
A Yuan smiled wryly, although it should be cool to be called that, but he was still at a loss as to the spirit deed.He could understand every word that this exquisite little girl said, but she was confused when connected together, and what she said was always out of focus and rambling, and she had to think over and over again, which was a lot of brain work.

But Qianjing seemed to be more troubled than him, with her two little hands twisted together, like a primary school child answering questions from her husband.

"So, that magic glass should be in my dream too? Why didn't I see it?"

A Yuan had to come up with the idea of ​​another sword spirit, maybe the "sword-shaped villain" could be more reliable than this one? ...

"Of course it is." Qianjing replied in a low voice, "But in order to fuse with the sword soul, she exhausted the remaining bit of fairy power, and now she is like a newly reincarnated baby, with weak soul power and spiritual power. It has reached the extreme, so it can't take shape in the dream..."

"But even if she could, she wouldn't come out to see the young master. She just wanted to steal the young master's sword soul, but she didn't expect that the sword soul had a spirit deed on it, and it turned out to be the young master's sword spirit inexplicably. Like a thief ship..."

"She is the spirit of the fairy sword, and she is always a bit arrogant. It must be unpleasant to be reduced to the young master as the master. Please don't be offended, young master. In fact, after getting along for a long time, you will find that she is actually quite cute. ...Ah? Did I say the wrong thing again?" As she was speaking, Qianjing covered her mouth as if she was suddenly interrupted.

The more A Yuan listened, the less he liked it, but he still keenly grasped the key to the dream, and hurriedly asked: "Take shape in the dream? What do you mean?"

"Young Master, why did you ask me instead?" Qianjing was very surprised, and then she said in relief: "Yes, with the master's divine sense, it is far from reaching the realm of dreaming, and this dream must have been condensed with the help of external forces. "

"The so-called tangible dreams are the intangible things that exist in the young master's divine thoughts, and become real in the dream. Some of the young master's thoughts and obsessions, such as the people and favorite things that the young master thinks about day and night, will appear in the dream. Things appear in the dream. Others are the divine thoughts residing on the altar of the young master's body, and the soul thoughts connected by contract, such as me and Huanli."

A Yuan seemed to understand, shook his head, and asked, "You mean, if I think about something day and night, it will appear in my dream?"

"Right." Qianjing nodded cautiously.

"Nonsense!" A Yuan immediately shouted excitedly: "I think about flying with the sword every day, and there is no more flying sword here?! And magic weapon? Where is the magic weapon?!..."

Qianjing was so shaken that her ears hurt, and she was almost thrown over by the air wave from A Yuan. She covered her ears and patted her wings and flew half a circle around A Yuan. I said yes, that's it. Maybe, maybe it's because the young master's divine sense is not strong enough, so he can barely maintain the dream, but he can't take shape at will."

"Then tell me quickly, how can we make the divine sense stronger." A Yuan also admitted that the divine sense is not strong. A new road is naturally a great thing.

"I don't know about this...I'm afraid, only after practicing the immortal method of cultivating the gods and refining the gods..." Qianjing dodged A Yuan's provocative gaze and lowered her head like a child who has done something wrong , already speechless.

A Yuan was so angry that he was speechless, and after walking around for a long time, he still wanted to practice the immortal method to be successful.There really is such a day, just to ride the sword and ride the wind, what kind of Qingqiu dream is there?

Qianjing looked at A Yuan's livid face, and hurriedly stammered and said: "Don't worry, my lord, shape is just a trivial little feature, and there are many wonderful things in dreams. I was once in the dream of the fairy who sealed me. I have lived there for a long time. It is mild and windless, like a huge garden. There are spring mountains, clear water springs, and there are always fairy music singing, flowers blooming, and birds and beasts chasing. It is really a fairyland It's the same... Besides, that immortal cultivated himself in a dream."

"Really?!" A Yuan's mood suddenly flew straight from the bottom of the valley to the sky, and he said in a trembling voice: "Can you cultivate the Tao in the dream? Tell me quickly, how do you cultivate?"

Qianjing patted her wings twice, blushing and whispered, "I'm sorry, my lord, I don't know about this either..."

A Yuan's face was so long that he wished he could swallow this little goblin who always talked in half.

Qianjing was obviously aware of the danger, and timidly flew a few feet away, and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, my lord, Qianjing has never said so much, thought about so many things, and now my mind is in a mess. Don't Get angry, just give Qianjing a little time, let me think about it, and I will always come up with something."

She actually had the nerve to say that her mind was in a mess... A Yuan really had nothing to say, although it was only the first time I saw her and only heard her say a few words, but A Yuan had already decided in his heart that this delicate and beautiful little flower demon was definitely a Stupid!

Slandering in his heart, A Yuan didn't ask any more questions, but paced up and down the yard with his hands behind his back, quietly thinking about what Qianjing said.And Qianjing flew behind him cautiously, like a little servant who has made a mistake.

Although there is a broken scene in the distance, the small courtyard is still quiet and elegant, full of aura. After walking in the bamboo forest for a while, A Yuan felt refreshed, and all doubts and troubles faded a bit.

He recalled the terrible experience before he fell into a dream, and couldn't help but said again: "I won't have hung up already?"

Qianjing smiled sweetly and said, "Don't worry, my lord, that demon just now tried to seize the house in vain, but he has already failed, and his soul is gone."

"Failed to seize the house, and the soul flew away?" A Yuan was taken aback, "Is it to seize the house from me?"

Qianjing nodded and said: "That's right, the young master has his own auspiciousness, and that evil spirit is looking for his own death." She looked around and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that the young master's dream was made like this by him. , Qianjing also wants to see what the distant place in the young master's dream looks like."

A Yuan couldn't help but follow her gaze to look around. It would be appropriate to say that this world has just been swallowed by a monster.Surrounded by broken void, only a small piece of the cabin with a radius of tens of feet was left.It is conceivable that the evil spirit just now is not far from devouring his soul and mind completely.

A Yuan himself felt unbelievable, and said at a loss: "Isn't he an old monster who has cultivated for thousands of years? I have no strength to fight back in front of him. How could he fail to win?"

Qianjing thought for a while, then slowly replied: "The ghost's soul is incomplete, most of it comes from the soul cultivator who broke into the formation thousands of years ago, and a small half is the last strand of the ancient ghost's soul that was sealed by the soul-locking formation. Remnant soul. After being sealed by Huanli and the soul-locking array for thousands of years, the soul seal has worn away and is about to collapse, and most of the evil methods and even memories have been lost, and even the sanity has begun to be a little confused..."

"The competition for the house is not entirely about the magic power of the Taoism, but the souls, spiritual thoughts and wills of both sides. Although the young master's Taoism is weak, but with this dream, it is like adding a solid fortress, and he cannot easily win. But ...It seems that it still doesn't make sense, I can only say that the son of auspicious people has his own appearance..."

Another muddleheaded one, but Ah Yuan has experienced a lot of strange things that day, and he has become a little numb.There are too many lice and it is not ticklish. Anyway, the snake is cut off, and the evil spirits are also killed. A talking villain can appear out of thin air in a dream. There is nothing to think about why he survived.

Anyway, as long as you are alive, if you are alive, there will always be a day when you want to understand...

A Yuan let out a long breath and stopped asking questions. After walking around the yard again, he returned to the bamboo forest and sat cross-legged on the bluestone, meditating as before to collect his true energy.

Seeing that Ah Yuan closed his eyes and practiced martial arts, Qianjing finally let out a long sigh of relief.Answering so many questions of A Yuan really exhausted her.She flapped her wings a few times, and landed lightly beside A Yuan. Just as she was about to take a nap, a bell-like voice sounded above her head: "Qianjing, do you know how to use magic?"

Qianjing's slender body almost fell down, and when she looked up, she saw A Yuan's eyes were shining, and his big face was almost pressed against her body. She was so frightened that she flapped her thin wings wildly, and shook her head desperately, "I'm sorry, my lord. Won't."

"How is it possible? Haven't you practiced for tens of thousands of years? Even a demon should have supernatural powers!" A Yuan's expression was like that of a gangster who robbed a rich man with a lot of money, but found nothing.

"I, I... For grass and trees, a thousand years of practice is only enough to produce a soul seal. After being sealed into the fairy sword, it is not even a practice. Although it has been a long time, but, but still... Besides, except Human beings are the master of all spirits and can create all kinds of fairy arts. Even if birds, beasts, plants, bamboos and stones produce spiritual wisdom, they just adopt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth according to their instincts and evolve slowly before they transform into human bodies through cultivation. That's all. The speed of cultivation is not comparable to that of human monks, and there is no magic trick. Even if there is, you can't use it, my lord..."

A Yuan still didn't give up, and asked persistently, "But you've seen immortals, and you've spent tens of thousands of years with that fairy sword spirit, yet you haven't memorized any sword formulas or techniques? Even a formula is fine. !"

Qianjing was about to cry, she put her head in her hands and said, "Master, let Qianjing think about it. I haven't thought about it for tens of thousands of years, but now I'm thinking about so many things at once, Qianjing's brain It's going to explode..."


A Yuan sighed unwillingly, and finally closed his eyes slowly under Qianjing's pitiful gaze.

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