river or lake

Chapter 339 Ling Yani's Martial Arts

The three of them turned around, and saw a dozen or so people slowly approaching. The leader was in his early twenties. He looked handsome and was dressed in gorgeous clothes. He should be someone's young master.However, looking at his squinting eyes made the two women very disgusted.

"May I ask if the three of you are gods?" the young master asked again.

"Puff." Ling Yani covered her mouth and smiled.

"Young master, how do you say that?" Chen Feifei asked puzzled.

"I saw that the two girls looked like celestial beings, and I thought they should be celestial beings. Such looks have never been seen in the world, only in heaven." The young master said with a slight smile.The dozen or so big men behind him all lined up with expressionless faces, neither stepped forward nor retreated, and stood there firmly.

"Slick tongue." Chu Zihan said coldly.

"We are just ordinary people." Chen Feifei is not a fool. Knowing what is going on, the son must have been attracted by the looks of the two girls beside him. Now it is the best policy to get rid of him as soon as possible.

But seeing that the young master ignored Chen Feifan at all, seeing Ling Yani looking at him with a smile, he hurriedly said: "If the two girls are tired, please come with me. I have already arranged melons and fruit cakes elsewhere, and I want to make friends with the three of you." friend."

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness, we martial arts practitioners are not tired at all." Chen Feifei said.

"So the three are martial arts practitioners? That's just right. Brother, I am also a martial arts practitioner. We can discuss it."

Chu Zihan was already a little bored and didn't bother to speak anymore.Ling Yani still had a smile on her face, with a nonchalant look: "Master, I want to ask you a question, may I?"

Seeing that the beauty took the initiative to ask questions, the young master was of course full of joy: "Miss, please tell me."

"Do you think she is beautiful or I am beautiful?" Ling Yani pointed to Chu Zihan beside her.

"This..." The young man looked embarrassed, for fear of offending the two girls, "The two girls have their own merits."

"Stop teasing him. Let's go." Chen Feifei didn't want to get entangled with them any longer.

This made the young master feel uncomfortable, pointing at Chen Feifei, he said: "You can leave if you want. You can leave, but the two fairies must stay."

Chen Feifei started to walk forward without making a sound. Although Chu Zihan frowned slightly, he also kept silent and followed closely beside Chen Feifei.

Ling Yani was not afraid of causing trouble at all, so she smiled and said, "What? Young master, you see that we are beautiful, do you still want to rob us?"

When the young master heard this, he saw the three of them walking towards him, hurriedly took a few steps back, and said with a smile: "Since the young lady said that, then I will follow the young lady's wishes."

The dozen or so big men behind him immediately moved forward and surrounded the three of them.

"Dare to ask the young master's name?" Ling Yani did not seem to be in the slightest panic.

"My son is called Yao Xiaolei, a scholar in the world." A servant said.

"Oh..." Ling Yani seemed to have heard something, "So, you are that prostitute Yao Xiaolei."

"Everyone is your love and I wish, why is it called a prostitute?" Yao Xiaolei said helplessly.

Ling Yani looked around, but didn't draw her sword: "You have a lot of people, what do you want to do to us?"

Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan didn't bother to talk to this kind of prodigal son, but because of the situation now, they had to stand where they were and wait for Ling Yani to finish speaking.

"Beauties. What do you think?" Yao Xiaolei's eyes kept sweeping back and forth between the two women's chests, as if the two beauties in front of him were already in his pocket.

"Enough." As soon as Chu Zihan finished speaking, he raised his leg and kicked the big man beside him back four or five steps.

Yao Xiaolei said with a lewd smile: "Enough! Copy the guys for me, kill the men, and capture the women alive. After I get tired of playing, it will be yours."

Everyone around laughed lewdly in unison, and then took out their weapons one after another.Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan have long been accustomed to such a posture; looking at the daughter of the Ling family, Ling Yani is not in a hurry, and the sword named Suying in her hand is also a priceless sword Even if her martial arts are poor, her sharp sword that cuts iron like mud can make up for it.

Kill or hurt?Chen Feifei was still a little hesitant before, but now it seems that this group of people cannot stay.Chen Feifei, who has murderous intentions, is terrifying, especially for these people who do not have deep skills.

With the sword in hand, Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan had already caused the five people around and behind them to fall into a pool of blood, while Ling Yani walked forward alone, with the Suying sword in her hand, stabbing one person to the ground.

"Yani, what do you want to do?" Seeing her rushing forward, Chen Fei was a little worried and quickly followed her.

Ling Yani no longer had the laughing look she had just now, but with an angry expression on her face, she pointed at Yao Xiaolei and said, "Let me kill this pervert."

"Yani, who taught you your martial arts?" Chen Feifei asked, he was really worried that a rich lady would use a knife and a gun to kill someone.

In this case, Ling Yani naturally answered unintentionally, standing between her and Yao Xiaolei were two big men with big knives in their hands.Her Suying sword stabbed straight, but was immediately blocked by a man with a big knife.The other person stretched out his hand to catch her, but Chen Feifei, who followed behind, cut his left hand with a sword.

The big man endured the pain of losing his left hand, roared, and slashed towards Chen Feifan with the machete. The speed was very fast, but in Chen Feifan's view, it was still a bit slow, and his fast sword had already cut his body one step ahead. The neck was wiped away.

And Ling Yani over there is now in the upper hand, with the Suying sword in her hand flying up and down; in order to capture her alive, the opponent blocked up and down, held her breath and had nowhere to go, and finally showed her flaws and was stabbed by her sword belly.

"This is the Xuantian Sword Art taught to me by a wandering Taoist nun." Ling Yani said to Chen Feifei quite proudly.

Chu Zihan behind the two was even more powerful, with his light body and fierce swordsmanship, where he touched, flowers of blood bloomed.In a blink of an eye, except for Yao Xiaolei, everyone else died.

"Hmph. They're all useless things." Facing the three of them, Yao Xiaolei still had a calm expression, and had no other weapon in his hand except a folding fan.

Ling Yani put away her smiling face and replied coldly: "You are alone. What else do you want?"

Yao Xiaolei opened the fan, laughed and said, "According to the girl's skill just now, she is not my opponent at all; the girl who has been keeping a cold face can do two tricks with me; the speed of this young hero's sword is Quite quickly, but you will die here."

When he said this, Chen Feifan also felt a little underestimated, and quickly asked in a deep voice, "Who is your Excellency?"


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