river or lake

Chapter 340

Yao Xiaolei shook the folding fan lightly: "I am a genuine scholar Yao Xiaolei."

Chen Feifei really didn't know that there was such a person in Jianghu, he could only blame himself for his shallow knowledge and didn't know the details of this person.Seeing that Chu Zihan was about to step forward, he hurriedly grabbed her and said, "I'll come."

Whether the opponent is strong or weak, Chen Feifei has no confidence in his heart, but he doesn't want to use the spirit gang sword energy, so he can only approach slowly, the phantom spirit sword in his hand is already ready to go.

The distance between the two was less than four steps, and Yao Xiaolei chuckled and flipped his right hand. Unexpectedly, a few black shadows flew out from under the folding fan. Because the speed was too fast and it was inadvertent, no one could see who it was. what.

hidden weapon!Chen Feifei was startled, and hurriedly blocked the phantom spirit sword in his hand, but he still couldn't block everything. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his left arm, and then he lost consciousness after a numbness.

"This hidden weapon is poisonous." Chen Feifei said while stepping back.As soon as he retreated, Ling Yani rushed forward, pointing at Yao Xiaolei's chest with the Suying sword in her hand, and Chu Zihan rushed forward almost at the same time as her.

The two women attacked, Yao Xiaolei still kept his face unchanged, he closed the folding fan with his right hand to block Chu Zihan's purple ice sword, touched his waist with his left hand, and immediately a sword light flashed, bypassing the plain in Ling Yani's hand on the left. Ying Jian went straight to her right hand.

"Be careful." Chu Zihan raised his foot and kicked Ling Yani on the right, thus avoiding the catastrophe.

At this moment, Yao Xiaolei is holding a folding fan in his right hand and a soft sword in his left, smiling sinisterly.The man on the other side has already been poisoned by the poison in the hidden weapon, and he is destined to die; the two women, the female class, will not be so powerful, at most relying on the sword in their hands; thinking about it like this , Yao Xiaolei is very confident in himself, and one-on-two is not a big problem.

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, the two women did not continue, but took a few steps back to check on Chen Feifei's injuries.

It was a minor injury to the flesh, but the most troublesome thing was the poison in it. Last time Qian Xiaoyun's poison happened not long ago, but this time it happened again, which made Chen Feifan a little annoyed.Fortunately, the spirit gang sword qi and the free blade qi in his body had already been activated by themselves, but his left arm was still numb for the time being.

"No problem." In order not to worry the two of them, Chen Feifei forced a smile on his face, "I can handle this bit of poison."

Yao Xiaolei smiled and approached step by step, as if he had already seen the scene where the two stunning women in front of him were pressed under him.

At this moment, Chu Zihan and Ling Yani didn't know what dirty things the other was thinking, they only knew that the other had hurt Chen Feifan with a hidden weapon, and now he was rushing towards them.So, the two stepped forward at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, Zibingjian and Suyingjian attacked from both sides respectively.

In Chen Feifei's view, Yao Xiaolei's martial arts were similar to that of Ye Bumei he met before, and he was nothing to be afraid of. In fact, Chu Zihan alone was enough to deal with it. Now with Ling Yani, Yao Xiaolei must be hurt.Therefore, Chen Feifei felt that there was no need to make a move. It was better to control the poison in his body first, and then look at the situation of both sides.

Soft swords and folding fans with concealed weapons are indeed advantageous weapons when one is caught by surprise; but once discovered, these two weapons become useless instead.

Ling Yani's Suying sword was barely blocked by the soft sword, but Yao Xiaolei couldn't stand Chu Zihan's Zibing sword at all. Before he had time to open the fan, she fell to the ground with her sword.

Yao Xiaolei suddenly felt bad, quickly took a few steps back and changed to holding the sword in his right hand, and he didn't have the time to pick up the folding fan.

The two women rushed over again, but this time Chu Zihan was obviously faster than Ling Yani. In the blink of an eye, the Zibing Sword had already arrived in front of Yao Xiaolei.At this moment, he had no way out, he could only regret that he underestimated the enemy, raised his right hand, and the soft sword hitched the purple ice sword, removing most of the impact, but Ling Yani on the other side had arrived with the Suying sword.

When his life was at stake, Yao Xiaolei couldn't care less about pity for flowers and jade, so he raised his left leg and kicked Ling Yani's right rib.

At this time, Ling Yani wanted to withdraw her sword to block back, but it was too late. If she didn't withdraw her sword, she would definitely stab Yao Xiaolei's left shoulder, but her right rib would also suffer considerable damage.

Anyway, Ling Yani couldn't hide, so Ling Yani planned to go all out. Gritting her silver teeth, she leaned forward suddenly, and put all her strength on the Suying sword in her hand, which made Suying sword a little faster than before. .

Yao Xiaolei didn't expect it, he didn't want Ling Yani to use all his strength, the Su Ying sword stuck straight into his left shoulder, the pain made him grit his teeth and grunted, and that left leg also kicked Ling Yani's hard at this moment. The pain in her waist made Ling Yani almost cry.However, she immediately endured the pain, gripped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, and pulled it back forcefully.

Chu Zihan on the other side stirred the sword, causing the soft sword to break free from Yao Xiaolei's right hand.After shaking off the soft sword on the sword, she took another step forward, and the cold purple ice sword rested on the opponent's neck.

"He has been poisoned by me, and only I can save him." Yao Xiaolei pointed at Chen Feifei and shouted loudly. If he was one step too late, he might die. There is such a trick.

Both Chu Zihan and Ling Yani hesitated for a moment, and seeing Yao Xiaolei smile evilly, he reached out and was about to snatch the Zibing sword from Chu Zihan's hand.The next step is to hold the cold beauty in front of him or continue to threaten the other party not to give the antidote, he has already made up his mind.Unexpectedly, a purple sword energy struck quickly, and before he could figure out what was going on, it directly penetrated his heart. . .

"Dark Wind League..." Yao Xiaolei was filled with mixed feelings in an instant with this chilling feeling. He clutched his chest, and just said these four words, he fell straight to the ground and died.

This sword energy is naturally from Chen Feifan's hand, but now his left arm is also terribly red. Although the poison did not spread, it took him a lot of effort to suppress the poison on his left arm.

"Extraordinary, your hand." Chu Zihan exclaimed.

"Brother Fanfan, how are you?" Ling Yani had already ignored her own pain, and gently raised his left arm.

"I'm fine. It's just a small injury." In order not to worry them, Chen Feifan naturally wouldn't say badly, "How are you?"

"It's okay." The two women replied at the same time.

"Why are you okay?" Ling Yani almost cried out in anxiety, "Look at your left hand is red."

Chu Zihan took out a small bottle of medicine from his bosom, handed it to Chen Feifei and said, "This is the loose poison pill refined by my father, it can dissolve ordinary poisons, you can try a few pills first."

Chen Feifan was also polite, he reached out to take a few red pills, and opened his mouth to put them in. Once the pills entered his stomach, there was no trace of coolness, but there was a fishy smell. Just when he wondered whether Chu Zihan had taken the wrong medicine, The poison on his left arm was much less than before, and the red color was also much dimmer.However, this does not mean that the loose poison pill can dissolve Yao Xiaolei's poison, it can only temporarily suppress it.

Chu Zihan saw that the medicine was effective, and planned to give the whole bottle to Chen Feifan, but Chen Feifan refused, and the medicine could only go so far. He knew very well in his heart that this poison was definitely not an ordinary poison. It can be resolved by Linggang Sword Qi and Free Blade True Qi.

Ling Yani had already stripped Yao Xiaolei of all his clothes, but she couldn't find any antidote. She was so angry that she stabbed her dead body a few more times.

Judging from Yao Xiaolei's last sentence before his death, it is obvious that this person is related to the Dark Wind League. There was Ye Immortal before, and now there is him. Things related to the Dark Wind League appeared one after another, which made Chen Feifei worry. , he planned to go to Zhengtian to help after finding Jia Yanjia with Chu Zihan, and he should take precautions against the Dark Wind League as soon as possible.

They eliminate harm for the people, and naturally do things aboveboard. There is no need to throw the corpses off the cliff and let them fall here. The naked Yao Xiaolei, originally the two daughters wanted him to stay like this, was also the retribution of this adulterer, but Chen Fei Fei felt that the deceased was the greatest, so he covered him with a layer of tattered clothes that Ling Yani had already ripped through.

There is no trace of Jia Yanjia in Huan Tianya, Chu Zihan plans to go to Pintianxing to see if there is any new news.

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