Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 252 What is God's will? I am God's will


Chang Tian yelled loudly, bringing up bursts of sound waves, and a group of people walked out of the twisted void. The leader was wrapped in a crown and dragon robe, exuding a masculine aura from top to bottom. An extraordinary domineering.

"The two worlds of humans and monsters have never invaded, and they have lived in peace for thousands of years. They suddenly came to our Tiansheng Dynasty, and they came up and killed a peak powerhouse who was a third-rank Linxian. What is the intention?"

"The decree of the two realms clearly stipulates that the immortal kings are not allowed to attack, and the immortal kings are not allowed to make waves in other realms, otherwise they will be regarded as provocations, and our clan's arrogance should attack them together!"

The middle-aged man speaks righteously, and there is a faint light of chaos all over his body.

"This old thief has actually broken through to Linxian!" Han Ziqi saw the person coming, his murderous intent spewed out, and the mirror in his hand emitted a frightening light.

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous. The ancestors of Tiansheng's various races also agreed that immortals of the human race should not participate in dynasty battles, let alone massacre cultivators under Linxian. What about you? Liang Zhong, ask yourself, in the past few years, for the sake of Continue your life to improve your cultivation, how many mortals and cultivators have your father Liang Kou murdered? Don’t you really know that you are my king?!" Han Wang angrily scolded, with a raging killing intent.

"There is no basis for what you say, and the surname Han has the ability to produce evidence." Liang Zhong said coldly, "In today's prosperous dynasty, this emperor is the destiny of the people. If there is such an inhumane thing, the dynasty How could all the generals leave the palace and submit to the emperor? From this, it can be seen that the one who murdered mortals and cultivators is clearly your father who should have died a long time ago!"

"You spout blood and talk nonsense, which one of the soldiers under my king is not loyal, if you, a shameless thief, have not controlled their families these years, how could they obey you?"

"Liang Zhong, today is your death day!" Han Wang was murderous, his undulating chest contained endless killing intent, and all the aggrieved hearts were released at this moment.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you, the puppet king of Han, to be so sharp-tongued. I thought you would abdicate the throne honestly. I waited for you for a long time. I never thought that you would use the excuse of abdication to delay time." Go get rescuers."

"It's a pity that the king of Tiansheng is destined to be my Liang family, and only the Liang family is the heir to the royal family according to God's will!"

"Several, it is God's will to fight for hegemony and the replacement of the throne. Are you really going to risk provoking a war between the two worlds, go against God's will, and act recklessly?" Everyone couldn't find a single fault.

"Heh." Ye Tianxing smiled indifferently, "You said, is this God's will?"

"Of course, what the people want and what everyone expects, the soldiers of the dynasty all follow me. Isn't this the destiny, the will of heaven?"

"It's kind of interesting. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I'll argue with you. Let me ask you, what is God's will?" Ye Tianxing took a step forward, his voice was indifferent, and he looked at Liang Zhong , the two looked at each other, and the latter couldn't help but took a half step back.

"In this situation, if you hadn't intervened, the Han family would have been defeated, the years of disputes would have ended, the Tiansheng Dynasty would return to peace, and the prosperity of the dynasty is just around the corner. This is God's will!"

"The common people embrace me as king, all the generals bow their heads and proclaim their ministers to fight for me, all the immortals from all sides of Tiansheng star protect me, Tiansheng Jiangshan, Liang family prospers, Han family declines, this is God's will!"

"Natural selection, the strong are respected, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. This is also God's will!"

"Follow the will of God, you can live, and the destiny cannot be violated!" The words were sonorous and powerful, and a domineering aura rose into the sky, which actually gave birth to a vision.

"The appearance of an emperor." Seeing this, Ye Tianxing said to himself, although this Liang Zhong is not a genius among cultivators, he does have the appearance of an emperor. On the other hand, King Han looks a bit vicissitudes, sloppy, Not domineering enough, indeed not like an emperor.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of troops gathered behind Liang Zhong, and they were in a dark, menacing and extraordinary manner. On a huge stand in the center of the army, hundreds of royal ministers stood.

At this glance, Liang Zhong's words made some sense.

"If you regard this as God's will, then I waited for the right time, the right time, and did not appear in other places but just appeared here. Does this count as God's will?" Ye Tianxing asked back with a frown , rubbed his thumb over his knuckles, thought about it, and continued,

"The Han family was in decline, and the Liang family was flourishing, but my generation just appeared at the moment of the decisive battle. Doesn't this mean that it is God's will that I waited for my arrival?"

"Today you gathered hundreds of thousands of troops and a group of Linxian masters to come to the city, but we only have less than 2000 people. From the perspective of numbers, we are far behind, and from the perspective of opportunities, we have not accounted for even a little bit! "

"The timing, location, and harmony of people are all up to you. If this is really God's will, this battle will be overwhelming and unrivaled!"

"However," he changed the subject, black eyes welled up, and the corners of his mouth held a hint of coldness, "if we turn the tide without taking advantage of the timing, location, and harmony of people, does this just mean that , God’s will is so, where is the destiny?!” At this moment, a vision suddenly unfolded above the long sky, a golden holy dragon pierced the clouds to see the sun in the endless darkness, the golden light shredded the darkness and illuminated the place, and the golden holy dragon roared past , actually swallowed Liang Zhong's emperor's appearance whole.


Without any warning, Liang Zhong suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale instantly.

"What is God's will? This is God's will!" Ye Tianxing lowered his eyes, his domineering side leaked.

"The bloodline of the golden holy dragon." Grub stared at the golden dragon in the sky, unfamiliar with the waves, and couldn't help sighing, "Bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, you little fellow, you are really lucky."

"What did you do?!" Liang Zhong's eyes were scarlet, and for no reason he felt as if his whole body had collapsed, and his back was dripping with sweat, looking at the black-robed man in front of him, he felt terrified for no reason.

"Liang Zhong's imperial aura has been swallowed up, how is this possible?" Such a scene has never been heard or seen before.


Ye Tianxing made waves and stepped forward. Immediately, the golden holy dragon above Changtian uttered a shocking roar, sweeping away the darkness, and pouring down the sky with golden light.

"Girl, see clearly, what is the appearance of an emperor." With his back to Han Ziqi, he said lightly,


His feet buzzed, waves suddenly rose, and the domineering coercion swept away from him. The majesty of the emperor and the aura of the overlord swept across at this moment. The war horses roared together, and an astonishing phenomenon of kneeling on the ground appeared inconceivably. The aura of hundreds of thousands of troops was crushed, and they knelt down under this coercion. , kneeling on one knee.

"What's going on here?" Liang Zhong's legs trembled, his domineering aura was gone, and there was only endless fear left at this moment. Under this coercion, even Lin Xian couldn't resist it all.

"If you are an emperor, you should have an unyielding heart. You can lose your life, but you can't lose your domineering spirit!" He said slowly, and every time he took a step forward, his domineering power would increase by one point. Liang Zhong was like a king in the world. However, under Ye Tianxing's coercion, his spirit was devastated, fear filled his whole body, and he was completely suppressed mentally, without a trace of the emperor's style.

"Since you are going against the will of heaven, don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless," Liang Zhong's eyes were scarlet, full of murderous intent, his expression gradually darkened, and he shouted, "all the officers and men obey orders, for the glory of heaven, for the prosperity of Liang's family, for the sake of this emperor Fight to the last man!"


Headed by the Amber Army, dozens of generals let out a low growl, their bodies surged with energy, resisting Ye Tianxing's coercion, stood up together, and the Amber Army followed behind them. In a moment, a powerful fighting spirit came from the Amber Army. Zhong soared into the sky, relying on a strong fighting spirit to resist Ye Tianxing's coercion.

Such a scene is indeed surprising. You must know that even the strong Linxian cannot retreat under this coercion, let alone under Linxian.

It can be seen from this that this Amber Army can indeed be regarded as the elite of the elite. Although the average level is not high, the killing intent on the body is not to be underestimated.

"go with!"

Suddenly, Liang Zhong sacrificed a spell and flew towards Ye Tianxing. His keen perception made Ye Tianxing aware of a slight crisis, and the Bahuang Pagoda swept out, quickly zoomed in, and enveloped everyone in it.

With a roar, the spell exploded on Bahuang Pagoda.


Horrific explosions resounded in the tower, and the sound waves were deafening. Even Ye Tianxing's cultivation was a bit unbearable. He quickly propped up a thick barrier to isolate the people behind him, so as to avoid being attacked. The ravages of sound waves.

But the outside world is different. The terrifying power of the explosion was bounced off the tower and rushed into the army. The entire army of the Dynasty was wiped out by the sudden wind. The slightly weaker cultivators died miserably on the spot, and even those who were strong in Huaxu were all shocked to the point of bleeding.

"The power of this detonating talisman is really not small. If I am not careful, even I will be injured." Ye Tianxing said in shock.

The blow failed, Liang Zhong cursed secretly, and wanted to escape, Ye Tianxing naturally couldn't just let him go, gathered the Bahuang Pagoda, locked Liang Zhong firmly with his spiritual sense, and tore open the void with his big hands to catch him.

The big hand was approaching menacingly, Liang Zhong's expression changed dramatically when he saw this, and he made seals with both hands, and sacrificed a flying sword, slashing at the big hand,

"Go to hell!" He said viciously, this is his divine weapon, forged with the blood of countless living beings, it is extremely lethal,

However, it was such an immortal weapon that was crushed the moment it touched Ye Tianxing's big hand.


In just one moment of fighting, the immortal soldier was destroyed, and Liang Zhong immediately spewed out another mouthful of blood. He stared in horror at the big hand that was attacking him, and the souls of the dead trembled.

"Damn what a freak you are!" he growled.

"I don't know whether I should admire your courage or your IQ. Even a master who is at the peak of the third rank of Linxian can easily lose here. How dare you single-handedly approach me at the beginning of the first rank of Linxian."

"Are you confident in your own strength?" Ye Tianxing said coldly, his big hand grabbed Liang Zhong's arm dozens of miles away, "Can you run away?"

Liang Zhong's speed was surprisingly fast, surpassing the speed of ordinary Linxian masters, but he couldn't escape Ye Tianxing's palm.

Seeing that he was about to pull him back, he suddenly gritted his teeth, flipped his hand and sacrificed a blood talisman, spewing out a mouthful of blood, the blood talisman instantly sent out strong fluctuations, and the densely packed runes lit up,

Ye Tianxing's eyes sank, and his big hand suddenly exerted force. With a scream and roar, the blood mist spread, Liang Zhong escaped out of thin air, and only a bloody arm remained in Ye Tianxing's hand.

"Boy, today's humiliation will be returned tenfold!" An unwilling roar came from the depths of the void.

Ye Tianxing stared at the direction in which he was escaping, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "Do you think that with such a heavy guarantee, you can escape?"

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