Fate is immortal

Chapter 107 Caves

When Hu Bugui and A Yuan rushed back to the cold pool, night had already fallen quietly.A round of bright moon was reflected in the cold pool, illuminating a big dark hole between mountains and rivers, like a giant gluttonous beast, greedily swallowing the pool water.

Brother Wu Shan had already grown impatient waiting, if he hadn't been concerned about the danger in the ancient tomb, he would have rushed in with Yu Yanluo on his back.And Yu Yanluo just built a small raft by himself, and waited calmly by the pool, showing no sign of anxiety.

Hu Bugui clasped his fists and said: "I kept you waiting for a long time, my little brother and I went to practice martial arts, and sharpened our guns before the battle. It's not easy, haha, I wonder how you are getting ready?"

Zhao Yidao replied coldly: "The raft for crossing the water, food, water, and torches are all ready, and a few live sparrows and hares have been caught. If there are traps to ambush later, you can use them to scout the way."

On the other hand, Yu Yanluo quietly looked at A Yuan with some curiosity, and after a few hours of not seeing him, this shameless and lazy bastard seemed to be a different person, exuding an indescribable look all over his body.Little did they know that after these three hours of baptism, Ah Yuan not only improved his skills and mental skills by leaps and bounds, but also his character and courage.

"Everyone has worked hard. The wind is cold and the moon is cold. It is the right time to explore the ancient tomb at night. Let's go."

After speaking, Hu Bugui jumped onto a small raft first, and then pulled A Yuan onto it.Yu Yanluo also propped up his own raft and followed closely behind.The three Wushan thieves looked at each other, carried the fourth child on their backs and followed behind.

Everyone crossed the cold pool cautiously in the night, and climbed up to the cave where the giant snake inhabited in the dark. A burst of pungent stench came to their faces immediately, making people nauseous and almost suffocating.

This cave used to be the habitat of giant snakes, not only was it smelly and damp, but also lingered in a threatening cold.From time to time, water droplets condensed on the faces of everyone and fell to the ground, echoing with the sound of footsteps.

After lighting the pine oil torches, everyone walked forward cautiously, holding their noses.I don't know if this cave was formed naturally, or if it was really made by a giant snake bit by bit as Yu Yanluo said, but fortunately it is not long.After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Hu Bugui at the front of the line suddenly stopped.Everyone caught up to take a look, and the vision in front of them suddenly widened.The mountainside connected by the cave is actually a huge karst cave.

The rock wall above the head is hundreds of feet high, and countless stalactite pillars of different sizes hang down from the top, like thousands of needles and swords hanging upside down, dripping water from time to time.The ground is full of uneven limestone. Although it is wet, there is not much water, and I don't know where all the pools of water have gone.

This cave has been isolated from the world for many years, but instead of feeling stuffy, everyone feels refreshed and comfortable, which shows that there is indeed a lot of spiritual energy here.Although there is no light and no vegetation in the cave, there are many colorful stone fungi, nourished by spiritual energy for thousands of years, each of them is extremely huge, like an umbrella like a cover.

Everyone stood in a daze for a moment, exclaimed in unison, and immediately scattered, rushing to pick the ganoderma-shaped stone fungus.In particular, Yu Yanluo, a red-makeup thief who is famous for stealing medicines, has his eyes splattered like a hungry tiger.

Of course, Ah Yuan couldn't be idle, so he bent down and searched around, carefully recalling the books he had read, what treasures are usually found in underground caves?Millennium stone fungus?Ten Thousand Years Stone Marrow?

Those strangely shaped and colorful stone fungi must be treasures, and they are also the targets of looting.A Yuan threw off his pace and walked around, picking all the stone fungus he saw.It's a pity that I don't know what the ten-thousand-year stone marrow looks like. Sure enough, when the book is used up, I will hate it...

However, chance is the most mysterious thing, A Yuan searched for a while, and really found something weird.It was a limestone outcrop with a huge stalactite hanging from it.Perhaps it was the result of thousands of years of water dripping through the stone, and a bowl-shaped cavity was carved out on the top of the rock directly below, and there was a pile of strange mushy things in it.The gray color is like a puddle of extremely turbid water, and it also looks like a melted rock.

"This, is this the ten thousand year stone marrow?" Ah Yuan was overjoyed, and quickly took out the water hyacinth, and even filled and scraped it, and filled more than half of the gourd.Holding the gourd, A Yuan happily ran to Hu Bugui's side, and said like offering a treasure: "Brother, look at what this is?"

Hu Bugui had just picked a thousand-year-old black ganoderma, and he was in a good mood. He took the gourd and shook it. Hearing the sound of water, he didn't think much about it. He raised his head and took a generous gulp.

"Brother, how is it?" A Yuan asked expectantly.

"Pfft—" Hu Bugui spat out suddenly, pinching his throat with both hands, bowed his head and retched for a while.

"This, this is—fucking lime water!" Hu Bugui managed to catch his breath, stepped forward and grabbed A Yuan's neck, shaking him from side to side: "You kid, are you trying to kill me?! You, Give me a sip!..."

A Yuan complained incessantly and was struggling desperately when the rock he was stepping on suddenly moved.

Hu Bugui stopped immediately, shouted loudly: "Don't move, there is something weird here."

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