Boxing Eight Wilderness

No. 253 Chiyang "Honor"

Ye Tianxing made a move, and the Quell Shaman's bow suddenly held in his hand,

Holding the bow in the left hand and pulling the string in the right hand, the vast primordial power erupted, and suddenly thunder and flames swept through, condensed into an arrow, and the arrow attached to the soul drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and then penetrated the void fault, Into the rushing turbulence.

"My lord, save me!" Liang Zhong's terrified cry came from deep in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a large void hand wrapped in raging flames protruded from the distant chaos.

"The Bow of Quell Shaman, what a vicious boy!" A sinister voice came from outside the sky, "You are the human waste body that made a lot of noise in Tianshengzhai a few years ago!"


The arrow was blocked and failed to kill Liang Zhong.

"Three Leavings!" Ye Tianxing's expression changed slightly, and the profound and long-lasting majestic aura was undoubtedly the Three Leavings.

"Chiyang old ghost, it turns out that you are behind the scenes to help the evildoers!" Seeing the person clearly, a serious look appeared on the sick man's face, and a chill swept over him.

"You villain of the Chiyin old monster, you don't practice well on the Ziyin mountain, what kind of chaos come here!" Outside the void, a figure was coming through the turbulent flow from the distant galaxy.

"Everyone, evacuate quickly, the old ghost of Chiyin is a strong person in the Lixing Realm, we can't match him!"

"I absolutely did not expect that this old thing turned out to be Liang Zhong's backer!"

"Old ghost Chiyang, you are really tired of working, and you even got involved in the dynasty disputes. The immortals invited by Liang Zhong were also found by you, right?" Chi Huaizi scolded angrily.

"It turned out to be this old whore. I wonder why Liang Zhong this long arrested so many young women. It turned out that he was looking for a good cauldron for this guy!" The anger in Han Ziqi's heart was instantly ignited.

"Everyone, don't hesitate, evacuate quickly, and follow back to Chiyin Mountain next time. Only when the master leaves the pass can we deal with this thief!" Chi Huaizi urged.

"Young friend Ye, please take the little girl away, the blood of the Han family cannot be cut off here." King Han stepped forward resolutely, wanting to die.


"Since I have seen my real body today, you don't even want to live!" Venerable Chi Yang snorted coldly.

"He's going to kill people, everyone, what are you still doing? If you don't leave, it will be too late. We just need to run away and spread the word about what happened today, and someone will find trouble with him!"

"Now I can only follow and flee to Chiyin Mountain to seek shelter!" Chi Huaizi urged repeatedly.

However, there was no sign of any movement in Ye Tianxing's group of people. Seeing this, Han Wang also became anxious.

"Master, please evacuate quickly." Han Ziqi frowned, knowing that the horror of Li Xingjing could not be dealt with by the first six ranks of Immortal, she quickly stepped forward and grabbed Ye Tianxing's arm.

Ye Tianxing turned his head, Gujing was silent, he just stretched out his hand to gently stroke her head, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter who comes today!"

"The Tiansheng Dynasty is still surnamed Han."

Ye Tianxing said calmly.

Han Ziqi was stunned, seeing the indifference on Ye Tianxing's face, she felt an unreasonable confidence in her heart for some reason.

"Ye Daoyou, what are you thinking? That's Li Xingjing, which is different from the first six ranks of Linxian, do you understand? All of us working together are not the same enemy, understand?" The old monster Chiyang was getting closer and closer. Seeing it so close, Chi Huaizi completely panicked.

"Crazy, are they all crazy?"

"Chi Huaizi, don't be so flustered, Mr. Ye never fights uncertain battles, since he can say that, he is absolutely sure." Zhong Yuehong said calmly.

"Master Vegetarian, that's the Realm of Leaving the Form, not an ordinary Immortal!"

"It doesn't matter, let's take a step ahead!" After the words fell, Chi Huaizi escaped from this place with an escape technique, hiding behind a dark cloud and spying here, "It's really crazy, do these guys trust him so much?"

He didn't understand at all that a group of people dared to entrust their lives in the hands of a guy in the early stage of Linxian.

"Huh? You didn't run away, should I praise you for your courage, or pity your stupidity and ignorance?" The ridicule resounded here, and the old monster Chiyang descended in person, surrounded by an unparalleled coercion The terrifying power of the solstice enveloped it.

"Tsk, this trip is really worthwhile, and I can still meet the stunning beauty of the Yaozu!" The old monster Chiyang noticed Qiuge in the crowd at a glance, with a hint of greed on his face.

"Linxian Cauldron Furnace!"

"It's really God's help to this venerable. This venerable's Chiyang Divine Art is encountering a bottleneck. With you as a furnace, why can't this venerable not step into the realm of leaving the soul!"

The old monster Chiyang laughed wildly, and a copper tripod was buckled upside down, holding the square world in. In an instant, a scorching sun power poured out, and at the same time, the old monster Chiyang waved his hand towards Qiu song catch.

"Hey..." An extreme coldness swept out from the center of the night sky, forming a huge ice wall to isolate the incoming flames of the sun.

"How dare you pretend to be a venerable in a mere Li Xingjing? Are you thinking too highly of yourself?" Ye Tianxing said in a stern voice, already intent on killing, the words he said just now to the old monster Chiyang were enough to make him die ten times .

"Let me come." Standing behind the crowd like a mortal, the grub quietly came forward.

"No, there is no need for seniors to take action on this kind of stuff."

With a wave of Ye Tianxing's hand, the Bahuang Pagoda hovered above his head, and then rushed into the flame of Zhiyang, suppressing the old ghost of Chiyang.

"Hahahaha, are the ants in the early stage of Linxian trying to fight this deity?"

"The kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth,"

"Look at this deity destroying your broken tower!"

Chiyang old ghost's big hand turned its direction, setting off a boundless countercurrent, the void was torn apart under the countercurrent, and the palm edge slapped towards the Bahuang Pagoda through the turbulent turbulence.


A heavy loud noise resounded here, and the blow of the strong man in the Lixing Realm was so terrifying that the Bahuang Pagoda sank under this slap,

But what is shocking is that the Eight Desolation Pagoda was intact, and it was not blown away by the palm of the old monster Chiyang.

"How is it possible?" The old ghost Chiyang was shocked, his eyes narrowed, the densely packed talismans were looming on the Bahuang Pagoda, and a scarlet blood shadow could be vaguely seen inside the sunken pagoda.

"Blood slave, tear him apart."


Inside the Bahuang Pagoda, the blood slave slapped a palm through the Bahuang Pagoda, and the tower body slammed into the old ghost of Chiyang. The latter was shocked and hurriedly faced him with his palm, but the shocking force transmitted from the tower body sent him flying .

"Blood slave of Li Xingjing!!" Chi Yang old ghost's pupils shrank suddenly,

"How can you have such a thing, you little thief?!"

It is extremely difficult for a cultivator to cultivate to the Li-Form Realm, not to mention cultivating a Blood Slave from the Li-Form Realm, which is much more difficult than cultivating a strong man from the Li-Soul Realm.

"It turned out to be a blood slave from Li Xingjing, no wonder this guy has such confidence!" Chi Huaizi was astonished.

"Hmph, you kid don't think that a blood slave can take down this deity, right? With the strength of this deity, it's easy to kill you and escape."

"Taste the power of my Sun Flame."

Between the words, he waved his hand, and the flames of the sun poured down like a flood of beasts rushing in all directions.

"This guy is going to kill all of us!" The seven retainers panicked.

"A flame of this level deserves to be called the Flame of the Sun?" Ye Tianxing sneered, and the Bahuang Pagoda quickly grew in size, spinning at a very high speed to set off a powerful storm, sucking all the flames of the Sun into the tower Inside.

No matter how the flames of Zhiyang scorched, the Bahuang Pagoda shook for a moment without any loss. How could the Bahuang Pagoda, which can withstand the flames of the Zhanhuang body, be afraid of the mere flame of Zhiyang? .

How terrifying is the battle between the Departure Realms, every little wave and wind can turn a void into ashes.

"Blood slave, make a quick decision!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Roar!!" The blood slave let out a shocking roar, blood chains flew all over his body, and the sky was covered by a monstrous hostility.

The wave of confrontation between the two was too terrifying, and it was impossible for Ye Tianxing to block it. He could resist the flames of Zhiyang, but he couldn't stop the terrifying offensive.

Two terrifying sharp holes shot in the direction of hundreds of thousands of troops,

Ye Tianxing tried to manipulate the Bahuang Pagoda to resist, but the power contained in that sharp edge alone shook the Bahuang Pagoda and smashed it towards the Amber Army.

"Get back!" Han Ziqi shouted suddenly, although the Huber army was Liang Zhong's trump card army, she didn't want to see them die in vain, the Huber army was composed of soldiers from the Tiansheng Dynasty after all.

"Gather!!" In the Amber Army, several illusory generals stepped forward, fighting to the sky. Thousands of Amber Army's spears gathered their energy and stabbed at the sky. The terrifying power was condensed. An offensive beyond Linxian.

"This army is very good." Ye Tianxing praised, if it can be surrendered and used by the Han family, it will be considered a powerful trump card.


The wave and wind hit, and the power condensed by the amber army slammed together,

However, this seemingly powerful resistance was vulnerable to this sharp edge. The moment of stalemate was broken, the wind swept away, the world twisted, everything was crumbling, and the overwhelming force rushed towards the amber army, enough to knock them out. Torn to shreds.

The leading generals were ruthless, and instead of retreating, they advanced, urged their strength to the extreme, and greeted them with the determination to die.

However, such a choice is like a moth to a flame, it is nothing more than death.

The edge is close at hand, and the amber army roars,

"General!" A soldier shouted.

"Withdraw!" The leading general issued the final order,

Death is but an instant.

However, under the horrified eyes of countless people, a strange thing happened. The space in front of him was suddenly distorted, and the void was dislocated. The terrifying sharp edge that could easily tear apart the amber army fell deep in the void fault, causing a turbulent storm.

"This, how could it be?!" The few generals who survived frowned tightly, looking at the scene in front of them in surprise, feeling indescribably shocked.

"How is this possible?!" Chi Huaizi was so startled that he almost jumped up. In the confrontation of the Lixing Realm, even if he touched it at the third turn of Linxian, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die miserably. Forcibly dislocating the void, what kind of powerful soul power is needed to do it?

"Impossible, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a monk at the beginning of Linxian's first turn. How could he achieve such a level!" Chi Huaizi didn't believe it, and he couldn't believe it. His eyes swept across the crowd one by one. Among them, the most powerful one is only the third rank of Linxian, and the one who made the shot is definitely not the arrogance of the Black Dragon Clan.

"Wait..." Chi Huaizi suddenly noticed a figure with a very low sense of presence in the crowd. If he didn't count carefully, he would subconsciously ignore the existence of this person.


"Impossible!" Chi Huaizi thought of something, his pupils constricted suddenly, and he was shocked, "There is still a master of three departures hidden!"

At this moment, Chi Huaizi's scalp felt numb, and he was sure that the one who made the move just now must be this simple and ordinary middle-aged monk.

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