Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 264 Strong Suppression

"Linxian dares to speak up without shame once he turns around, he really regards himself as a person!" A sneer came from the chaos,

Ye Tianxing didn't say any more, he clenched his hands tightly, the flying sword in his hand was directly pinched and deformed, and the fairy gold scepter was also dented by his five fingers, losing the power of the fairy weapon.

Such a scene, how could it not be shocking, the three in the chaos looked at each other, with a deep look of horror in their eyes.

"Is it the body cultivation of the first turn of Linxian? It's really good to be able to cultivate the body to this level, but today you are destined to die here, and the first turn of Linxian can't make waves in front of us."

"It's just brute force."

"Suffer to death!"

The divine light pierced through the chaos, and the flying sword and fairy gold scepter in Ye Tianxing's hands erupted with fairy light again.


A ray of blood rushed to the sky, lay across Ye Tianxing's body, and made a low trembling sound. Yaodao Yueyin's body was covered with traces, which showed that Tianlu and his party were not peaceful.

He held Yueyin with one free hand, and the abundant energy between his hands rushed towards Yueyin, and Yueyin had been hungry for too long, frantically absorbing the energy from Ye Tianxing, and his whole body exuded Terrifying and hostile, fierce and mighty.

He drew his knife and slashed, wrapped in a powerful edge of Yuanli, directly cut off the flying sword, and then slashed towards the Immortal Gold Scepter. The Immortal Gold Scepter was extremely hard, but the spirit of the weapon was shattered by the knife.

"This knife is called Yaodao Yueyin, and I will drink the blood that I will wait for today!" Ye Tianxing stepped forward with the knife in hand, and Yueyin exuded an extremely fierce power. It's also not as good as it is.

"The wild hands!"

The man raised his hand to suppress it, the palm wind wrapped the power of the law of heaven, and the terrifying strength of Linxian's third turn was fully revealed at this moment.

"Linxian dares to shout at the first turn. My master can deal with the powerful existence of the fourth turn of the Linxian. Isn't Linxian's physical training at the first turn easy?" The young man smiled coldly, but his eyes were focused on Qian On Tang Feng, they hid in the clouds, ready to strike at any time.

While Ye Tianxing was drawing the knife, a blade cut across, cutting Dahuangshou in half.

"The title of No. [-] on the heaven list, you have your life to take it, and you don't have your life to take it away. As early as when you were on the road to heaven, the young master said that when you leave the road to heaven, it is your time of death!"

Qian Tangfeng heard the words, full of killing intent, if he had to protect Li Qin, even with this seriously injured body, he would kill these people here.

"Qin'er!" A golden shuttle came, and Mo Ruyuan and others rushed to see the scene in front of them, and the killing intent in their bodies rushed out wantonly.

"Master, don't worry, Qin'er is fine." Li Qin regained a trace of blood on his face, and forced a smile.

"It's all hurt like this, and you still say it's okay? Are you injured by this group of bastards?" Mo Ruyuan lowered his eyes, and there was an extreme chill on his indifferent face.

At this time, the escort envoy of Qinghuangxing also chased after him, and he was extremely shocked to see the scene of swords drawn here, especially after he saw clearly the appearance of Ye Tianxing and the others. Arrived here first.

"A master of Linxian!" The envoy stared at the chaos, "Guys, I am the envoy of the Heavenly Road of the Qinghuang Star. You have cut off the passage from the Heavenly Road to the Qinghuang, and you will be punished by the gods. Behavior has offended the majesty of the God of Heaven, you are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!"

Facing the warning from the envoys, the few people remained indifferent, but laughed again and again, "The little envoys dare to speak boldly, if you want to stop them today, you can die with them."

"Hurry up and run away separately, I can't deal with them, I have to wait for the arrival of the gods." The old man urged.

"I want to run now, is there enough time?" Amid the grinning laughter, the void suddenly changed.

"Xiaofeng, hand Xiaoqin into the hands of the saint, revenge if you have revenge, and revenge if you have grievances!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice.

Qian Tangfeng handed Li Qin to Mo Ruyuan, and stared fixedly at the young men in the void, with vicious eyes, which made the young men's hearts tremble.

"No, this guy is going to kill him!" A young man's expression turned ugly instantly.

"He was seriously injured, this is our chance to kill him!"

A young Tianjiao's murderous intent was raging, and several people were on guard, and they all shot to kill Qian Tangfeng,

Xiaofeng almost ignored the joint attack of several people, and burst out with supernatural power, extremely strong. Although he was seriously injured, the majesty of No.1 on the top list cannot be violated.

"Today, don't even think about leaving!"

The Immortal King's Realm opened instantly, and Xiaofeng stepped in front of them. Under the absolute offensive, the defense of the few people seemed weak, "Just you trash, are you trying to chase me down?"


He punched through the chest of a Tianjiao, and the peak of reincarnation fell instantly.

This scene made the Linxian masters after the chaos go crazy, and they rushed towards Xiaofeng Town at all costs.

On this side, Ye Tianxing slashed again, this slash was almost successful, the terrifying slash firmly locked the place where the middle-aged man settled down, and then the chaotic void was forcibly cut off by a powerful force.


Terrible shock waves erupted in the fault space where Ye Tianxing and several Linxian masters were located. One person and one knife walked in the bloody aura, chopping the world into darkness. The coercion wandered wantonly in the space fault.

"He, he was able to fight against such an existence!" The old man opened his mouth wide in shock, greatly shocked.

"What is this person's background? Linxian has monopolized three Linxian masters in one turn, and faintly has the upper hand!" In the galaxy, some masters were shocked when they witnessed this battle.

"He claims to be Qian Tangfeng's master. I heard that Qian Tangfeng said in advance that his master was at the top of the list last time. I don't know if it's true or not." Tianjiao said.

"The last time it reached the top of the list? Isn't that a deserted body called Ye Tian Xing?" A middle-aged man who knew the news of Tian Lu exclaimed in surprise.

"This person has just received a blow from the immortal artifact with his hand, and squeezed the immortal artifact into shape. It can be seen that his physical body is so strong. It is very likely that he is not a physical cultivator, but a genuine barren body!"

All of a sudden, a deduction spread among the crowd.

"If he really reached the top of the list last time, and he is also Master Qian Tangfeng, then the master and apprentice are too terrifying!" No one was surprised to hear this kind of news, and no one at the scene believed it.

And just when everyone was surprised, Ye Tianxing in the void fault smashed the attack of the three Linxian masters with the force of thunder. The demonic aura became stronger and stronger, while the scalps of the remaining two Linxian masters were numb. They couldn't imagine how a guy who was only a Linxian turn could be so powerful.

"Master save me!"

Under the strength of Qian Tangfeng, another young Tianjiao was killed,

In the Milky Way, a big hand grabbed it, intending to take advantage of it to kill Qian Tangfeng. This void was already within the range of Ye Tianxing's spiritual consciousness, and the moment the big hand approached, Ye Tianxing had already noticed it.

He drew his knife and slashed across the void, the attack of the big hand was blocked, and there was a wave of anger in the galaxy.

"I just want to take my apprentice away, do you want to be my enemy?" Seeing the strength of Ye Tianxing, although the figure in Xinghe Nei was cold, he didn't dare to be too strong.

"Hmph, he participated in the pursuit of my apprentice, and he deserves death as an apology. You just wanted to attack my apprentice, which is also a capital crime!" Ye Tianxing stepped forward indifferently, standing tall in the storm, letting the void flow turbulently The impact, still unmoved, all waves and winds were blocked in front of him, unable to break through the place where he stood.

"Big words, do you think that if you can defeat these trash, you can fight me here?" The man shouted angrily, crushing Xinghe with domineering coercion.

Ye Tianxing smiled, his expression was quite relaxed, "Do you think you won't die if you turn around Immortal four times?"

"At least, this seat is very sure that you must die before me!" The man manifested himself and escaped from the distance of the Milky Way.

With a thought in Ye Tianxing's mind, the blood in his body surged, and in the next moment, his aura climbed to the point of the second rank of Linxian at an extremely fast speed.

"The secret method of forcibly increasing strength is useless in front of me. Today, I will let you deeply understand that there is also a gap between Linxian." Three turns are comparable.

"This guy is in danger!" In the distance of Xinghe, countless masters sweated for Ye Tianxing.

The void was blocked, and the middle-aged man's powerful consciousness locked Ye Tianxing firmly, and with a devastating blow, everything in the blocked void was torn to pieces.

"Tips for carving insects."


The sound of a dragon's roar pierced the heavens and the earth, and behind Ye Tianxing, the dragon pattern shone with a faint luster. For a moment, in the distance of the galaxy, several peerless talents who had reached the top [-] on the celestial list trembled all over their bodies.

"Dragon pattern seal!"

Countless trembling voices erupted one after another in the galaxy.

Ye Tianxing shredded the space, and the power of the pure golden holy dragon spread out. Even Qian Tangfeng, who also had the dragon pattern imprint, was faintly suppressed by this dragon power.

The dragon claw smashed the sky, and Linxian's four-turn powerful blow was instantly defeated. Ye Tianxing's speed was ridiculously fast, and he shuttled through the space as if teleporting.

"Run!" The other two Linxian masters secretly felt that something was wrong and prepared to run away, but this void had already been blocked by a domain before they were aware of it, and they could not escape at all.

"It's really Yinzhang of the dragon pattern. Could it be that he was really the top one in the last time, the barren body of the Milky Way Starfield?" The reception made his breathing slow, and he took two deep breaths.

When the gods arrived, two more Linxians had already been put to death,

Killing Linxian is like slaughtering pigs and dogs. Such an astonishing record instantly detonated the galaxy, and messages grew wings and spread in all directions.

"It's your turn, what else do you want to say?" Ye Tianxing's body is covered with dragon scales, half human and half dragon, the blood of the golden holy dragon is exceptionally strong, he refined part of the blood of the son of the Dragon Emperor, and obtained other blood. Part of the inheritance, just this part of the inheritance, gave him the power of the golden holy dragon, and his combat power more than doubled.

"Are you really at the top of the list last time?" The middle-aged man's tone was no longer as strong as before. Feeling the vast oppression of Ye Tianxing, even he felt chills in his heart.

"So what if you are, so what if you are not?" Ye Tianxing said coldly, "This world is not peaceful at all, Ye Mou didn't want to kill randomly, but if you want to kill my apprentice, Ye Mou can't let you go. "

The middle-aged man felt an unprecedented crisis, and his soul was trembling unconsciously. He couldn't figure out that this kind of fearful oppression came from a guy whose real realm was only a turn of immortality.

"Sacred Dragon Cracking the Sky." When the deep voice sounded in the void fault with endless indifference and desolation, countless masters waited and watched from the distance of the galaxy, only seeing the baptism of the bright golden holy light. The middle-aged man who was in the fourth turn of the Immortal was torn apart.

The four Linxian masters fell away.

The whole place was silent.

No one expected that the children of several families besieged and suppressed a Qiantang Feng, but in the end, all of them were lost here.

"Is he already so powerful? He is really going to be invincible in the world." Someone exclaimed.

Witnessing this scene, the god was also shocked. He was also the fourth turn of Immortal, and he didn't think he could kill such a middle-aged man.

On this side, with the fall of the four Linxian masters, several Tianjiao who besieged and killed Qian Tangfeng were also killed by him, and this battle came to an end.

"In the age when the younger generations are competing, I advise those restless guys not to easily intervene in the younger generation's war." Ye Tianxing coldly glanced around the galaxy, asserting his authority.

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