Fate is immortal

Chapter 106 Happy

Hu Bugui gave an eloquent explanation, but A Yuan could understand it this time, but the method of qi movement corresponding to this "Careful Walk" is very complicated, but unlike the first two styles, it only needs to master some tricks.

According to Hu Bugui's "pinch the head and remove the tail", "to put it simply", there are more than a dozen methods of luck. Turning a corner and going up a slope also has different methods of qi circulation.

Even if A Yuan has good talent, he can't remember everything all at once.What's more, the last of A Yuan's twelve classics is the liver meridian of foot Jueyin. There are still many meridians and acupoints on the legs and feet that have not been opened, as if he can't walk, so how can he even play tricks?

A Yuan had no choice but to forcibly interrupt Hu Bugui, who was spitting all over the place, and said, "Brother, you said so much, how can I remember it all at once? Besides, I haven't got through all the sutras yet, so I can't do so many luck tricks at all." Here we go."

"That's a problem..." Hu Bugui scratched his head and said, "Then why not, I'll help you get through the meridians first..."

Before he finished speaking, A Yuan's face was flushed, and a sentence stuck in his throat and he almost blurted out: "Brother! If I knew you could help me open up my meridians, I, I'd practice fart!..."

Hu Bugui seemed to know what A Yuan was thinking, he smiled and said nothing, leaned over and held A Yuan's knees with both hands, starting from Ququan point and injecting qi up and down along the foot Jueyin liver meridian.

This time the infusion of zhenqi was very slow and meticulous, and it took a pot of tea. The infused metal phase zhenqi was like hollow tubes, turning thousands of times along the meridians of the legs and feet, like iron tubes embedded in the legs. inside.

A Yuan was slightly taken aback, and immediately figured out the mystery.Hu Bugui sealed the surroundings of his meridians with metal-phase zhenqi, and his own water-phase zhenqi had nowhere to escape. He could only walk down the Huashan road of "Guanzi".In this way, even if the meridian is blocked, it is connected by the "tube".

And each "pipeline" twists and turns, corresponding to a method of true energy circulation.In other words, Hu Bugui has already made a mold for him, and he just needs to use which method of zhenqi circulation and which tube to send zhenqi into.When you are on the road, your true energy will naturally flow along the pipeline, and you can't do it otherwise.

Now even if there are more than a dozen methods of zhenqi movement, A Yuan can easily learn them. After a while, he worked them one by one, and couldn't help saying with joy: "Brother, your method is really amazing! It's like teaching me by hand, how can I not learn it?" of?"

Hu Bugui nodded and said: "That's right. This is equivalent to not only giving you a walking stick, but also helping you to walk, but sooner or later you have to learn to walk by yourself. Stop gossiping, come on..."

As he said that, Hu Bugui moved his body and floated a few feet away like flowing clouds and flowing water. He waved to A Yuan and said, "If you catch up with me, you can enter the school."

A Yuan lifted his spirits, took a deep breath, and circulated the meridians on his legs for a circle in one breath, and his two legs immediately shook off like sandbags weighing several kilograms, and chased them out with big strides.

Hu Bugui with his hands behind his back, shuttled through the forest like a stroll in the courtyard, and kept pointing out without turning his head: "Water contains true energy, and the most important thing is to circulate and circulate endlessly. As long as the true energy is not exhausted, You have endless strength."

"Relax your whole body! Luck is not about using force, don't stretch your body so tight..."

"Luck runs fast, you can't just rely on your two legs, but you need to cooperate with your whole body. Any lack of coordination will slow down your speed and increase your consumption..."

"Familiar with the method of zhenqi movement, the next step is 'steps'. Look carefully at my footwork. It is not that the bigger and faster the steps, the better, but that there must be a degree of relaxation, a method of advancing and retreating, and breathing. The rhythm tends to be consistent.”

"It's not that you need to stare at the steps under your feet, but that the steps must be in line with the movement of true energy and breathing. Remember, the steps are the rules, the guidelines, not the dogmas. Familiar with the steps is to let your body Remember, even in your unconscious state, you can run in a natural and energy-saving way. Keep your thoughts in Dantian, and adjust your pace and rhythm naturally with your breathing."

Under Hu Bugui's guidance, A Yuan kept adjusting, his true energy became smoother and smoother, his stiff body gradually relaxed, and he gradually found the trick.What Hu Bugui said is correct, caring about the footwork of the feet is counterproductive, just like people don’t look at where each footprint falls when walking. The important thing is to let the body remember this feeling.

He raised his head and chest, relaxed his legs, as if walking, but the trees on both sides retreated rapidly, and Ah Yuan felt a little bit like a fairy, and only then did he understand what real lightness kung fu is.Thinking back to the clumsy running method in my hometown when the meridians were not connected, it is really young and ignorant to dare to call it "running and jumping like flying".

A Yuan had just found some feeling, shortened the distance a little, Hu Bugui's posture changed suddenly, he stopped running in a straight line, and started to shuttle across the forest.This was a pain for A Yuan, every time he changed direction, his originally smooth steps would be in a mess, and his true energy would also stagnate, as if he couldn't catch his breath, and almost hit the tree several times.

Hu Bugui's voice sounded in front of him again: "Pay attention to the method of switching the movement of true qi, you must be very familiar with it."

"The body is still too stiff, the strength of the waist and legs must be united, and the arms should be spread out to maintain balance. Don't rush when turning, and don't mess up your steps. Just turn your body slightly..."

"It's the same as hunting. The mind and eyes are united, the body moves freely, the obstacles ahead are clearly seen, and preparations are made early..."

Except for the occasional need to switch the method of zhenqi movement, the difference between going straight and turning is actually not that big, it's just that A Yuan lacks experience.And he has rich hunting experience, and he got Hu Bugui's reminder, and he quickly became familiar with the turning and turning skills, as well as the quick switching of the method of zhenqi circulation, like a leopard shuttling through the forest, his heart was constantly stirring Delighted and enlightened.

As long as you practice hard, more than a dozen methods of qi movement will be familiar to you soon. As long as you get through the foot meridian again, you will be as light as a swallow and run and jump like flying without relying on Hu Bugui's "crutching stick" in the future.

"After qi flow and step smoothness, the topmost level is 'intelligence', which is also the root of all true qi circulation methods and footwork. The meaning of this carefree walk is the word 'happy'. When practiced to the deepest level, it should be like walking in a courtyard , where the mind goes, the body also floats. This is a bit far away for you, but remember not to stick to the footwork of true energy, and you must know that the word "Xiaoyao" is the essence."

While chasing Hu Bugui's figure, A Yuan practiced comprehension under his guidance, and he gained far more than the first two poses.On the one hand, he used the water-phase zhenqi he was more familiar with, and his experience of nature was deeper.Then it is mutually confirmed with the insights obtained from the first two formulas, and it is even more beneficial.

More importantly, the "crutching stick" that Hu Bugui gave him actually unblocked the last Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian in a disguised form, allowing a small part of his dantian qi to run a complete small cycle for the first time.

That kind of feeling is like taking a sip of Xianxia's neon clothes, and the sense of joy is no less than that of a sword piercing the sky.At the same time when the body and mind are comfortable, the real energy in the dantian is swaying, as if the hanging lake on the top of the mountain has opened a hole, and a pool of lake water is about to pour out.

Thinking of the first glimpse of Xiao Zhoutian's realm now, Ah Yuan was full of energy, and was chasing vigorously with the wind under his feet, but Hu Bugui in front of him suddenly stopped.A Yuan was too late to catch up and almost bumped into him.

Hu Bugui turned his head and smiled slightly, and said: "The last one, remember, only sending and receiving is complete. Sometimes, it is even more difficult to stop. Well, the time has come, what is waiting for us in the ancient tomb of the Sword Immortal..."

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