The severe pain all over his body, the voice in his ear, I don't know which one woke up A Yuan first.

There was a blur in front of my eyes, and I could vaguely tell that it was a bamboo bed, and the emerald green brocade quilt carried a faint fragrance.As soon as he regained his consciousness, there were bursts of severe pain on his back, like a fire.

"Your back is full of wounds, don't move around, just lie down like this." A cold hand caressed his back, a burst of coolness spread throughout the body, and immediately drove away the pain and dryness.

A Yuan turned his head with difficulty and saw that standing beside the bed was a tall woman with sharp shoulders, a waist like a silk girdle, slightly frowned eyebrows, and majestic almond eyes, like an ice peak on a cloud, which made people feel awe at first sight meaning.

A Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this is the house of the "big sister", and the woman in front of her, who is as cold as a cold peak, is probably the eldest sister of Shen Si and Xiaoyue.

Escaping from the dead again, he should have been delighted, but the woman's cold gaze made him more uncomfortable than the sting on his back.

"This, elder sister, you saved me?"

A Yuan finally squeezed out a word, which was an opening remark, but the cold air behind him was a bit bit colder.

She only heard a cold snort from the woman, and said with a little anger: "You have the protection of an expert, so naturally you can't die."

The woman paused for a moment, and then said: "I am very grateful to you for saving Xiaoyue. But I still want to ask, who are you and why did you suddenly appear at my house?"

The woman's cold voice is like a sharp sword, not angry but majestic.Although A Yuan didn't do anything wrong, his heart still trembled, and he quickly replied: "I, my name is A Yuan, I have traveled all over the world and passed by here..."

"Nonsense!" the woman shouted, "As long as ordinary people walk within a few miles, I will definitely notice it. But you can hide it from me and appear in my yard without a sound. Could it be that you can fly into the sky? "

When A Yuan heard that he was clearly regarded as a suspicious person of unknown origin, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained: "I, I am also confused, and I woke up in this yard. It should be my senior brother who sent me here Bar……"

"Your brother?"

"Well, his name is Hu Bugui, and he is a cultivator of immortals." A Yuan specially emphasized the word "cultivator of immortals", which is undoubtedly a useful golden signboard.

As expected, the woman's expression changed drastically, a blush rose on her plain cheeks, and her cold voice suddenly became louder, "It really is that bastard who did it! I knew he was sneaky and ran away as soon as he showed his head. He must have no good intentions! I really should chase him all the way to the end and teach him a lesson! Huh, huh, if Xiaoyue really makes a mistake, I will chop this bastard into 80 yuan and throw him down the mountain to feed the dogs!  … ..."

A sharp scolding was like a storm, although it was aimed at Hu Bugui who didn't know where he was outside the window, but A Yuan, who was in the eye of the storm, felt the same and kept silent.After all, he and Hu Bugui are on the same side, the woman looks like a sea of ​​hatred, once she vents her anger on herself, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it and walk around.

Unexpectedly, after the woman scolded Hu Bugui, she turned to A Yuan as a completely different person. The frozen indifference and vigilance faded away, and instead she showed a gentle and friendly smile, just like a big sister next door.

"A Yuan, I'm sorry. I'm Xiaosi and Xiaoyue's older sister, named Yu Hanwei. There are thousands of mistakes, and Hu Bugui deserves to die. You suffered such serious injuries to save Xiaoyue. I really don't know how to thank you."

A Yuan was flattered for a moment, thanked him again and again, and couldn't help asking: "Yu, sister Yu, do you know my brother?"

"Hmph, God's evil, I don't want to know him... How did you get cheated by him again? Why do you call him Senior Brother?"

A Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then told about his experiences since meeting Hu Bugui.Although he and Hu Bugui have only known each other for a few days, they are really like old friends and senior brothers who have been together for many years, and the description is vivid.

Yu Hanwei listened to him, sometimes gnashing his teeth and scolding, sometimes laughing out loud, with a look of helplessness.At the end, she sighed with pity, and said: "Poor child, what a good and innocent young man, he was deceived by this lazy rascal."

"What? Could it be that Brother Hu is lying when he said that he accepted me into the sect of cultivating immortals?" A Yuan was startled. The word "lie" was the deepest scar in his heart.

You have to know how many ups and downs he has experienced and how many deceptions he has suffered on the road to cultivating immortals!If even Brother Hu is lying to him...

Enduring the severe pain on his back, A Yuan took out the Xuanyuan Token from his arms and asked, "Is this Xuanyuan Token also fake?"

"Xuanyuan Order?" Yu Han took the token in doubt and looked at it, then burst out laughing.He couldn't stop laughing, he laughed so hard that he leaned back and forth, the anger between his brows disappeared for a moment, and tears rolled in his eyes.

It seems that an ice peak melts into a stream in front of your eyes, and a woman who is as cold as ice bursts into a smile, which is a rare sight.But the more she kept laughing, the more uncertain Ah Yuan felt, one was crying from laughter, and the other was about to cry.

"Sister Yu, why are you laughing? Is this Xuanyuan Token real?"

"Xuanyuan Order—" Yuhan covered his mouth slightly to stop his smile, and murmured with tears in his eyes: "This bastard can arrange these things every day. When Patriarch Xuanyuan finds out, he must be skinned." .”

"Patriarch Xuanyuan? Sister Yu, do you also know Patriarch Xuanyuan?" A Yuan seemed to have caught a life-saving straw.

"Of course, Patriarch Xuanyuan is my martial uncle." Yuhan finally said this with a stern face, holding back a smile.

"Sister Yu, you, you are also a disciple of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect? Isn't that my senior sister? Senior sister is here, ouch..."

As it was related to the sect of cultivating immortals, Ah Yuan reacted very quickly and figured out the key point in an instant.Sister Yu and Senior Brother were originally from the same family, no wonder there is no taboo for laughing and cursing.

In this way, it makes sense for the elder brother to throw him here, maybe he arranged for him to flatter this elder sister earlier.Where did Ah Yuan hesitate, he immediately got up to salute, but forgot the injury on his back, and when he moved his body, he grinned in pain.

"Xuanyuan Sword School—" Yu Han almost laughed again, seeing that A Yuan wanted to get up, he hurriedly said: "Don't move! Lie down quickly. Don't listen to that bastard's nonsense, what Xuanyuan order, Xuanyuan Sword School, thanks to him Dare to arrange it. Now it is more and more unscrupulous, even dare to talk nonsense about accepting disciples into the sect, it is really nonsense. If you meet him, you will be considered unlucky, and you will be unlucky..."

A Yuan's eyes darkened when he heard it, and he almost passed out.This blow made him more desperate than the giant tree falling from his head.

Could it be that this Token of Immortal Ascension turned out to be a mirror image in the end?

No, A Yuan must not let go of this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity. He struggled to bow to Yu Han, and begged tearfully: "Senior Sister Yu, please help me speak kindly in front of Patriarch Xuanyuan, disciple The world can learn from the heart of seeking Tao, it is always the same..."

Seeing A Yuan's appearance, Yu Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He hurriedly held him down and covered him with a quilt, and said with a smile: "It's not difficult, Patriarch Xuanyuan, hehe, if there is a disciple who is willing to start, he should already be overjoyed." It’s so fragrant, why do you need to ask for it? If you want to start apprenticeship, the real difficulty lies in the Longmen Year Examination.”

"Longmen Sui Kao, what is that?" A Yuan asked, already vaguely guessing in his mind.The so-called yearly exam is mostly an annual exam, and Longmen is naturally the gate for mortals to enter the world of cultivating immortals.

After all, not everyone can enter the hall and become a disciple of the immortal family. Since ancient times, the sect of cultivating immortals has been one in a thousand, and only accepts disciples with excellent intelligence and aptitude.Getting started needs to pass the assessment, which is also due.

Sure enough, Yu Han replied slightly: "The Longmen Yearly Examination is just a popular name, but it is actually an annual talent selection ceremony in the entire world of cultivating immortals. Although since ancient times, sects of cultivating immortals have recruited disciples, all of them doing their own thing and showing their own special abilities. It doesn't allow others to intervene at all, but I don't know what happened a few decades ago, and suddenly there was a Longmen New Year's Examination..."

"Oh, what am I talking about with you as a child... In short, the Longmen Yearly Examination is extremely strict. It is really not easy to pass, but if you want to formally enter the Immortal Gate to seek Taoism, you cannot escape this test."

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