Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 196 Three Different Pupils

"Something's wrong!" Feng Lingxi's expression was ugly, with a strong sense of uneasiness.

"What's wrong? Master Lingxi, don't worry too much. It must be the elders who prevented this guy from escaping, so he sealed off this place. After a while, he came out with that guy's body!"

"No matter how strong he is, he will never be the opponent of the two immortal elders!"

Feng Lingxi shook her head, "My Fengyan eyes can penetrate the barriers of the mysterious world, but they cannot penetrate the darkness in the realm of the Immortal King. I can't see anything!"

"The strength of the two immortal elders is extraordinary, and it is normal for adults to be unable to see through."

"No." Feng Lingxi always felt that something was wrong.

"My lord, what should we do with this person?" A Phoenix clan's arrogance looked at Wu Ting from a distance, with a frivolous corner of his mouth.

Feng Lingxi glanced at Wu Ting, who stood tall, still domineering, and could feel his aura sluggish, it was the time when he was weakest, but the Yaozu Tianjiao who were beside him were particularly afraid and did not dare to move forward.

"He is at the end of his strength and vulnerable to a single blow. He has no grievances with our Feng Clan. How to deal with it is up to the few to decide for themselves!"

Feng Lingxi raised her voice, deliberately speaking to the masters of the four clans.

Originally, they were worried that Wu Ting would have a backup and did not dare to launch an offensive hastily. Hearing this, the masters of the monster clan suddenly filled their hearts with evil spirits.

"I said a long time ago that this guy has no power to fight!"

"You guys, he hurt the holy son of your clan, so he will be beheaded by you!" He said so, but no one dared to act rashly. Who knew how terrifying this kind of guy's counterattack before he died.

The Eight-Headed Silver Flood Dragon and the other Tianjiao glanced at each other, then bit the bullet and launched an offensive.

Wu Ting's face darkened, he kicked his feet, and was about to deal with Ziwu Qi, the Silver Flood Dragon, when he couldn't lift his body up, he suddenly became anxious and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Wu Ting at his feet suddenly exerted force to send Wu Ting flying, out of Wu Ting's control.

"Kill, kill! Kill him for Lao Tzu!" Wu Qi, who was out of trouble, was extremely angry, roaring wildly, and was trembling under the feet of others. This kind of shame and humiliation will be a lingering stain in his life.

"Give it to me!" At this time, the Holy Son of Vulture also came over, "Wu Qi, it's great that you are fine, I will not dare to act rashly in consideration of your safety!"

"Wu Qi, watch me avenge you!" The blood crow saint son waved his blood robe, enveloping a cloud of blood crows towards Wu Ting, "This kind of blood food is a great tonic, hehehe!" He thought to himself.

When everyone saw this, they knew it well, but they didn't expose it, and the mortal body was useless to them.

Seeing that the blood crow was about to succeed, the already dark sky suddenly became as black as ink,

The black cocoon that was originally in the distance has been opened, instantly covering this world.

"Old Ye." Wu Ting murmured, staring at the figure that shuttled through the dark void, feeling a little worried.

He is well aware of the horror of that power, and the things behind that power make him very worried about its safety.

"Should die, human beings, it is an honor in your life to be the blood food of this Holy Son!" The Holy Son of the Blood Raven laughed wildly and approached him.

In front of Wu Ting, the attack from the Eight-Headed Silver Jiao Tianjiao had landed in front of him, disappearing out of thin air one foot in front of him.

Then only two screams were heard, and the attack that disappeared out of thin air came out from behind them, and happened to land on the backs of the two of them.

"What's the situation?!" The Blood Raven Son seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned around,

The pupils contracted, and in horror, only a face with black hair was seen,

Indifferent and ruthless, he had already stood behind him at some point.

"Run!" He didn't hesitate.

A big hand grabbed his throat, and under the strong desire to survive, he instantly turned into a bloody crow and fled.

"Can you run away?" The cold and playful voice was like a death talisman from ghosts and gods.

"Don't kill me, you and I have no grudges, I'll leave now, and I won't attack again!" The blood crow was terrified, far surpassing the powerful perception of the same kind, let him clearly know how terrifying the guy behind him is.

With just one glance, he knew clearly that this was not an opponent he could contend with.

But, it's all too late.

The fleeing blood crows turned into a blood mist in an instant with Ye Tianxing's grasp, without even the slightest ability to resist.


The prides of the four clans are trembling,

"Why isn't he dead?!"

"Where's the elder?!"

At the Phoenix Clan, Feng Lingxi stared at the blood-stained figure, and it was the first time that his Dao heart was shaken so thoroughly.

In the dripping blood, there are the elders of their clan.


Wu Qi's dead souls are all out, only this word is in their minds,

The Tianjiao of the Blood Raven clan only knew that their holy son was easily wiped out,

In the next moment, a group of more than a dozen people sacrificed spiritual weapons to kill the general,

"Come on!"

Ye Tianxing walked slowly, but one step had the potential to ascend to the sky. He shook the spirit weapon with his bare hands, and touched the immortal-level peerless spirit weapon, which instantly turned into raw materials between his fingers.

One palm, one punch, incomparably random, but killing people invisible.

No one can resist his blow, and there is no enemy in the field.

"The devil, the devil!" The trembling voice was full of despair.


The fleeing Tianjiao bumped into the barrier and used the fairy weapon in a panic, but found that the barrier could not be shaken at all.

"Why can't it be split!"

"Smash it open for me!"

"What is this thing, get the hell out of here!" Wu Qi roared in despair, Ye Tianxing's figure behind him was getting closer and closer, his slow footsteps caused a slight wave of air, harvesting life with every step he took.

In front of him, life is worthless!

"This, what kind of monster?!" The pride of the Phoenix family all had weak legs and feet, and the pride of heaven, who was usually regarded as the leader of the party, was like a bull and a horse under the hands of that person, and was killed at will.

It's not cold yet, why do people tremble?


Amidst the screams, a strong smell of blood permeated the space, and the essence of life condensed into lumps of blood essence.

"He seems to be a different person!" Feng Lingxi said to himself, the person in front of him still had the same face, but his aura was completely different.

"Destruction, there is only destruction left on him!" She murmured, her pupils changed subtly at this moment, and then her temperament also began to change accordingly.

"My lord, what should we do? Think of a way!" All the Tianjiao were instantly killed, and no one would want to resist after seeing this scene.

"The devil, he is the devil!"

"Feng Lingxi, help!" Wu Qi rushed towards Feng Lingxi, this was his last straw,

The screams of despair are intensifying. No one can escape in the narrow space. The Holy Son of the Vulture tried to escape from this space with the method of blood sacrifice. He exhausted his essence and blood to escape three times, but he still couldn't escape. Finally, he was disheartened. Feeling cold, desperate to die.

"You guys, what else do you have to say?" Ye Tianxing bathed in fresh blood, stepped in front of Feng Lingxi, just stood there quietly, and scared the Phoenix Clan's Tianjiao to tremble.

Feng Lingxi stared at Ye Tianxing, although she was afraid, she didn't show too much panic.

"The body of the barren body, domineering and pure, you are a barren body, why are you mixed with such evil and cold power!"

"You are not human, but the embodiment of evil!"

She looked directly at Ye Tianxing, her eyes sparkled with phoenix flames, and her different pupils shimmered and rippled, sweeping across Ye Tianxing's whole body, then her black eyebrows frowned slightly, and a look of shock appeared on her pretty face, "That road behind you The dark face of prey should be the evil you created, and you will be swallowed by him in the end!"

There was a slight ripple on Ye Tianxing's indifferent expression, he stared into her eyes, this girl's pupils were different from others.

"San Sheng Tong!" The demon king Chu Kuangshan said in shock.

Ye Tianxing slowly raised his palm, an invisible oppression surged in the void and enveloped the pride of the Phoenix clan,

Death is close at hand.

"I don't want to die! Let's fight!" The golden phoenix appeared, and the flames burned the sky,

However, the next moment, a vortex appeared in the void, sucking the Golden Phoenix into it,

After that, there was no more sound, nor any life fluctuations.

It was as if he had never been in this world, and all traces had been wiped clean.

"Huang Si!!"

Death is only a moment, but those who stay to witness the death are the most painful.

"I was originally entrusted by others to participate in the Demon God Sacrifice, and I had no intention of being an enemy to you, but you are too aggressive," Ye Tianxing said indifferently, three vortexes appeared in the darkness, completely covering the pride of the Phoenix clan.

"It's just to blame, you robbed something you shouldn't have robbed."

"This demon flower doesn't belong to you either. It was originally planted by a senior 2000 years ago. I just retrieved it on his behalf. Why should I grab it?"

Between the words, the three vortexes had swallowed up the Phoenix Clan's Tianjiao.

near death,

Feng Lingxi laughed, her expression completely changed, and so did her breath.

Ye Tianxing was surprised and puzzled.

"I have witnessed your death, and I will also witness your rebirth!" She said a rambling sentence with a completely different tone, and then, a powerful force tore apart the solid Devouring Barrier from above. .

Immortal light descended from the sky, and a beam of light descended from the long sky, covering Fenglingxi, and the Devouring Whirlpool retreated under this immortal light.

He hastily stretched out his palm, intending to penetrate the light beam and kill Feng Lingxi, but at this moment, the Phoenix blood beads flew from a distance to protect her body.


The sacred bones of the barren body appeared, and the devouring flames wrapped their fists and blasted towards Fenglingxi,

But the next moment, Feng Xuezhu, who had been in a calm state, suddenly revived, and the spirit of the sleeping immortal soldier revived, bursting out with unmatched power, and even Ye Tianxing, who was blessed with the sacred bones of the barren body, was blown away.

"How could it be!" Ye Tianxing's expression changed drastically, his dark pupils flashed with brilliance, Feng Lingxi was right in front of him, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"She seems to be a different person!" Ye Tianxing felt a breath different from before from her body, her eyes flashed with strange three colors, and her breath also changed with the color of her pupils.

Feng Lingxi stood in the beam of light and looked at Ye Tianxing quietly, a faint faintness that had never been seen on her pretty face, the coldness of the previous coldness was gone, leaving a gentle smile, and a trace of residual temperature.

Ye Tianxing was puzzled in every possible way.

"We will meet again." She whispered softly, Xianguang took Feng Lingxi away, but left Ye Tianxing with many questions.

"Senior, do you know anything?"

"Three lives with different pupils. It is rumored that there are immortals in the world who reincarnate in the world of mortals and live forever. One pupil in one life, and three pupils in three lives!"

"You mean, she has been reincarnated for the third time?"

"Indeed, I didn't expect such a person to exist in the Phoenix Clan, and I don't know which ancestor of the Phoenix Clan has been reincarnated to this day!"

"So, didn't I offend a big man?"

"Not necessarily, it should be that her soul from one of her lives has awakened just now, but her tone is not hostile to you, and she even seems to know you. Is it possible that the kid is also the reincarnation of some old monster?"

"It shouldn't be, the ancestor of the Cheng family is the only one who has been famous for tens of thousands of years, and the ancestor of the Cheng family." Yao Jun's voice paused, and he turned to you, "Is it possible that you are the reincarnation of the ancestor of the Cheng family?!"

"How is it possible? If I were reincarnated, how could I not have any treasures around me?" Ye Tianxing shook his head, feeling absurd.

"That's right, the ancestor of the Cheng family is such an amazing generation, he has already died in the battle between heaven and earth. If he really did not die and reincarnated, he should have become famous in the world long ago!" How could it be so unknown.

"Old witch, how is your injury?" Dispersing the Devouring Barrier and Immortal King Domain, Ye Tianxing plundered to Wu Ting's side.

Wu Ting shook his head, "Small injury, it's you who use that power like this, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry." Ye Tianxing handed a blood coagulation pill to help Wu Ting refine it.

A moment later, a blue luan circled down, and a white tiger in the blue sky rushed towards it.

"Old night, old witch!"

"Boss, old witch!" Qu Wencang and Chen Jingqiu rushed over in a panic.

"My lord, are you all right?" Chu Li asked with concern.

"Brother, let me see, are you not injured?!" Pei Shan looked at him eagerly and caringly, this is the eldest brother he just met.

"I'm fine, the old witch was hurt a little."

"That's good! That's good, but worry my little brother to death!"

"No, what about those bastards? Why can't they be seen?"

When they came back to their senses, everyone was amazed,

At this time, nine figures descended from the void, and each of them was a powerful existence above Linxian.

"Is this the background of the demon clan in Mysterious Xiaojie?" Ye Tianxing was startled. Looking at the Milky Way Starfield, there was no Linxian in the entire southern wilderness, but these big families had far more than one Linxian. , a master of this level is enough to sweep a field in the Milky Way.

"Little friend, what happened here?!" At the head was an old man in a fire-colored robe. The elders are much stronger.

"Nothing happened here." Ye Tianxing said lightly.

The elders looked around, the air was still filled with the smell of blood that had not dissipated, the elders suddenly looked at Ye Tianxing in shock, and then comprehended not to ask further questions.

"Xiao Li, please come back to the family, please treat me well, let's go to help Mr. Grass, and we will be back in a while!" After the voice fell, the figures of the nine people had already fled here.

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