Under the attack of one after another sky thunder talisman and raging fire talisman, the green awn copper corpse finally let out a long roar, and its huge body fell down.

A Yuan and the girl in his arms, You, were immersed in a dream, staring blankly at the flaming remains, and finally burst into cheers, hugging each other tightly...

"Pa, pa, pa..." Three lonely applause echoed in the empty stone room, Yan Qi stood up slowly, and said leisurely: "Okay, okay, it's really rare. You are willing to give up such concubine love." Die? Why don't you follow me and be a pair of white-headed mandarin ducks under my door."

A Yuan and Yu Yanluo, who were embracing each other, glanced at each other, and immediately pushed each other as if struck by lightning.There was just a bang, and the two fell to the ground in tacit understanding and neatly at the same time.

It was better for A Yuan to have a thicker skin. He settled his mind, raised his sword and pointed at Yan Qi and said, "The evil devil is crooked, stop talking nonsense! If there are any other tricks, just use it!" This bold statement is full of nonsense, and I don't know Do you want to show off your prestige, or want to get rid of embarrassment.

Yan Qi smiled slightly and said: "No, since you are not willing to obey, then you have no choice but to die. Let's do it, it will be a little troublesome when the baby is born..."

"The evil spirit is crooked, suffer death!" A Yuan shouted loudly, and rushed over with his true energy.Now his whole body was blessed by various talismans, and his condition couldn't be better. He felt that he could bring down a tiger with his bare hands.

However, in the eyes of opponents, he is just a baby with more energy.A Yuan's figure had just rushed to Yan Qi's, but the other party just slightly raised his index finger, and suddenly a cold air pierced into his mind like a sharp sword.The heart-piercing pain, accompanied by a piercing scream in the ear, was like ten thousand ghosts crying together.

A Yuan's eyes darkened, as if a huge black mouth swallowed him in one gulp, and with a shake of his body, he lost consciousness again.

Yan Qi put A Yuan down with a light finger, and then walked straight to Yu Yan Luo without even looking at him.Yu Yanluo had no choice but to grit his teeth, hang a stack of talismans on the crossbow arrows, and shoot the arrows away.

Yan Qi raised his hand lightly, but Yu Yanluo didn't even see how he made the shot, the crossbow bolt was already in his hand, and several magic talismans suddenly lit up, burning to ashes instantly like moths flying into a flame.

"You actually use such a cheap thing to deal with me, and treat me as something..." Yan Qi shook her head, and her tall and straight body approached step by step.

The trembling girl could even clearly see the silver light flashing in his pupils, which was definitely not human.She still has methods, and treasures, and she can fight back...

She still has a lot of things to do, she must not die here without knowing why, she is not reconciled...

But no matter how she struggled, her body became heavier and heavier, and her consciousness became more and more blurred, as if she had fallen into a nightmare from which she could not wake up...

"Come on, my new body, let me take a good look at you..." Yan Qi waved her hand lightly, the girl's starry eyes full of fear suddenly lost their spirit, the long eyelashes trembled, and slowly closed eyes.

With a wicked smile, Yan Qi hugged the girl tenderly, laid her flat on the white jade table, gently unbuttoned her clothes, walked slowly up and down her body with his hands, and uttered praises from time to time. , as if appreciating and playing with a peerless treasure.

"Water Fire Heaven Spiritual Root! Hahaha! This is really a rare talent! Ice muscles and bones, light orchid water fragrance, tsk tsk..."

"Don't worry, little girl, I will definitely cherish your body... Hey, why do you have so many medicinal powers? What, what is this? Destiny?"

Yan Qi's hand rested on the girl's lower abdomen, and frowned for a while, then suddenly his expression changed, and he murmured: "Who planted this fate engraving? It can tear apart the soul's sea of ​​energy, creating Water spirit roots come out. Is there such a method in the world?"

"It's just that this is superfluous? What's the purpose of planting a water spirit root after a good sky fire root? Are you full enough?"

"This fate is so treacherous and secretive, if you don't check carefully, you will think it is water, fire, and heaven... No wonder, no wonder she has such a physique... It's a pity that this beautiful jade has been destroyed by life and death. The fate cannot be removed, I can't live for a few years, let alone win a house. It's a pity, it's a pity..."

Yan Qi shook his head regretfully, pondered for a while, and finally walked towards A Yuan slowly with a bit of unwillingness.

He looked at A Yuan with his eyes, like a rich young man who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas when he sees black corn buns in the countryside. He just stretched out his hand and tapped A Yuan's forehead, chest, chest, and abdomen a few times, and said to himself: "Five Spirit Roots What kind of rags, it’s unlucky to cultivate so complicatedly while being genuinely angry!”

"Fortunately, I am strong and strong, so there is no problem in seizing the house. Forget it, I can only use this brat to make ends meet..."

Saying that, Yan Qi flipped one of his hands, shaking out a few turquoise flames, faint like phosphorous will-o'-the-wisps.The flames are not extinguished when they fall on the ground, just like lighting up five green lanterns, forming a five-pointed star.

Yan Qichang let out a breath, his body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground like a mass of dead flesh.After a while, A Yuan suddenly trembled violently and sat up slowly.

"A Yuan" sat cross-legged in the center of the star array, closed his eyes and folded his palms together, breathing deeply, as if he was practicing kung fu.I saw that his face was completely bloodless, and he opened his mouth to let out a breath of white air from time to time, but he couldn't tell what the breath was.

At the same time, a wave of black air gradually spread to the whole body. Wherever the black air passed, the muscles twisted and squirmed, making it even more ferocious.A Yuan's expression also kept changing, one moment was as pale as paper, with an extremely painful expression, and another moment was pitch black as ink, extremely hideous and terrifying.

Under the reflection of the five ghostly fires, A Yuan's body also faintly glowed with a blue glow, but occasionally there would be a flash of blue light, and the two fought like heaven and man, fighting repeatedly.

But whenever the blue light flashes, the five surrounding fires will light up at the same time, quickly suppressing the blue light, and as the blue light gets stronger, the ferocious expression on A Yuan's face gradually gains the upper hand, and the corners of his mouth slowly show a sinister look smile...

However, at the moment when the ferocious expression was about to completely freeze, a burst of dazzling white light suddenly burst out from A Yuan's body, and the five ghostly fires on the ground swelled and disappeared into nothingness.With a terrified look on A Yuan's face, he jumped up and danced his hands wildly, trying to grab his own throat, as if trying to smash it into pieces.

The dazzling white light and violent struggle only lasted for a moment, and Ah Yuan fell to the ground straight like a puppet with a broken string.The blackness on his face gradually faded away, and although his expression was distorted in pain, he gradually returned to the appearance of that innocent boy...

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