Night is still a bright night.

The street is also the street of yesterday.

Liu Yunjin is no longer the Liu Yunjin of last night.

She still couldn't hide the fear in her heart, but there was determination in her eyes.

Under her tight body, her legs and feet were somewhat stiff, but her pace was never slow, and she always walked side by side with Shang Mo.

Her left hand was tightly held by Shang Mo, and her fingers were crossed.

In addition to the Tianlan Zixiao sword, her right hand also has a slender white scarf.

The scarf is swaying in the breeze, and her silk hair is also blowing in the wind...


Before night fell, Shang Mo did not respond to her inquiry.

Now, under the curtain of night, Shang Mo will not respond to her any more.

However, it was precisely because she did not receive any response that she felt a little relieved.

Because she understands that Shang Mo's failure to respond is the best response.

——Perhaps, Zheng He did notice something happened, but he would never draw any conclusion immediately.

——Perhaps, Zheng He is just suspicious, like a little rain of doubts.

——For some people and things, there seems to be no difference between those who have encountered them and those who have not.

At that moment, she also knew that the reason why Shang Mo agreed to the king's request to solve the two strange things inside and outside Champa was not just because of her remorse.

Rather, all kinds of things are so coincidentally intertwined, like unexplainable emotions, people have to choose a method and attitude in the end.

Of course, Shang Mo and her must show an attitude that can solve everything tonight.

She clenched her sword even tighter, and the white gauze in her hand was subconsciously raised several times, but was slowly lowered each time.

She couldn't stop herself from being afraid, so she thought of using a white gauze to tie her eyelids so as not to look directly at the terrifying woman's head, but now she was a little disappointed.

The scarf has not been used so far, and the flying ghost head seems to have evaporated in the world, and has never appeared.

The streets and alleys are deserted and desolate, not even a single chicken.

With the closed door, there was no light. The two of them walked around in the low-rise common houses. As long as they raised their eyes slightly, they could see the tall coconut groves and betel nut trees in the distance.

Under the night light, the branches and leaves sway, like the hands and feet of the night god, driving away all evil and resentment.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of the eyes of the two of them, and Liu Yunjin completely raised her right hand holding the sword in panic, and the white veil fluttered in front of her cheeks.

"Don't be afraid, it's not a person, but a shadow." Shang Mo looked around, eyes full of sharpness, and said sternly: "It should be in a house in front of us."

Liu Yunjin tremblingly said: "Is that the ghost head that can fly?"

"No." Shang Mo said, "It's a ray of light."

"One light?"

"Yes, a light suddenly lit up, and it happened that this lit up light reflected the figure of a person, and the light was extinguished in an instant, and the figure disappeared naturally."

Liu Yunjin looked at the front and examined it for a moment, cold sweat dripped from her brow, "According to our current location, it is possible that it came from this house."

Shang Mo followed Liu Yunjin's gaze, and said quietly: "I think so too."

The two people who had already stopped did not move for quite a long time, but they were staring at a door and window at the same time, not daring to move away.

Suddenly, Shang Mo tightened the hand he was holding, and was about to take another step.

Liu Yunjin, who already felt the slight pain in her fingers being held, said in horror: "What are you going to do?"

"Since we can't wait for the light to shine again, let's go over." Shang Mo stared sideways at Liu Yunjin, and said softly, "However, you don't have to be afraid, I won't let go of your hand this time, no matter what, I will always They're all there."

Liu Yunjin's eyes flowed, and the crystals flashed with tenderness under the moonlight. She didn't say anything, but nodded slightly.

At this time, she only needs to nod slightly like this to explain everything.

At this moment, she has completely handed herself over to Shang Mo...


Of course, there is no need to knock on the door.

In fact, the moment Shang Mo pushed the door, he found that the door was not locked, it was more like someone had already opened it from the inside.

Accompanied by the sound of "Zhizhi~", an extremely dark room was revealed in front of Shang Mo and Liu Yunjin.

In this house where the moonlight cannot even shine, there is a sense of shock that makes the scalp tingle everywhere.

——It is impossible that there is no one in the room, and it is possible that they will not mistake the direction of the light just now.

The two of them also knew very well what it meant to walk into this pitch-black house.

The people who were originally in the room are not only still in the room, but also have become accustomed to seeing in the dark.

However, for those who have just entered the house, there will inevitably be a period of blankness and inability to see things in their vision.

Liu Yunjin had subconsciously handed the Tianlan Zixiao Sword into Shang Mo's hand, even so, she did not have the slightest intention of retreating, and entered side by side with Shang Mo.

The white gauze in her hand was still there, but it had become redundant, and she even wished she could quickly adapt to the vision of night vision.

Suddenly, Shang Mo took her hand and followed her behind, because they were already standing in the middle of the house, but their eyes were still pitch black except for the darkness.

With light and slow steps, the two of them walked a few steps deeper as if they had discussed it in advance...

Suddenly, a scream came from under Shang Mo's feet, and the unsheathed Tianlan Zixiao Sword immediately rushed towards it.

In fact, before the startled roar sounded, Shang Mo had already pushed the blade out, not only pushed it out, but also staggered back a step.

With his actions like this, Liu Yunjin has already pressed her whole body against his back, and her left hand also hugged his waist.

His legs touched someone.

A man curled up and trembling.

The fire bag in this man's hand had fallen, and rolled into the moonlight in front of the door. After Liu Yunjin noticed it, she immediately turned around and picked it up, and quickly hugged Shang Mo from behind.

The moment the fire fold was blown up, the shuddering picture was completely displayed in front of the eyes of the two of them...

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