Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 191 Thrilling 1 blow

"It's him!" Grub looked at the figure in the Eight Desolation Profound Fire, slightly surprised.

"Grub, do you know him?" A middle-aged man followed his reputation. The man wore a green crown and a green robe embroidered with a peacock. He was majestic and majestic. He was the Peacock King of Ming Dynasty, Kong Li.

"This son is the young man of the human race invited by my lady. His strength is very good, but I didn't expect him to be as strong as Huo Pingzhang."

"Oh? Foreign aid from the Chu family?" Hearing the sound, the eyes of Da Ming Peacock King and Three-tailed Emperor Scorpion lit up.

"That's the third city? It's lost!" The Promise Pearl illuminated it, and all the scenes of the third city were manifested.

"This situation is not very good. Judging by this posture, the third city can still be taken back."

"It's not very good, but the strength of this young man of the human race is really terrifying, and he can even resist the Eight Desolation Profound Fire!"

"Look at that vision, does it look like a deserted body vision?!" Someone shouted, and for a moment, countless eyes locked on the void where Ye Tianxing in the Wuji Pearl was located.

"It's really a vision of the barren body of the human race!"

"Dare to shake the dragon's precious body with one hand, no wonder!"

"The barren body of the human race is rare in the world. It is only in the late stage of Void Transformation that it has such power and power, and it has entered the invincible forbidden area. This talent can be called a monster. This child will definitely dominate the area!"


In the Eight Desolation Fierce Formation, Ye Tianxing was bathed in the Eight Desolation Profound Fire, intact, holding a gun that lifted the sky, and fighting in the thunder.

The tip of the spear provoked a ten thousand zhang light, and one shot shattered the Nine Layers Mountain!

"Since Tianlu, you are the first opponent I have encountered who has stepped into the invincible forbidden area and can fight with me. The treasure body of the dragon clan is really extraordinary!"

"If you lose an opponent like you, I will feel sorry for you!"

"Don't be ashamed, do you think you will win?"

Huo Pingzhang soared into the sky, and the Eight Desolation Profound Fire formed two fire dragons on both sides of it. During the whistling, the dragon's power was mighty, and the endless heaven and earth spiritual energy poured into the Eight Desolation Profound Fire, gathering in all directions,

The white dragon raised his head, a bright pearl condensed in the center of the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo, the fire dragon circled around the dragon ball, and the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo surged up.

"Why do you do this, I don't hesitate to consume the dragon's body in order to win!" Ye Tianxing stared at this scene, his eyes sank.

"Stop talking nonsense, the winner will be decided today. I, Huo Pingzhang, will never be defeated by mere human beings. I am the body of a real dragon!"

The dragon's chant resounded, and the Eight Desolation Profound Fire became even hotter and frantic with the influx of endless spiritual energy from heaven and earth!

"Huo Pingzhang, are you crazy!" This time it was Chu Li who spoke out. At this moment, her face changed from the previous happy face, and her pretty face was full of worry.

Kong Xuan stared at the illuminated chaotic galaxy without looking back, but the light in his eyes dimmed a lot when he heard that sound.

With a solemn expression, Feng Lingxi turned into a fire phoenix and rushed towards the chaotic void.

Chu Li's jade feet lightened, walked through the fire, penetrated through many faults in an instant, and ascended to the sky.

"Xiao Li, don't go!" The First Prince called out, but it was too late.

Suddenly, between the sky and the earth, three lights and shadows turned into rainbows and soared into the sky.

In the chaotic galaxy, in the Eight Desolation and Fierce Formation, the dragon balls are getting bigger and bigger, and a force that makes the world eclipsed is gradually brewing to the extreme.

"My son, you can't!" Outside the Demon God Tomb, the middle-aged man with the head of a dragon stood up abruptly,

"It's just a demon god sacrifice, Second Highness is too competitive!"

The situation was very serious. Outside the Demon God Tomb, several masters looked at each other and rose into the air one after another, preparing to open the barrier and end the Demon God Sacrifice ahead of schedule.

"There is only death, no defeat!" Huo Pingzhang lost his strength for a moment, the dragon's body was dimmed and turned into a human body, a slight arc curled up in the corner of his mouth, "Go!"

The dazzling light, the power of extreme violence is getting more and more turbulent!

Ye Tianxing felt a headache when he saw this, but he couldn't stop Huo Pingzhang from making a decision, "Oh, why is this so!" He sighed, staring at the pearl that illuminated the galaxy and the destructive aura emanating from it, the barren body His body was faintly touched by that force, and under the voice, three golden leaves swept out, instantly turning into thousands, forming a tornado, wrapping the dragon ball.

Then, he formed a seal with both hands, and Taoist formulas flew, covering it into a cocoon, and a silk thread from the sky wrapped around the cocoon body,

Then, the black dragon whizzed past, thundering heavily, and swallowed the cocoon into its belly.

"My lord, be merciful, don't hurt him, Dragon Ball." Chu Li flew to persuade him, and Feng Lingxi also rushed to Huo Pingzhang, supporting him.

"do not come!"

Ye Tianxing lowered his eyes, his expression was not very good-looking, the black dragon let out a shocking roar, and a force in his body expanded rapidly, illuminating the whole black dragon's body transparently and brightly.

"Huh~" Ye Tianxing took a step forward, the Buddha's light filled the sky, the immortal Buddha lotus was in full bloom, and the Bahuang Pagoda was lowered at the same time.

However, even so, the black dragon exploded first, and a burst of extremely compressed power gushed out.

"This guy, what a lunatic!" Ye Tianxing's eyes were fixed, and the Four Elephant Steps were urged to the extreme, and the big hand covered with the unworldly Buddha lotus grabbed the center of the explosive force.

The next moment, a shocking power resounded through the galaxy, and behind Ye Tianxing, the sacred bone of the desolate body emerged, and the overwhelming coercion made all the peerless talents present kneel down.

"Don't hurt my son!" The sound of the dragon's chant resounded throughout the world, Huo Qing, the patriarch of the white dragon, turned into a white dragon, and rushed straight to the enchantment of the demon god sacrifice.

"No!" Chu Li looked at Ye Tianxing's posture, her heart tightened,

"It's you!!" Feng Lingxi's eyes changed suddenly, she held a bead in her hand, and she urged Feng Lingxi to attack Ye Tianxing suddenly.

"What's the situation? The Immortal King Dao Artifacts are all used!"

The situation suddenly got out of control, and Huo Pingzhang, who had lost his support, was on the verge of falling. Chu Li's delicate body flashed, and she rushed to his side and supported him.


Between the heaven and the earth, a shocking aftermath of the explosion was completely released. With the blessing of the dragon's breath technique and the invincible Huo Pingzhang's full blow, even Lin Xian would have to drink hatred once he turned to the peak.


The four elephant sutras are urged to the extreme, and the four elephants merge to form a heretic golem holding the restless dragon ball in the palm of its hand!

"Looking for death!" Feng Lingxi urged Feng Lingzhu to attack, one can imagine how terrifying the power of the Immortal King's Dao Artifact is.

Ye Tianxing's eyes were fixed, not daring to be negligent, and the body of the immortal king behind him gathered together, holding a black sword in his hand, and collided with the attacking Feng Lingzhu.



The sky and the earth exploded, the galaxy collapsed, and a wave of terror that was many times stronger than the power released by the dragon balls suddenly scattered.

"Quickly spread out!" King Xiaopeng's pupils shrank.

"Limei, leave quickly!" Chi Yi yelled, and was about to rush forward when he was dragged back by King Xiaopeng, who flew back suddenly with Chi Yi in his wings.

On the edge of the wave, looking at the roaring terrifying power, Chu Li sacrificed a handful of immortal soldiers and set up a barrier to envelop her and Huo Pingzhang.

However, under this destructive power, ordinary immortal soldiers couldn't stop it at all.


Amidst countless shocking sounds, there was chaos outside the demon god's tomb,

A big explosion in the Milky Way submerged the entire world, and the terrible impact raged for about a stick of incense before it completely receded.


"Are you going to kill everyone here?!" There was a roar of anger in the chaotic void, and then a figure in extreme embarrassment shook out,

"It's not dead!"

"Even the Immortal King's Dao Artifact can't kill this guy!" Countless Tianjiao looked at this scene and were shocked.

Ye Tianxing was dressed in rags, there was a bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, and the barren body was covered with bloodstains left by the raging waves.

If he hadn't reacted in time, supported him for a moment with the sacred bone of the barren body, blocked part of the attack with the transformed spirit stone, and then escaped with the escape technique, he would have been severely injured by Feng Lingxi's blow.

However, even so, he was still seriously hurt by the lingering prestige of that contamination.

"Thief, hand over the demon king's flower and the dragon ball!" Feng Lingxi scolded angrily, her face was pale, and she over-manipulated the Immortal King's Dao Artifact with her intangible body. She almost tried her best, and was backlashed by the power of the Immortal King's Dao Artifact, and was seriously injured.

If you want to manipulate power beyond ordinary people, you have to bear certain risks.

"My son!" The voice of Huo Qing, head of the White Dragon clan, resounded in the Demon God Tomb.

"Xiao Li!" The demon general grub was frantically exerting strength, and several masters were trying their best to open the barrier.

In the void not far away, Chu Li, who was hugging Huo Pingzhang tightly, opened her eyes. The moment she entered her eyes, she and Huo Pingzhang were safe and sound. Seeing this, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's going on?" She was feeling puzzled,

Suddenly, the eldest prince's roar came from below,

"Kong Xuan!"

Chu Li had a premonition of something, and quickly turned her head back, only to see a great peacock standing tall, with dry blood and weak vitality, its pale face was facing her, not moving at all, but its wings were already scorched, and its back was riddled with sores. Kong, a peacock feather was broken into two halberds.

"Little...Xiao Xuanzi?!" Chu Li's pupils condensed suddenly,

In the next moment, Kong Xuan could no longer support his numb body, and fell into the void, with blood continuously spilling into the sky.

The natal divine weapon was shattered, and the immortal weapon on his body was also damaged by this terrible impact.

"Little Xuanzi!!" Chu Li didn't care about Huo Pingzhang any more, and swept down to the falling Kong Xuan. The peacock feathers were flying in the wind, and his vitality was gradually fading.

"Xiao Xuanzi!" Chu Li panicked completely, tears welling up in her eyes, but she didn't know what was wrong.

Outside the Demon God's Tomb, the Peacock King of Ming Dynasty let out a shocking roar, "Feng Ju, if there is something to do with my son, you can wait for the battle!"


"Is this the result you want?" Ye Tianxing turned into a Changhong, shattered the void and flew to Kong Xuan's side,

He clasped his hands together, the world was firmly sealed off,

"His divine weapon was destroyed, hitting the divine soul, and the divine infant was severely damaged!" Wu Ting said in a deep voice.

"My lord, save him quickly! Save him!" At this time, Chu Li didn't have the usual look, she was just a helpless and anxious little girl.

"You still have time!"

"Old witch, don't let anyone get close to this world!" Ye Tianxing sat cross-legged on the spot, a golden light flashed out from between his eyebrows, and the baby god flew into the sky, opened his mouth and sucked in suddenly. middle.

At the same time, the divine infant chanted the Sutra of the Underworld, and passages of scriptures sank into the void, and then the galaxy receded, and the vision of the Underworld rose.

The divine infant sits cross-legged in the void of the Yellow Spring Scripture, setting off endless ripples to wash away in all directions, pulling the wandering souls that are about to dissipate.


The enchantment of the demon god sacrifice was completely opened, and the Peacock King of the Ming Dynasty suddenly descended, and the majesty of the king's presence in the world made all living beings tremble.


"Senior, please stay away!" Wu Ting said in a deep voice.

"Go away!" Da Ming Peacock King waved his hand and came to suppress Wu Ting.

"Kong Li, don't act recklessly!" From the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, a hand reached out to resist its might,

The demon general grub rushed over, "He is saving Kong Xuan, calm down!"

"How do you want me to calm down?!" A great Ming peacock covered the sky and the sun, and the terrifying power that crushed the world suddenly descended, and this enchantment also trembled.

"Calm down, Xiaoxuanzi's divine baby is damaged, you will only harm him by disturbing him like this!" Grampy stopped him.

Kong Li stared at the pale and lifeless Kong Xuan, trembling uncontrollably.

Turning suddenly to face the Phoenix family, "Feng Ju, you did a good job!" He asked angrily, just a sound wave would make the world tremble.

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