Fate is immortal

Chapter 116 Bronze Corpse

Before Ah Yuan could react, Yu Yanluo's green onion-like hands pointed at him—"He's a man and a cultivator, so he's the most suitable."

Yan Qi smiled slightly and said, "The little girl is quite clever, but don't worry, I'll check the fundamental aptitudes of the two of you before I make a decision."

Yu Yanluo's face changed, and he pulled the trigger suddenly, and the crossbow bolt shot at Yan Qi with the sound of the wind, but just as he flew a foot away from him, it turned into a ball of flames with a bang, and burned without a trace .

At this moment, Yu Yanluo couldn't help but look ashamed, but A Yuan still asked suspiciously: "Little sister pickled radish, what do you mean? What is a boarding body? What exactly is he going to do?"

"Are you an idiot?" Yu Yanluo scolded angrily, "He wants to seize the body! Don't you know that the body is seized? It's the soul forcibly occupying someone else's body, using the corpse to return the soul!"

Yu Yanluo was so anxious that he jumped up and pointed at Yan Qi: "Come on! When he recovers, we will both be finished!"

As soon as he heard the word "Duoshe", A Yuan suddenly understood, his heart trembled, and he didn't care about Yu Yanluo's betrayal just now, he rubbed his injured leg and stood up, tentatively approaching Yan Qi.

Yu Yanluo was not idle either, and took out a stack of talismans and held them in his hand, as if he was a gambler who wanted to put all his eggs in one basket.

Yan Qi still sat motionless, and said leisurely: "You two children, don't waste your energy in vain, and cooperate with me obediently, and I will not erase your soul imprints. After my skills recover, I will find another body for you to use." Take the house and accept you as disciples, and together we will wipe out the world's underworld, ants and sentient beings, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"Evil devils are crooked, don't even think about it!" Ah Ben was still a little afraid at first, but when he heard that "Yan Qi" was so vicious and vicious, he wanted to kill all the people in the world with his words, he immediately aroused his chivalrous heart, and rushed forward without hesitation swing out.

Yan Qi sneered, and the ancient sword in his hand suddenly flew up, drawing a cold light in the air, and immediately forced the unarmed A Yuan back.The ancient sword drew an arc in the air, and fell to the ground with a bang, right in front of A Yuan.

"This sword was reborn because of you. If you have never used it, I'm afraid you will die in peace." Yan Qi waved his hand casually with a look of indifference: "I haven't fully adapted to this body yet. Just let him play with you first."

As soon as the words fell, a burst of black air rose from Zhao Yidao's body.Zhao Yidao's whole body twitched violently, and an astonishing change occurred in an instant.The whole body swelled up like an inflated ball, fully twice the size of the original, the bloated and terrifying appearance on the face made people dare not look directly at it, and many long green spikes sprouted on the body like mushrooms after rain, and the skin and flesh all over the body There is a faint bronze color.

"Green Mans Bronze Corpse!" Yu Yanluo exclaimed, "Fool, come back!"

Why did Ah Yuan use her to remind him, when he saw the huge zombie get up, he immediately picked up the ancient sword and ran back quickly.Fortunately, he slipped fast, and just a few steps away, the copper corpse let out a roar, swung his fists violently and hit the ground, making a big hole.

"The green awn copper corpse is invulnerable to swords and guns, and its speed is not very slow. You must be careful not to let it get close to you, especially those green awns, which are full of corpse poison, even if you are stabbed by an immortal, it will not save you."

Yu Yanluo spoke quickly, and found two more talismans and stuffed them in A Yuan's hands, "The red one is on the sword and the blue one is on the body. You are responsible for attracting its attention. Hurry—"

Before the words were finished, the huge copper corpse had already raised its fists and rushed towards them, and the two hurriedly separated to dodge.At the critical moment of life and death, there was no room for A Yuan to be afraid and hesitate. He swung his sword and stabbed, attracting the attention of the bronze corpse, and then turned around and ran away.

Although the Bronze Corpse was bulky, it was extremely powerful, and it was not slow to run.Fortunately, A Yuan has also practiced before. After activating the blue magic talisman, his body became much lighter. He unfolded the free and easy walk, using the trick he learned when he was chasing Hu Bugui in the forest, five steps and one turn, ten Turning back and forth every step, it is easy to slip this stupid copper corpse.

As for how the red talisman was blessed, I didn't have time to ask, I could only break the seal and wear it on the ancient sword, whether it was useful or not, in short, it was better than nothing.The copper corpse is powerful and mighty, and it is not afraid of being injured and bleeding like a human being. Even with the exorcism sword in hand, A Yuan dare not go forward to stroke the tiger's beard easily.Anyway, Yu Yanluo told him to lure the enemy, so there is nothing disgraceful about him wandering around.

Sure enough, Yu Yanluo didn't expect Ah Yuan to end the copper corpse, but chased after the copper corpse with a crossbow, and shot an arrow at the opportunity when he saw the opportunity.For the copper corpse, although the crossbow itself was not painful, the exorcism spell on it did great damage.Every time an arrow hits, the bronze corpse will howl, and after a while, the bronze color on its body will fade a bit.

Seeing the proper tactics, the bronze corpse was like a leaky ball under successive heavy injuries, shrinking in size little by little, Ah Yuan was happy in his heart, but Yu Yanluo suddenly got stuck.

Magical talismans are not straw paper after all, no matter how thick Yu Yanluo's family belongings are, it is impossible to bring a hundred or ten of each kind.The "exorcism talisman" and "cleaning talisman" for exorcising evil and uncleanness were exhausted in the blink of an eye after this continuous bombardment.Although there are many other offensive spells, they all need to be stimulated by true energy. If she can use it, she will not be reduced to this point.

But the copper corpse didn't understand this, and suddenly roared, turned his head and rushed towards Yu Yanluo.I don't know whether he was driven mad by successive traumas, or was instigated by Yan Qi who was sitting on the sidelines watching the play, no matter how much A Yuan chased and teased him behind him, it was of no avail.

Yu Yanluo's face turned pale with fright, and he dodged the bombardment of the giant fist in embarrassment, and danger appeared everywhere in the blink of an eye.She was harmed by A Yuan so that the medicinal power was counteracting the breath. Not only could she not use any real energy, she could not even use the biggest ceremonial talisman - the magic talisman. With only a petite girl's physique, how could she run past a green-haired monster that was about ten feet tall?

Just when Yu Yanluo was struggling and was about to die, a figure suddenly flew over, grabbed her slender waist, barely escaped from the giant fist - it was A Yuan who had finally opened his eyes.

Yu Yanluo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face turned red, and he beat A Yuan vigorously and said: "Damn thief, you don't want to take advantage of me, put me down quickly!"

"Be more honest!" Ah Yuan roared angrily. He already had a leg injury, and it was a bit difficult to hold this heavy red-makeup thief, so how could she be allowed to mess around.

For a moment, both of them were full of anger, but they had to put aside their grudges and entanglements, and face the enemy in front of them together.A Yuan fled desperately to dodge the attack of the copper corpse, while the girl in his arms kept sticking one after another magic talismans to his chest, some of which were for blessing him, but more of them were shot out after breaking the ban , just borrowing fire from him...

Even at such a moment, the two enemies were still noisy and bickering, but as time passed, sweat soaked through the clothes, and a subtle feeling was quietly transmitted through the tight skin.

The anger on the girl's face gradually dissipated, but the bright red spread all over her body.And although A Yuan has no time to care about him, he also feels that this life-and-death struggle has a strange taste...

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