Some things cannot be said.

Even if it is clear to the chest, it must not be said.

There are some things that don't need to be asked.

Just because, whether it is true or not, it is no longer within the scope of control.

This morning, too many things happened suddenly, and the cold dew had not receded, which made everyone feel tired.

However, the wind is still warm and the light is getting stronger.

A long figure was reflected on the gravel road, moving slowly.

The covered ground is welcoming the sunlight little by little; the ground in the distance is being covered again a little bit...

It is very similar to the cycle of the world, just like the flowers bloom and fade, there are always new things constantly replacing the old things...

"Hai Ri gives birth to the waning moon, and Jiang Chun enters the old year."

With a murmur of gratitude, this figure gradually disappeared into the palace, leaving behind too many sighs and sighs...

Even if this figure is that Zheng He, it is doomed to be filled with sighs and insincere words...

He had already complied with Shang Mo's request just now, because King Zhancheng needed the help of others to resolve the two strange incidents in this land.

Now, he has also dispelled all the worries in his heart, he already firmly believes that Shang Mo has enough ability to solve these two strange things.

——No matter who has experienced Zhu Wenkui and has become a master now, then no matter what kind of things they face, they will be worthy of people's belief...

——I hope that he is Zhu Wenkui; I also pray that he is not Zhu Wenkui...

——Whether it is or not, it is good to be able to believe...


The sea breeze is like a cloud comb, blowing along Liu Yunjin's silky hair.

The waves are like a seven-stringed string, playing an uninterrupted melody.

The sword is in the hand, the scabbard is still sealing the cold front, but the sword intent is already wrapped around Liu Yunjin's body.

The sword is in her heart, but Liu Mei is locked away, no one knows what she is thinking.

Shang Mo did not approach, if he wanted to approach, he would have caught up with Liu Yunjin from the very beginning, and would never let her leave alone, and sat here for so long.

Therefore, at this moment, he will not come any closer.

Facing a woman who is in a bad mood, he has no reason to approach her. As long as he can come and accompany her silently, he is already proving that he cares.

The two of them didn't speak any words, even at noon, when they were already feeling hungry, they didn't say a word.

Just sitting like this, listening to the waves and watching the birds in the distance.

This unknown flying bird always hovers above the sea, seemingly aimless, but it is always wandering tirelessly.

They are very similar to them, and they don't know why they just sit quietly like this, but they still sit like this, still without words.

There is still warmth in the sea breeze, but after the warmth is over, there is a refreshing feeling.

Shang Mo faced his face, letting every inch of his skin feel the coolness, because he was already somewhat thirsty, his lips were already dry, and a lot of blood had faded.

Not only was he thirsty, but he was also hungry.

Not only was he thirsty and hungry, but his body, which had been sitting cross-legged all the time, was also sore and numb from his back to his calf that it was difficult to twist and stretch.

However, he still refused to leave.

At first, he would never have thought that after finding Liu Yunjin, he could just sit here for a whole day like this.

However, since he came, he must accompany him to the end.

Ruo said, at first he didn't know how bad Liu Yunjin was in a bad mood, but now he knows.

At least, this bad situation has given Liu Yunjin a more determined mind than him.

Otherwise, how can a girl not feel the slightest tiredness and tiredness?

It was an unintentional mistake on her part, just as simple as a joke or making a fool of herself once in a while.

However, her unintentional words touched her marriage.

Of course she cares about her marriage, in fact, every woman cares about it.

However, the whole matter didn't seem to be entirely about her marriage, because she knew very well that the reason she got married in a fit of anger was for another purpose, and she had already told Xie Molin the truth.

So, what is it that keeps her in such a bad mood for so long that she can't let go?

She had turned her head and glanced at Shang Mo many times, but every time Shang Mo pretended to ignore it and stared ahead quietly.

She also wanted to say something many times, but after seeing Shang Mo's calm expression, she always turned her cheek.

Until the sea level, a cloud of red clouds appeared, which was not completely blood red.It can be said to be orange at first, then slowly turned pink, and then slowly turned completely blood red.

However, no matter how blood-red the sunset is, it cannot cover up the brilliance of the setting sun, because the setting sun is even more blood-red and more beautiful.

Even, the whole sea was completely conquered by it, even if the setting sun completely fell into the sea, there was still a sunset red on the sea.

However, this evening red is no longer so dazzling.

"Let's go." Liu Yunjin stood up directly, without any sign of weakness in her legs, she looked at the only blush left on the sea, "You must be hungry."

"So, are we going to eat?" Shang Mo straightened his waist, pressed his hands on the sand, and stood up with difficulty, his legs arched suddenly, making it impossible for him to walk, "Where are we going to eat?" How about better?"

"Since you want to eat, of course you should go to the best place to eat." Liu Yunjin slowly approached, before the afterglow of the setting sun had completely dissipated, and on the shore of the green coast with the sound of waves, every step of her It is full of beauty, and the legs that keep rising from left to right between the strands of the skirt are so graceful.

The sea breeze was blowing the silk hair on her forehead, and the black hair that seemed to rise and fall seemed to cover her smiling face, which was full of charm.

She is by no means a seductive woman, but at this moment, she is a woman that no man can resist.

Shang Mo is completely infatuated...

"We'll eat whatever the king here eats." She seemed to have noticed that Shang Mo's legs were weakening. Her eyes became dark, but she was always so understanding, and now she had some actions that she would never have done in normal times.

The two hands were tightly held together, this time it was Liu Yunjin who took the initiative.

Even if Shang Mo, who was like a log, was held by her, he still followed behind Liu Yunjin like a puppet, not daring to say anything.

"Your palms are burning." Liu Yunjin looked back and smiled, "It seems that you are already a little scared."

"Afraid?" Shang Mo looked at her blankly, "Why should I be afraid?"

"Because of what we are going to do next." Liu Yunjin glanced sideways at the sea, "Night is coming."

"Ah." Shang Mo's face flushed suddenly, and his expression was more stupid than before, "We... what are we going to do?"

"Of course I have to go to Wangju's house to have some dinner first." Liu Yunjin suddenly stopped, she was still holding Shang Mo's hand, but turned her whole body around completely.

With only three inches of distance left between the two of them, she stared closely at Shang Mo with a smile on her face.

She is definitely not just staring, her eyes are also flowing, charming and seductive.

"After dark, you're going to face that flying ghost again..." Liu Yunjin's eyes flickered with an indescribable light, "But, I never thought that this time you will be afraid." .”

"Ah..." Shang Mo was startled suddenly, "You mean this?"

"Otherwise? What do you think I'm talking about?"

"Oh, you said this, I'm not afraid anymore." Shang Mo suddenly opened her eyes, "How do you know that I'm going to get rid of that flying head tonight?"

Liu Yunjin smiled, "Because everything is obvious on your face." She smiled brighter, "At first, I was still worried that it would affect Daming's diplomatic relations because of me, but seeing you all day long You are so indifferent, I already guessed that you must have promised King Champa something."

"You have already guessed that I will answer the king and solve the weird flying head in Champa?"

"Yes, since we can meet the flying ghost head, then the ghost head will definitely do evil on weekdays. That's why the king of Champa went to the deep mountain to stay for a year, isn't it just to resolve the ghost head? Headache?"

"Actually, this is not the only thing that troubled the King of Champa." Shang Mo said extremely calmly, "There is also a large pool that leads to the sea."

"Tonghai Great Pool?"

"Yes, Tonghai Datan, this is another weird thing."

Liu Yunjin paused, and glanced at her sideways, as if she was thinking about something. After a while, her cold and beautiful face was full of bitterness, "Just because of my words of marrying, you have to deal with it." Two things that can threaten your life..."

Her tears were already streaming down, and they couldn't stop flowing.

"Actually, it's not all because of you." Shang Mo rubbed her cheek lightly, feeling extremely anxious, "I think Mr. Zheng He seems to have discovered something, but I'm not sure..."

"Right now, there is only a good beginning and a good end. As long as the ending is good, King Champa and Molin can let go of their worries, and Lord Zheng He can see the result he wants to see. This is the only thing I can do right now. It's gone." Shang Mo was still trying to explain, he didn't want Liu Yunjin to feel guilty anymore, "So, it's definitely not just because you accepted the marriage contract unintentionally."

I don't want to, Liu Yunjin became even more anxious when she heard the words, her tears could not be wiped away, no matter how much speed Shang Mo's hand repeated, it would never be wiped away, "Master Zheng He...he...he found out your truth identity?"

During the words, she couldn't hold herself anymore, she held Shang Mo's arm tightly with both hands, and said through gritted teeth: "Then what does Zheng He plan to do? Could it be that he really wants to deal with you?"


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