also wanted to kill their prestige on a whim, so he hurriedly looked to Tan Mi, who wanted to come over to help The Taoist waved his hand and said, "I am enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Eviscerate Eagle's knife was already in front of him. Seeing this, Lu Jie quickly took a step back, without any movement in his hand, but the Jinghong Sword on his back flew out by itself and landed in his hand. Just in time for the menacing knife in front of him.

The Eviscerate Eagle failed to make a single cut, and the Brain-Eating Eagle rushed up, and with a wave of his hand, the man-eating hook circled around to the back of Lu Jie's head.The two cooperated tacitly and moved extremely fast. If it were an ordinary person, they would have lost their lives long ago.But the person in front of him was Lu Jie from the Unrestricted Sect. Inadvertently, a flying sword condensed with sword energy blocked the opponent's scimitar from behind.

"Nighthawk Gang. I don't think so." Lu Jie snorted, with a look of contempt on his face, and then put the long sword into the scabbard on his back, leaving only a sword made of sword energy. Emerald green flying swords flew around him.

The other party is so arrogant, and the Brain-Eating Eagle really can't swallow this breath, no matter it is an unrestrained faction or what kind of faction, he just wants to kill it; as the leader of the Nine Evil Eagles, the Eviscerate Eagle is obviously more calm than the Brain-Eating Eagle , Watching the disciples of the various sects on the suspension bridge in front of him go further and further away, he also has no way to do it.

"Taoist priest, you go too." Lu Jie turned his head and said softly to Taoist priest Tanmi.

Daoist Tanmi opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He knew that standing here was unnecessary, and he couldn't help at all, so he nodded and said, "Lv Shaoxia, be careful, Pindao is waiting for you over there."

Lu Jie also nodded, and he was the only one standing at the end of the suspension bridge alive.

Watching Taoist Master Tanmi walk up the suspension bridge like this, Naoyingying felt unwilling and hurriedly chased after Taoist Master Tanmi.How could Lu Jie let him succeed? He raised his foot and stepped sideways, blocking his way.

Seeing this, the Brain-Eating Eagle stepped back, but at this moment the man-eating hook in his hand was sent forward. The man-eating hook was extremely fast, but it was still blocked by the flying sword beside Lu Jie.At this time, the Eviscerate Eagle moved, he jumped forward, swung the long knife in his hand, and swung it directly at Lu Jie's left arm.

Without the protection of the flying sword at this moment, Lu Jie still did not panic. With his left hand formed into a palm, he pushed out with one palm.This palm wind is strong and powerful, although the boning knife is a sharp blade, but it can't do anything to this palm wind, the boning eagle never expected that the other party will strike quickly, so it has no choice but to step back and make another plan.

Seeing the two retreating at the same time, Lu Jie retracted his left palm, stood proudly, and said: "You two, show some real skills."

They didn't expect each other to be so powerful. The two looked at each other, a little regretful and a little ashamed, but the matter has come to this point, and their Nighthawk Gang are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they will definitely fight with all their strength.

The boning eagle held the boning knife in its backhand, and leaped to the left. When the brain-gnawing eagle saw it, it immediately understood, and hurriedly leaped to the right.The formation of the two of them showed that they wanted to attack Lu Jie from left to right.

Lu Jie knew the intentions of the two of them, his heart moved, and an emerald green flying sword condensed with sword energy appeared beside him out of thin air. With his current cultivation level, if he didn't activate the Jinghong Sword, he could only summon two such swords. Feijian, but to deal with the two people in front of him, thinking about it is enough.

Lu Jie was the first one who could make the two Nine Evil Eagles work together, and the bone-eviscerating eagle on the right charged forward with a bone-eviscerating knife, while the brain-gnawing eagle on the left moved forward with its right hand. With a flick, the man-eating hook in his hand flew towards Lu Jie.

The two flying swords beside Lu Jie did not wait for Lu Jie to reach out to command, they stopped the boning knife and man-eating hook on the left and right. At this time, the two were only one step away from Lu Jie.

Hearing the two shouted at the same time, the weapons in their hands suddenly burst into half an inch of light, shaking Lu Jie's two flying swords to pieces.


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