Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 265 Arrival of the Witch Family

There are many Linxian masters in the field, all of them are powerful beings who dominate one side. Many of them have a higher realm than Ye Tianxing, but no one dares to offend Ye Tianxing's strength.

Who dares to be presumptuous in front of the barren body?

The fourth rank of Linxian can be easily beheaded in his hands, let alone someone who is weaker than the fourth rank of Linxian.

"We shouldn't be involved in the competition of the younger generations, fellow Taoists said it very well!" Some strong people echoed Ye Tianxing's statement, and led the disciples of the clan to worship, hoping to form a good relationship with Ye Tianxing Some people even pushed the disciples to Ye Tianxing, hoping to be accepted by him as his disciples.

Ye Tianxing directly pointed out their purpose and refused to accept apprentices. For him, these apprentices currently have no extra time to teach, and accepting new apprentices is just a waste of each other's time.

Afterwards, Ye Tianxing led the crowd to leave, and did not stay for long. The God of the Qinghuang Star and the guide stayed behind to clean up the mess and repair the passage from Tianlu to Qinghuangxing.

"Two savages from one school, both of them have invincible heroic postures. It's really terrifying!" After Ye Tianxing and his party left, there were bursts of exclamation from this world.

"I never expected that the strength of Qian Tangfeng's master would be so terrifying. Linxian can kill as soon as he turns four. How terrifying is his peak combat power?" Such a record made many Linxian masters present Guilty, being able to cultivate to the Immortal Realm shows that their talents are definitely one in a million existences, and they have enough capital to be proud of a domain. It is extremely difficult to do it. For the ninth rank of Linxian, there is an absolute gap between the first six ranks and the last three ranks, which is difficult to make up. Even for the first six ranks, the gap in strength of each rank is quite large.

Now the barren body has crossed the gap of three ranks and killed people by leaps and bounds. How can people not be amazed by such a record.

"Qian Tangfeng's strength is probably still higher than that of his teacher. Tianlu and his party, this guy has fought from the beginning to the end without a single defeat. Fighting at higher levels is even more normal. Search the entire Tianlu Tianjiao, the top one Ten people together are not enough for him to fight alone." A young Tianjiao sighed, witnessing Qian Tangfeng's road to invincibility.

"When you meet this kind of person, even if you can't make friends with them, you must not make enemies. They can't be described by the word Tianjiao, they can be called outstanding!"

"There are tens of thousands of arrogance in the world, but there are very few who can be called outstanding."


"Master, when Qin'er and I were on Tianlu, we were besieged by dozens of masters who rejected us. We were once desperate, but we were rescued by a fairy." Standing in front of Ye Tianxing, Xiaofeng narrated the time situation.

Ye Tianxing didn't take it seriously at first, but then Xiaofeng mentioned a land called Kyushu, and his memory suddenly became a little confused.

"Have you been to Kyushu?" Ye Tianxing asked softly.

"Well, Qin'er and I were taken to Kyushu by the fairy to avoid being chased and killed. We also met our uncle and senior Situ inside. Thanks to the guidance of senior Situ, the strength of Tu'er and Qin'er has improved by leaps and bounds. The trip to heaven has paid off a lot." Qian Tangfeng happily narrated the details of life in Kyushu, and after noticing the change in Ye Tianxing's expression, he stopped talking.

Ye Tianxing sighed softly. Regarding Kyushu, he still has a little bit of grudge in his heart. If he said that the rejection and hatred must be gone, but when it comes to Kyushu, there is always a little unspeakable unhappiness.

"Is your uncle okay?" Ye Tianxing asked.

"Master Uncle is very good, but he is either in seclusion or practicing in the place of trial all year round. However, in the second year we entered Kyushu, Master Uncle left Kyushu, taking Shuiyuetong and Master Uncle without knowing where to go."

"As long as he is still alive." Ye Tianxing's tone was calm, but his heart was filled with turmoil. He and Zhang Tianxiu hadn't seen each other for many years, and he should have gone to Kyushu a long time ago.

After returning to Hanlinxuan, Ye Tianxing opened up a cave and provided Mo Ruyuan with some springs of life for Li Qin to heal his wounds. The body of the wind.

The Dragon Emperor Bone is of great significance. As long as the Dragon Emperor Bone is refined, with the hematopoietic ability of the Dragon Emperor Bone, Xiaofeng can also obtain part of the blood power of the Golden Holy Dragon. For him, his strength will be qualitatively improved.

"Xiaofeng, although your realm has reached the peak of samsara and touched the void, but your aura is a little vain, so polish it well, don't be impulsive, the more solid your foundation, the further you can go in your cultivation."

"Apprentice listens to master's instruction."

"The power of the Dragon Emperor's Bone, it's too early for you to fully refine it, so go to retreat." Ye Tianxing left the retreat, and after playing with Ye Tianxing for a few days, Xiaolan chose to return to the Samsara Pool again Cultivation, and Jiang Chen and Deng Gan are often in seclusion. They are gradually recovering their past strengths to meet the uncertainties of the future.

Ye Tianxing conducted a [-]-day discourse on popularizing the law in Hanlin Xuan, and shared his understanding of the Dao with all his disciples. From top to bottom in Hanlin Xuan, including the master of the hall, no one was absent. The [-]th day, for Hanlin Tianjiao, this [-]th day is a great opportunity.

Not long after, Zhu Yan, who had some insight into Ye Tianxing's Zen method, finally ushered in his own immortal calamity after retreating for several days.

"Soon, you should be stepping into God's Domain, right?" Mo Ruyuan asked Ye Tianxing.

"How did Fairy Mo find out?" Ye Tianxing was curious.

"Soon there will be a grand event in God's Domain. This grand event is related to the future of God's Domain. Naturally, it will affect the future of this galaxy. Why does the spiritual energy flow back in the world today? It seems that the prosperity is coming, but it is actually an ominous sign. I am worried. A storm is brewing, and this storm is enough to implicate everyone, and no one can escape alone." Mo Ruyuan seemed to know something, but she didn't explain it in detail.

"I think you have a very close relationship with the Yang family, so you should have received the invitation from the Yang family, right?"

Ye Tianxing nodded. Not long ago, he did receive a voice transmission from his spiritual consciousness, which was an invitation from the Yang family.

"Given the connection between Shenjun Mansion and God's Domain, they should also be invited."

"Shenjun Palace?" Mo Ruyuan shook his head, "Shenjun Palace is not eligible to be invited yet."

"Ru Yuan has a ruthless request, and I ask you to agree to it."

"Fairy might as well just say it straight."

"Young Master, please let Ru Yuan accompany you when you enter the God Realm."

Ye Tianxing was a little puzzled, God's Domain is not restricted, outsiders can enter it, why did Mo Ruyuan ask to go with him?

"My lord, don't get me wrong. Ru Yuan has no other intentions. She just wants to take advantage of the relationship between you and the Yang family, and wants to get online with the Yang family. Although the Shenjun Mansion has a certain backing in the Shenyu, this backing is not stable. Being abandoned, and the fate of being abandoned is absolutely unbearable for the Shenjun Mansion, so the Shenjun Mansion wants to seek the protection of the Yang Clan." Over the years, Mo Ruyuan has inquired a lot of information about the Yang Clan, and there are countless powerful forces in the God Realm. Being relied on, and among these forces, only the Yang family will truly protect the forces under its command.

"It's just a thread, it's not a difficult task, but as for whether the Shenjun Mansion can have a relationship with the Yang Clan, it depends on the fairy's ability, and Ye Mou will not give any help." Ye Tianxing is very direct, he It is true that he has a heavy friendship with the Yang family, and he still owes the Yang family a lot of favors. These favors will have to be repaid in the future, so he is unwilling to do any more debts.

"It's natural. Ru Yuan won't be able to make progress." During the conversation, she expressed her gratitude to Ye Tianxing. Li Qin's injury has not recovered and he is still in retreat. Mo Ruyuan has been staying in Hanlin Xuan, following Ye Tianxing walked left and right, and watched Ye Tianxing arrange the Immortal King's restriction.

Time passed by little by little like this, half a month later, a golden boat sailed across the snowy sky, and finally landed in Hanlin Tianfu, Wu Ting arrived, and brought the whole family to Hanlin Xuan.

"Old Wu, how is Beichen's situation?" Ye Tianxing stepped forward to greet him, and Hanlin Tianjiao was already waiting at the gate of the hall to greet him.

"It's not optimistic. The ancestors of many forces have recovered one after another. Fortunately, I went back in time this time, otherwise my Wu family may be in danger." Wu Ting walked down from the golden boat, and behind him was the Wu family. all.

"Yuan Yang pays homage to Big Brother Ye!" A handsome young man walked quickly towards him, with a happy smile and polite manners, Ye Tianxing had seen him before, it was Wu Ting's ninth younger brother Wu Yuanyang.

"Wu Tanzhi"

"Wu Zhuo"

"I've seen Brother Ye!" The two brothers, who were arrogant and domineering back then, have worn off their sharpness and looked much more polite. Ye Tianxing smiled and nodded at them, then walked across the crowd to Mrs. Nanhua at the back.

"Boy, Ye Tianxing, met Mrs. Nanhua." As a junior, Ye Tianxing saluted Mrs. Nanhua respectfully. This scene warmed Wu Ting's heart.

"Hey, Tian Xing got up quickly, you're pissing off Nanhua." Mrs. Qian Zuo was about to return the salute, but Ye Tianxing hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "It's right for juniors to salute to elders, Mrs. Nanhua If you return the gift, you will break the boy."

"You don't have to be cautious. When you come to Hanlin, it's like returning to your own home. Tianfu Houshan has already prepared a residence for you." Gu Qingyou stepped forward to greet him, and everyone in Hanlinxuan naturally attached great importance to the person who even Ye Tianxing respected. .

"Mother, let me introduce you, this is the master of Hanlin Xuanxuan."

"Thank you, Lord Xuan, for taking it in. The whole Wu family is very grateful."

"Where is Mrs. Nanhua, Wu Ting and Tianxing are siblings. Hanlinxuan is also Wu Ting's home. You can come because you have given Hanlinxuan great face. Everyone, this way please!" Gu Qingyou He personally led the way and led the Wu family to the place of residence.

These days, since knowing that Wu Ting will bring the Wu family up and down, Gu Qingyou has opened up a small world in the back mountain, which has already been cleaned up for the Wu family to live in.

"Miss Ying'er, this is Mrs. Nanhua, the old witch's mother. She is new here and is not familiar with the environment. Miss Lao has been taking care of her for a few days." Ye Tianxing suddenly shouted to Ying'er who seemed a little cautious in the crowd.

Ying'er, who was originally hesitating whether to go forward, ran forward without hesitation when Ye Tianxing called her. Ye Tianxing stepped aside and gave her the chance to help Mrs. Nanhua.

"Ma'am, please be careful this way." Ying'er's voice was very soft and sweet, and she also dressed up a little today, her beauty really eclipsed the three sisters of the Wu family.

Mrs. Nan Hua looked at Ying'er and was astonished, "What a handsome girl." She was not stingy with her compliments, and praised Ying'er in a gentle tone, making Ying'er's heart burst into joy.

Looking at the two people who got along well, a knowing smile inadvertently crossed Wu Ting's face.

This smile was naturally seen by Ye Tianxing.

"Miss Ying'er, I've already found out for you. She didn't express her position because of her daughter's reservedness, but she didn't deny or reject her in words, deeds and body. That means she is willing. Bian even agrees with both hands, hurry up, kid, and settle this marriage before we enter God's Domain." Ye Tianxing couldn't help laughing at Wu Ting's pretendingly calm expression.


"I have been to Qihai Rulin and met Miss Qingying. She seems to have not recovered her memory, but her eyes are a little eager when she mentions you, so I can't tell whether she remembers anything or not." Wu Ting quickly changed the subject.

"Did she say something?" Ye Tianxing's eyes instantly became much calmer.

"I didn't say much, but after asking a little about you, I went back. Although I don't know if her memory has recovered, she is safe now. Behind Seven Seas Scholars is Shenyu Tianji Pavilion, with a profound background. No one dares to provoke."

Ye Tianxing nodded, a little disappointment inadvertently appeared in his eyes, which only flashed by.

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