Fate is immortal

Chapter 125 The Giant Wolf

The two circumvented the trap carefully, and walked for a while. A Yuan was still immersed in the art of tricks and the sigh of the hero, and was in a daze.And Xiaoyue at the side saw it, and gave her a sympathetic look, as if she had done something very embarrassing and felt very guilty.

"Brother A Yuan, I've been pestered by my brother for a whole day, I've suffered you so much, I'm really sorry..."

"Oh? It's nothing..." A Yuan replied absent-mindedly, "Xiaoyue, don't you want to pick mushrooms? Why didn't you go in such a big forest just now?"

"The pine mushrooms over there have already been lighted up, who made my brother so edible..." Xiaoyue muttered in a low voice, not forgetting to ponder a few words.

"By the way, you don't have any neighbors. What do you usually eat? Do you only eat wild vegetables and fruits?" A Yuan suddenly became curious. In his concept, only villagers' homes have food.

"There are a few acres of fields on the other side of the river. My brother is taking care of them. Humph, that's all he can do. He spends all day fiddling with those broken logs, either cutting down trees or digging holes everywhere. There are no more birds or beasts. Brother Ayuan, if you want to eat meat, wait for my sister to come back and ask her to take Xiaoyue to the east market to buy..."

As soon as "Brother" was mentioned, Xiaoyue became furious and kept thinking, her little face flushed slightly, like a ripe apple.A Yuan, who had been away from his sister for a long time, saw it in his eyes, and suddenly had the idea of ​​going up to pinch her...

A Yuan tried hard to restrain himself for a long time, but the thought was always on the verge of swaying, and finally he couldn't help asking provocatively, "The hobby of contemplation is mechanism skills. What about you, Xiaoyue? What do you usually like to do?"

"Me?" Xiaoyue paused, her little face became more rosy, as if her hobbies were more difficult to talk about, "Me, I prefer cooking..."

"What else?" Seeing the crimson color on Xiaoyue's face, A Yuan immediately asked relentlessly like an old cat smelling fish.

"Also, and... ah, there's a big piece of pine mushrooms over there!" Xiaoyue suddenly shouted happily, and ran out in a few steps.Under the pines and cypresses covering the sky in the distance, golden pine mushrooms are connected together, helping Xiaoyue just right.

Xiaoyue didn't talk much anymore, she lowered her head to pick the plump and delicious pine mushrooms, and busily went around, seeming to avoid A Yuan intentionally or unintentionally.And A Yuan followed behind unhurriedly, with a smile on his face all the time, as if everything was under control...

At this moment, a dark wind suddenly blew in the forest, and there was a faint rustling sound in the wind, accompanied by a foul smell.

A Yuan felt a chill instinctively all over his body - based on his years of hunting experience, this must be a ferocious beast.He quickly took out the silver bow and held it in his hand, stepped forward a few steps, and pulled Xiaoyue to his side.

Xiaoyue was still ignorant, but was suddenly pulled to her side by A Yuan forcefully, she was at a loss for a moment, her cheeks were flushed.

A deep roar came, and now A Yuan heard it clearly, it was a wolf!He calmly drew out the ancient sword, stuck it obliquely in his waist, and drew out an arrow to rest on the bowstring.Now that the magic skills are successful, and there are magic weapons in hand, a wolf is not a problem.

However, his self-confidence was immediately shattered...

What appeared in front of his eyes was a huge gray wolf, which was as tall as a man and more than ten feet long, somewhat bigger than a tiger.The needle-like wolf swayed slightly, as if something was flowing around it, like wind or fog.There was a deep scar on the giant wolf's forehead, and a pair of dark green eyes stared at him, like a tiger looking at a chicken.

A Yuan was chilled from head to toe in an instant, but he calmed down immediately, and while tightening the bowstring, he focused on the eyes of the giant wolf, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaoyue, go!"

But Xiaoyue didn't know whether she was frightened out of her wits or what, but she held on to his lapel tightly and remained motionless.

Ah Yuan felt anxious, but didn't dare to distract her from looking at her, so he could only shout: "Xiaoyue! Go!"

"I, I won't go... I, I will be with you..." Xiaoyue's trembling voice was crying, but her grip was even tighter.

Ah Yuan didn't have time to think about anything, so he bumped her hard on the back without looking back, and roared: "Do you want us two to die together? Don't get in the way here, get out!"

Xiaoyue staggered a step, tears welled up in her eyes, she took a deep look at A Yuan, turned and ran away.

A Yuan heard Xiaoyue's hurried footsteps not walking but running, his heart trembled, he immediately pulled the bowstring to creak, and aimed firmly at the giant wolf.

But the giant wolf didn't seem to be interested in Xiaoyue at all, and didn't even look at her.Its gaze was always focused on A Yuan, no, more precisely, it seemed to be on the ancient sword on A Yuan's waist...

The sound of Xiaoyue's footsteps gradually faded away, and A Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued the stalemate with the giant wolf.For a moment, the wind in the forest seemed to freeze, and there was a disgusting smell—it didn't seem to be the stench of wild animals, but a stench like a rotting corpse.

A Yuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and took a step back slowly.He really wanted to continue this stalemate and retreat step by step.It's a pity that the giant wolf didn't think so. As soon as A Yuan's body moved, it roared and rushed towards A Yuan.

"Whoosh", the golden arrow shot straight at the head, with the sound of piercing through the air.The power of this arrow far exceeded A Yuan's expectations. The giant wolf did not dodge or dodge, and was stabbed in the back by the arrow, but it seemed to be unconscious, and it rushed straight in front of A Yuan without the slightest pause.

Thanks to A Yuan's psychological preparation, he pulled out the ancient sword at his waist and swung it upwards. This time, the giant wolf finally knew how to dodge, swooped to the side, and then rushed towards A Yuan's side.

Although the giant wolf was big, it was also nimble. Ah Yuan didn't have time to return his sword to meet him, so he had to lean down and roll to avoid the deadly pounce.

Before A Yuan could catch his breath, the terrifying claws of the giant wolf rushed towards his eyes again.A Yuan could only try his best to dodge, and at the same time secretly used the method of iron arms and bronze body.Even so, the giant wolf's fan-like claws passed by, leaving several terrifying bloodstains on his left shoulder.

For a moment, he felt that half of his body was on fire, and amidst the blood, Ah Yuan was abnormally calm. Seeing the opportunity, he suddenly yelled, and instantly pierced his whole body's true energy into his right arm.A blue light flashed on the ancient sword, and the move "Sword Breaks the Sky" was powerful and powerful, and it was his only ultimate move.

This sword was slashing at the head and neck of the giant wolf. Although the spirit energy of the ancient sword was exhausted, it could no longer kill snakes, but only with the sharpness of the blade, the boy's desperate blow still cut the head and neck of the giant wolf with one blow.

Instead of splashing blood, a strong stench gushed out.Having suffered such severe injuries, the giant wolf didn't even fall down, and didn't even howl in pain. With a huge wound on its head, it turned around and bit A Yuan.

Ah Yuan had exhausted all his potential, and only managed to avoid the bite of the giant mouth only by relying on the fierce charge of the sword. He rolled on the ground and finally escaped his life, but the ancient sword in his hand also fell to the ground.

The giant wolf tilted its head, its green eyes dimmed a little - this is the wound left by the ancient sword's slash.

Ah Yuan finally understood that this was not an ordinary beast at all, but a monster like the green awn bronze corpse in the fairy tomb.Without Yu Yanluo's method of exorcising ghosts and evil spirits, no matter how sharp the sword is, it will be difficult to injure its vitals.

Without the ancient sword, A Yuan was even more powerless to resist, but after experiencing life and death several times, his xinxing had improved a lot, and although he didn't panic, he instantly thought of another way to survive.

The giant wolf shrugged, and rushed towards it with a strong stench. Ah Principle had already mobilized his whole body's true energy, and made the last move - run!

What the big brother said is right, the third form of Xuanyuan is more important than the combination of the sword piercing the sky and the iron arm and copper body...

There were bursts of roars from behind, and A Yuanshi launched the "Careful Walk" and ran desperately in the forest.The zhenqi rotates rapidly, like a spinning wheel.

The zhenqi in the dantian has been consumed repeatedly in the ancient tomb, and it has not yet fully recovered. The "crutching stick" given to him by Hu Bugui has also been exhausted rapidly. Put it on the fire, and soon it will start to smoke.

Fortunately, A Yuan didn't need to run too far—the trap carefully arranged by Shensi was just for this terrifying giant wolf.His life was also bet on it.

However, when he managed to run more than a dozen feet away from the trap, he saw a scene that knocked him out of his wits—Xiaoyue was stepping on the trap, panting...

With a bang sound, it was the sound of the mechanism being activated. A Yuan's heart trembled violently, and his blood surged up instantly. foam.

In the heart veins, a raging fire that had been hidden for a long time finally found the opportunity he had been looking for, and burst open suddenly.

The chaotic qi that usually acts as a barrier is helpless at this moment when the mind is trembling. The fire-phase zhenqi that has been borne for a long time finally seized the opportunity and rushed out in an instant.The zhenqi, water and fire collided fiercely, shattering all the meridians in the chest, but also exploded the last barrier preventing the circulation of zhenqi in an instant.

At that moment, the majestic burst of true energy swept through the shattered meridians dozens of times, and the red-eyed A Yuan suddenly burst out with infinite power, leaping more than ten feet like a crossbow bolt off the string. He hugged the falling Xiaoyue, twisted it vigorously, and faced the dark thorns and barbs at the bottom of the pit with his back.

With a muffled sound, A Yuan fell heavily to the bottom of the pit, with countless sharp hooks piercing his back, and the piercing pain almost made him faint.The zhenqi that Hu Bugui had transported was finally unsustainable, and the golden brilliance bloomed for the last time, and the bone-forging zhenqi all over his body also collapsed, as if he heard the sound of metal shattering.

At the same time, the huge sharp wood on the top of the head crashed down, and A Yuan could only use his last strength to turn over and press Xiaoyue tightly under his body.

At that moment, he heard many sounds - a dull crash, Xiaoyue's scream, a huge explosion, and, it seemed, a woman's exclamation...

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