Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 197 The First General Under the Immortal King

Over the Demon God's Tomb Square,


Under the blood-red scarlet moon, a gigantic horned phantom beast manifested, tens of feet tall, like a hill, its skin was dark metallic, filled with ancient mottled runes, lingering around its body.

The huge horn, which was as black as ink and shone with metallic luster, slammed into Feng Lingzhu fiercely,

The Phoenix Lingzhu trembled, and there was no light in the shaking. The sky was knocked out of a cave by a corner, and a boundless storm raged.

A celestial artifact was torn to shreds, and the demon general grub displayed his supernatural power. He fought alone against the five three-out-of-the-world powerhouses. His incomparable posture moved the mysterious world.

"Quasi Immortal King!!!" Feng Ju's pretty face was pale, relying on the existence of Feng Lingzhu, barely resisted the grub's attack, but was still seriously injured.


The entire demon tomb is trembling, the eyes of the giant horned phantom are scarlet, and billowing steam is gushing out from its nasal cavity, forming a sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist.



He hit it again, and the tomb of the demon god was turned upside down. The outer barrier was smashed by the foot of the giant-horned phantom beast. Waves and winds blew up, and the Tianhe collapsed. The scarlet demonic energy condensed, and blood rained down in the Demon God's Valley for a while.

"This guy, you are so messed up!" Daming Peacock King showed bitterness. He stood above the Demon God's Tomb and tried his best to protect the Demon God's Tomb from collapsing. To stabilize the tomb of the demon gods and not be shaken by the waves.

At first, he was a little reluctant. After all, Feng Ju had the Immortal King Dao Artifact in his hand, plus five other three-leaving powerhouses joined forces. Such a lineup should not be underestimated.

But after revealing his body, the demon general Grub once again proved with his ferocious power that the number one under the fairy kings of Mysterious Xiaoxuan Realm is not just for nothing!

With one's own strength, he suppressed five three-time departure masters. This kind of record is really shocking.

"Feng Ju, what else do you have to say?" Grub's bloody eyes burst into flames, stomping his feet, the whole Valley of the Demon Gods trembled three times, he took two steps closer to Feng Ju, and the latter's pale complexion suddenly flushed, Breathing is almost stagnant, and the feeling of oppression is indescribable. This is still under the condition of the protection of the Immortal King's Dao Artifact. Without the protection of the Immortal King's Dao Artifact, one can imagine the result.

"The name of the demon general, Feng Ju learned it!" Feng Ju made a tactic with both hands, and Feng Lingzhu's magic light was displayed to resist the coercion of the grub, "Today I lost, but this matter is not over, my Phoenix family will surely die in the future." Come and visit!"

After the words fell, Feng Ju quickly fled away without hesitation under the protection of Feng Lingzhu.

"If you say go, you can go? You don't have to pay any price, and if it spreads, you will think that our Chu family is so easy to bully!" The grub snorted coldly, and with only one breath, a tornado was set off.

Feeling bad about Feng Ju, she turned into a phoenix and traveled through the turbulent void,

However, through the turbulent flow of the distant void, a big hand shattered the void in front of Feng Ju, Feng Ju was bleeding, and the big hand grasped Feng Ju in the palm of the river across the void,

"No...!" Huofeng screamed, and Fengju screamed.

"I will take a phoenix bone from you today. If you dare to do it again next time, the ancestors of your clan will not be able to protect you!" The domineering and sonorous voice resounded through the turbulent void, and then spread to all directions of the Demon God Valley, shocking everyone. demon.

"This guy is really ferocious!" The rest of the Immortal-level masters from all races trembled when they saw it, and they were glad that they did not participate in this battle, otherwise they would inevitably suffer from bone-breaking cramps.

"A quasi-immortal king, this guy just stepped into the three-leaved realm back then, and dared to challenge the peak existence of the Lipo realm. He hasn't made a move in nearly a hundred years, and some guys have even forgotten the fierce power of the monster general of the Chu clan!"

"These old bastards really don't know how to live or die. How dare they provoke this evil star. This guy is so ruthless that he can even tear up his own people!" The king of the three-tailed emperor scorpion clan looked at the giant-horned phantom beast in the sky and sighed. I didn't know how to fight against him, and my tail was ripped off, and it took a hundred years for the tail to grow back.

"What about you? Do you want to continue fighting?" The grub approached the masters of the four clans, and the scarlet hostility surrounded the demon cloud, like a war god of Shura. asthma.

"Hmph, the monster general grub, well-deserved reputation, I'm defeated, let's not live today!"

"Farewell? Did I tell you to go?" With a big hand, the whole monster cloud was held in his hands by the grub.

"Grub, what else do you want?!" the elder of the Eight-Headed Silver Flood Dragon Clan said sharply.

"How? Hehe, good question. You started the war. Grandpa just warmed up, and you were defeated. If you lose, you will naturally have to accept punishment. Do you still want to leave unharmed?"

Hearing the words, the four three departure masters immediately showed serious expressions,

"Grub, don't deceive people too much. It was your clan who slaughtered the elites of our two clans, and you have already destroyed our natal immortal soldiers. What else do you want?!"

"Demon God Sacrifice, the elites of your clan were killed. That's because their skills are not as good as others, and they deserve it, but when it comes to the younger generation, how can you old meddlers intervene? Just want to escape punishment if a few immortal soldiers are damaged? I really think I'm a bully!" ?!"

When the four of them heard the words, their faces were ashen, their teeth itching with hatred,

"Then what do you think?"

"Simple, I am not an unreasonable person. The old silver dragon ghost has eight heads, including the neck. Cut off seven for me. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. I miss the taste of fried dragon necks!"


"I'm too angry, grub, don't bully me too much! If I work hard, you may not be able to take advantage!" The elders of the eight silver dragons smoked from their seven orifices, and their gums were ringing. In this small mysterious world, eight silver dragons It is also a big clan. In the demon world, has the clan with the blood of the royal family ever been treated as meat?

"The old man is considerate. I know that I have a big appetite, and seven dragon necks are not enough to eat, so I want to give me eight!!" The grub sneered, and the killing intent swept across in the next moment, and his big hand was suppressed towards the elder Yin Jiao,

Elder Yinjiao's complexion changed drastically, he burned the dragon's essence and blood and wanted to go up to fight, but in an instant he was crushed by the grub and exploded his protective energy, and fell back to his original shape.

"Cut, I'll cut!!" Before death approached, the elder Silver Flood Dragon was terrified, and finally chose to give in while roaring.

During the speech, the grub looked at the elder of the vulture tribe, and the elder of the vulture clan murmured and trembled in his heart.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you. The vulture meat is too unpalatable and smells bad. I don't like it, so you can use 500 years of cultivation to condense a blood potion. I think my niece can use it."

"Five, 500 years?!"

"What, you want to try it too? Welcome, my niece. My niece has made a collection of ten thousand monsters, and I happen to be short of a vulture of the Immortal level as a specimen."

When Elder Cangjiu heard this, his face turned pale with fright. The evil star in front of him could really do what he said.

He had no choice but to dedicate 500 years of cultivation to condense the blood potion.

"Uh, grub, the two of us were dragged into the water by the two of them. You also know that there is actually not much enmity between our two clans. See if you can let the two of me go. From now on, we will be well The water does not interfere with the river water, how about it?" The two forced a smile and asked, their voices were a little humble.

Grub looked at the two of them, scratched his head and thought for a few breaths, then nodded and said, "You two clans and our Chu clan really don't have much grievances, so it's not impossible to let you go!"

When the two heard this, their faces were overjoyed,

"The meat of the bloody crow smells worse than that of the old vulture, but the meat of the tengu meat tastes pretty good."

Hearing this, the old man of the Big Tengu clan's complexion suddenly sank, "I can't do it, I can't do it, the tengu meat is not delicious, I, I,... I'm also coquettish..." Elder Tengu also said cheekily in order to save his life.

"How about this, what are the treasures of the two of you, hand them all over, if this seat is satisfied, I will let the two of you go." Grab laughed.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. It is better to hand over the treasures of heaven and earth than to lose their lives. These old bones cannot withstand cramping and peeling.

In a moment, the treasures of heaven, material and earth that the two took out piled up into a hill, which was picked by the grub, which almost emptied the two of them.

"Not enough, not enough!" Grub shook his head as he looked at the accumulated treasures of heaven, material and earth. "Except for the few fairy plants, these things are all rubbish."

"This, isn't that enough?! This has emptied the two of us!" The hearts of the two were bleeding, and they handed over all kinds of elixir, celestial medicine, fragments of celestial artifacts, and celestial gold and cold iron for refining.

"I heard that the blood crow family is good at refining blood armor with blood sacrifices. I don't have high requirements. I have a set of superb blood armor. If you can hand it over, you can leave. If you can't, you can only use 300 years of cultivation to refine it." It's a blood potion." The grub spread his hands helplessly.

"Grub!!" Hearing this, the old man of the Blood Crow Clan was furious, "Excellent Blood Armor? If you want the old man's life, just say so, why humiliate me!"

"Why? Have an opinion? If you have an opinion, you don't have to submit it. Let's change the transaction method." He smiled lewdly, revealing a naive and harmless smile.

"Do you know that the old man has practiced for more than two thousand years, but he has only refined three sets of blood armor. Do you know how much it costs to sacrifice a set of blood armor?" Elder Blood Crow asked angrily.

Grab nodded, "I know, and because I know, I asked you for a set."

"You, don't deceive people too much! Offending my Blood Crow Clan will not do you Chu Clan any good!"

"I was scared out of my head? Since you sacrificed three sets, I will take it myself. It just so happens that my nephew Kong Xuan also lacks one set." The grub rolled up his sleeves and was about to do it.

The blood crow's eyes were fixed, and the evil spirit was soaring into the sky. With a roar, the pressure suddenly shook the sky.

"Old ghost, don't mess around, the loss is not worth the loss!" Elder Tiangou persuaded.

"Don't stop me!" Elder Blood Crow rushed into the sky, his voice raised several times.

"I didn't see it, it's still a bit bloody!" The corner of the grub's mouth was raised slightly, and when he was about to get excited, he saw a bloody light in front of him, wrapped in a neat set of battle armor, which was the blood armor he refined.

"Is it enough!?" Elder Blood Crow said murderously.

Grub looked at the blood armor, his eyes lit up, and he called baby, but he was dissatisfied and said, "This is only middle-grade, not even high-grade, not enough, or you can add another one." ? Nephews and nieces must be leveled with a bowl of water."

The blood crow hates it so much, this armor is a complete set, the defense is amazing, even a high-grade fairy weapon can't hurt a bit, and the best blood armor, even he himself doesn't have it.

"he~" He had a mouthful of old phlegm stuck in his throat, he didn't dare to spit it out, he shook his sleeves angrily, and then fled here without looking back.

"I don't have any treasures on me, only this glazed bowl is left, which can gather the spiritual energy of the world, the sun, the moon, and the brilliance. If you want, you can take it. There is nothing else!" Elder Tiangou eagerly handed out the glazed bowl, feeling as if his heart had been cut by a knife. .

"This little bowl is really good, forget it this time, you go, remember to bring some good treasures with you next time!"

Elder Tiangou shouted bad luck, but he didn't dare to curse, he fled away in a hurry, he didn't dare to stay for a while, for fear that this ghost ancestor would change his mind again.

Not long after, Elder Yinjiao beheaded seven of his own heads, including his neck. For a while, his aura was sluggish to the extreme, and his cultivation base dropped a lot, but fortunately his life was saved. Elder Cangjiu condensed a blood amber with 500 years of cultivation base. Dan, the realm has dropped directly from the soul-departing state to the early stage of the form-departing state, which is terrible.

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