Fate is immortal

Chapter 121 The Tian Family

When A Yuan woke up again, he looked up at the twilight blue sky.The dawn light shone on the top of his head, which made him feel a long-lost feeling, as if a prisoner had seen the sun again.

In front of you is a chic small farmyard, with half a low fence, and a small river enclosing several acres of fields and several farmhouses.There is also an exquisite waterwheel beside the meandering river, which makes a creaking sound, making the small courtyard bathed in the morning light extraordinarily quiet.

Two paths criss-cross in the small courtyard, dividing several acres of square field into four parts, one for flowers, two for vegetables, and one for a variety of fruits.A Yuan was lying at the intersection in the middle of the square field, with a pergola above his head, the shelves were covered with vines, and the dawn light fell on his face through the gaps between the vines.

Where is this?A Yuan was a little distracted for a moment, this was neither a dark crypt, nor a dreamland of nothingness in all directions, it looked like the most common rural scene, but A Yuan couldn't tell if it was an illusion for a while.

Holding a piece of paper in his hand, A Yuan picked it up and read it horizontally and vertically for a long time, before he recognized the five flamboyant characters - "The masters gather again".

There is no need to guess who left it, he has seen this kind of cigarette square paper countless times.

Thinking of Hu Bugui's vicissitudes and unruly square face, A Yuan suddenly felt a sense of reality, and the successive adventures since meeting Hu Bugui also came to mind one after another.

Thinking of the shocking moment in the ancient tomb, A Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly checked his whole body carefully. Fortunately, there were no missing parts, except for a few wounds on his arms and legs.It was left by Zhao Yidao and Yan Qi, and it was still in pain, but now it became the best evidence - all this is not a dream.

As if wanting to find more evidence, A Yuan suddenly untied the bulging bag on the ground beside him, and placed the trophies in front of his eyes.

Two huge snake teeth that are half a person's height, a pack of snake scales that are crystal clear and smooth like white jade, a piece of snow-white snake skin that is about Zhang Xu square, a snake tendon that is more than ten feet long, and a cold demon bead ——These are his proofs for beheading the snake.

A short bow with a gold silk back and silver strings, a pot of golden arrows, and a thin booklet with the words "Jin Ming Di" written on the cover.A Yuan thought about it for a long time, and then realized that it was Yan Qi's property, and it must have been stuffed on him by Hu Bugui.It seems that the evil spirit possessing Yan Qi's body really failed to seize the house, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting here alive in a daze.

Of course, there is also the cold three-foot ancient sword on his back.It was brought out by him from Wangyun Villa after a near-death experience. He once slashed a snake with one sword, and then merged with the radiant phantom sword in the ancient tomb.Although the spiritual energy is gone now, like ordinary iron, but the little fairy Qianjing in the dream once said that it is already the seed of the fairy sword, just like the immortal in the sword.

These are not all, there is also a treasure hidden in his arms, a "Xuanyuan Token" engraved with a monkey pattern...

Ah Yuan burst into tears for a moment, wanting to scream and laugh three times.

This is really not a dream!The continuous bad luck since he left the house finally passed, and the original hero finally had a turn of luck. Not only did he harvest many treasures, but he also met a senior brother with great powers, and asked him to "reunite with the master"...

A Yuan was full of energy for a while, and stood up staggeringly, and found that there was still a sliver of the Jinxiang Zhenqi that Hu Bugui had given him.Although it is already very weak, it is more agile than before.

A Yuan raised the ancient sword with both hands, as if to thoroughly prove that all this was not a dream, he slashed down with the power of "Sword Breaking the Sky".

There was only a click, and the grape trellis above the head collapsed...

The quiet courtyard was finally awakened by a rumbling sound.The door of a farmhouse in Xishou creaked open, and a girl poked her head out and shouted, "Brother, what exploded again?"

As if singing a stage play, as soon as the door of a farmhouse in the east opened, a young man hurriedly ran out with his clothes on sideways, and shouted: "Sister, this time it's none of my business!"

"Hmph, how dare you say it, who else would it be? Your shack must have exploded and caught fire again."

"Nonsense! Before my eldest sister came back, I obviously stopped all the oil-burning devices, how could..."


The two finally noticed at the same time under the collapsed grape arbor, the strange man holding a long sword to the sky with both hands...

"Sister, eldest sister—come out, there are guests!" The boy was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted.The girl timidly hid behind the boy, looking at the unexpected visitor curiously.

"It's strange, where did eldest sister go, isn't she still asleep?" The young man called out a few times but didn't respond, then he stepped forward and bowed to A Yuan, "Brother, I don't know why you came to the humble house, what's your business?"

This young man was fourteen or fifteen years old, and his features were very delicate. Although he was dressed plainly, there was an aura of spirit all over his body.Although the polite words are a bit blunt, the attitude is very humble and calm.

"I, I..." A Yuan was at a loss for words for a moment, he couldn't say that he didn't know why he was here...

But before he could answer, the young man glanced behind him, his expression changed drastically, and he pointed at the huge snake-toothed snake with widened eyes and said, "You, are you a cultivator?"

This time, it hit the itchy place fiercely, and A Yuan's whole body became brittle, and immediately regained his calm and unhurried demeanor, he shook his head lightly and said, "I'm just an ordinary traveler..."

The boy shook his head in disbelief, looked at the things on the ground one by one, and murmured: "This tooth, this skin, and tendons! You, you are the hero who slays dragons, right?"

Ah Yuan was so happy that he wanted to hug the boy and beg him to say a few more words, but he still had to tense up and said calmly: "Where, I just killed an ancient giant snake by luck."

"Really?!" The young man's adoring eyes seemed to see a god descending from the earth, he suddenly bowed deeply, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "This fairy master, I have a merciless request, you This dragon tendon, uh no, the ancient giant snake tendon, can you give me some? Just a very short and thin strip..."

The sound of "immortal master" took A Yuan like a flying cloud and fog again. He was not a stingy person, and he was in an extremely good mood at this moment. He said without hesitation: "Brother, just use it." At last, he reluctantly made up for it. One sentence, "Just call me A Yuan."

"Brother! How can you care about what people want as soon as you meet?" The girl behind the boy was only eleven or twelve years old, with a ponytail and a wheat-yellow silk tassel tied to the end of the braid, bright eyes. White teeth, shy demeanor, even when scolded, she is very delicate.

The young man ignored him, and said with a deep bow: "Thank you, Brother Ayuan. My surname is Shen Mingsi, and this is my younger sister Xiaoyue." As he spoke, he tugged at the younger sister behind him, took out his elder brother's airs, and said, "If you want to talk, you're not happy. Come over and say hello to Brother A Yuan?"

Xiaoyue wrinkled her nose towards Shen Si, bowed her head dignifiedly and said, "Xiaoyue has met Brother A Yuan. Brother A Yuan hasn't had breakfast yet, right? Xiaoyue will go prepare it now!"

"That's right! By the way, let's see what's going on with Eldest Sister." Shensi gave instructions to Xiaoyue who was happily running to the kitchen, and then turned to greet A Yuan: "Brother A Yuan must be exhausted from the journey, why don't you rest in my room first Come on. I've got a lot of questions I want to ask."

The brothers and sisters were so hospitable and hospitable that Ah Yuan almost shed a few heroic tears.

Since he left the house, he has been wandering all the time. Even when he came to buy some dry food with silver taels, he was looked down upon by others, and he caused countless troubles after eating a small fish. When did he receive such courtesy?It seems that as long as the times turn around, everything will be easy to talk about.

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